2 research outputs found

    Optimization model of a loadtruck system in an open sky coal mine

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    ilustracionesLos desaf铆os de la operaci贸n minera radican en la custodia de informaci贸n confiable y an谩lisis de esta lo que hace que sea una actividad demasiado compleja, sumado a un conjunto de labores entre m谩quina y operario que se encuentra ligado a muchos factores que son espec铆ficos dentro de una operaci贸n minera eficiente y calificada que inciden en extremo cuidado en el tiempo. Una simple ejecuci贸n que lleve al retardo de una variable con llevar铆a al desequilibrio econ贸mico y con esta la reducci贸n de la producci贸n. Dentro del proceso de actividades unitarias de miner铆a a cielo abierto tenemos el sistema pala-cami贸n que ha llegado incluso a constituir el 50% y 60% de los costos operativos, el an谩lisis adecuado de las variables involucradas en este sistema permite la toma de daciones oportunas en la operaci贸n. El sistema antes mencionado es la matriz de estudio que permitir谩 el planteamiento de un algoritmo evolutivo no determin铆stico, que admita la optimizaci贸n de los tiempos muertos del sistema pala-cami贸n en una mina de carb贸n a cielo abierto hacia la disminuci贸n de la incertidumbre que no son tenidas en cuenta en la mayor铆a de an谩lisis mineros. En el caso de nuestra investigaci贸n las nombramos como: tx (incertidumbres de ida) y ty (incertidumbre de regreso), que permita una pronta repuesta a la toma de decisiones en la planeaci贸n a corto plazo y mejore la productividad. Esta herramienta nos entrega una gama de posibles ganadores (cromosomas) con reducci贸n de tiempos m铆nimos de hasta 1,3 minutos y m谩ximos de 5,3 minutos en el tiempo de ciclo, obteniendo una ganancia hasta de 51,75 bcm/h del proceso para el caso del ejercicio aplicado, adem谩s permite ajustarse seg煤n las restricciones del evaluador teniendo en cuenta la velocidad, contantes del proceso y poblaci贸n objetivo. Dentro de la literatura los procesos estoc谩sticos en su mayor铆a se encuentra enfocados en las actividades unitarias de miner铆a polimet谩lica, con esta propuesta presentamos una herramienta aplicada a la miner铆a de carb贸n totalmente adaptativa a las condiciones de operaci贸n manual del sector en pro del desarrollo minero local. (Tomado de la fuente)The challenges of the mining operation lie in the custody of reliable information and its analysis, which makes it an activity that is too complex, added to a set of tasks between machine and operator that is linked to many factors that are specific within an efficient and qualified mining operation that takes great care in time. A simple execution that leads to the delay of a variable with would lead to economic disequilibrium and with this the reduction of production. Within the process of unit activities of open pit mining we have the shovel-truck system that has even constituted 50% and 60% of the operating costs, the adequate analysis of the variables involved in this system allows the taking of opportune data. in operation. The aforementioned system is the study matrix that will allow the approach of a non-deterministic evolutionary algorithm, which allows the optimization of the dead times of the shovel-truck system in an open-cast coal mine towards the reduction of the uncertainty that are not taken into account in most mining analyzes. In the case of our research, we name them as: tx (outward uncertainties) and ty (return uncertainty), which allows a prompt response to decision-making in short-term planning and improves productivity. This tool gives us a range of possible winners (chromosomes) with a reduction of minimum times of up to 1.3 minutes and maximum of 5, 3 minutes in cycle time, obtaining a gain of up to 57, 1 bcm / h of the process for that matter. of the applied exercise, it also allows adjusting according to the evaluator's restrictions, taking into account the speed, process constants and target population. Within the literature, stochastic processes are mostly focused on polymetallic mining unit activities, with this proposal we present a tool applied to coal mining that is fully adaptive to the manual operating conditions of the sector in favor of local mining development. (Tomado de la fuente)Maestr铆aMagister en ingenier铆a- Recursos MineralesM茅todos de los enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo y pueden involucrar la conversi贸n de datos cuantitativos en cualitativos y viceversa, por tal motivo se considera que la presente investigaci贸n cuenta con un enfoque de investigaci贸n mixtoOptimizaci贸n en miner铆

    Modelos de comportamiento seccional de hormig贸n armado ajustados a ensayos mediante algoritmos metaheur铆sticos

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    [SPA] En la tesis doctoral "Modelos de comportamiento seccional de hormig贸n armado ajustados a ensayos mediante algoritmos metaheur铆sticos" se proponen unas expresiones de comportamiento seccional capaces de proporcionar aspectos relativos a los estados de plastificaci贸n y 煤ltimo de secciones rectangulares de hormig贸n armado, como son el momento, la curvatura y el giro. Dichas expresiones se obtienen calibrando unas expresiones previamente propuestas en la literatura cient铆fica con ensayos experimentales correspondientes a vigas y pilares de secci贸n rectangular. En el proceso de calibraci贸n se emplean t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n basadas en algoritmos metaheur铆sticos.[ENG] Modelling concrete structures requires the implementation of numerical models capable of reproducing the nonlinearity of this problem adequately. In particular, the seismic behaviour of these structures requires the application of different types of models, such as models of sectional behaviour, hysteresis models and global models, being the interaction between them essential to simulate the problem in an integral way. Seismic analysis of structures is a really time-consuming process, so that the models involved need to be accurate and efficient from the point of view of computing time. Therefore, it is important to obtain simple expressions that adequately reproduce the yield and ultimate behaviour of reinforced concrete sections, which is necessary to define the properties of the plastic hinges generated in the structure when acting the seismic load. Obtaining these expressions involves proper calibration with experimental tests. In particular, if these expressions must be calibrated by an extensive database, specific numerical procedures are required, such as those based on optimization techniques, in order to achieve an optimum adjustment between the values offered by the expressions and the experimental results. In this thesis, a database composed by more than 1000 experimental tests has been analysed and a set of tests is selected such that meet with seismic and construction requirements listed in the main construction codes; several empirical expressions relating to yielding and ultimate state of rectangular reinforced concrete sections have been calibrated; and the expressions obtained are implemented in the nonlinear analysis of several reinforced concrete frames, comparing the results obtained with different methods.Universidad Polit茅cnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Medio Ambiente y Miner铆a Sostenibl