4 research outputs found


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    Discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) is gaining popularity in the area of combinatorial optimization in the recent past due to its simplicity in coding and consistency in performance.  A DPSO algorithm has been developed for orienteering problem (OP) which has been shown to have many practical applications.  It uses reduced variable neighborhood search as a local search tool.  The DPSO algorithm was compared with ten heuristic models from the literature using benchmark problems.  The results show that the DPSO algorithm is a robust algorithm that can optimally solve the well known OP test problems

    Orienteering Problem: A survey of recent variants, solution approaches and applications

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Advanced Traveller Information Systems: Optimasi Rencana Perjalanan dengan Model Orienteering Problem dan Great Deluge Iterative Local Search (Studi Kasus: Trayek Angkot Surabaya)

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    Kemacetan merupakan salah satu permasalahan terbesar untuk kota – kota besar di dunia, ini disebabkan oleh banyak hal mulai dari urbanisasi, peningkatan populasi dan permasalahan jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang lebih banyak digunakan dibandingkan dengan kendaraan umum yang disediakan. Metode yang digunakan untuk memodelkan permasalahan tersebut adalah Orientering Problem dengan pengambilan jarak dan waktu diambil menggunakan Google Maps dan penentuan skor dengan demand atau jumlah angkutan kota pada trayek tersebut, lalu formulasi permaslahaan akan dibuat sesuai dengan langkah – langkah metode tersebut. Orienteering problem diigunakan dikarenakan penelitian sebelumnya belum ada yang menggunakan terhadap studi kasus saat ini tetapi sudah teruji baik dalam permasalahan sejenis. Pencarian solusi dari model yang telah dibuat akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Great Deluge Iterative Local Search untuk mencari solusi terbaik dari model dan bagaimana pencarian skor terbesar dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan iterative local search yang disampaikan. Iteratice local search ini menyediakan kecepatan dan keefisienan dalam melakukan pencarian solusi. Dalam penelitian ini, didapati bahwa orienteering problem dapat memodelkan enam buah trayek angkot menjadi network model yang saling terhubung antara satu sama lain dan mendapatkn rute terpendeknya. Algoritma Great Deluge Iterative Local Search juga dapat meningkatkan hasil dari pencarian solusi awal yang layak dengan menggunakan cara random dengan waktu tempuh 81 menit dan skor 4010. ===================================================================== Congestion is one of the biggest problems for big cities in the world, this is caused by many things ranging from urbanization, population increase and the problem of the number of private vehicles that are more widely used than public transport provided. The method used to model the problem is Orientering Problem with distance taking and time taken using Google Maps and determining the score with the demand or the number of city transport on the route, then the formulation of the permaslahaan will be made in accordance with the steps of the method. Orienteering problem is used because previous research has not been applied to the current case study but it has been well tested in similar problems. The search for a solution of the model that has been created will be done using Great Deluge Iterative Local Search to find the best solution of the model and how the largest scoring search can be done using iterative local search submitted. Iteratice local search provides the speed and efficiency in searching for solutions. In this study, it was found that the orienteering problem can model six angkot routes into network models that are interconnected with each other and find the shortest route. The Great Deluge Iterative Local Search algorithm can also improve results from searching for a feasible initial solution using a random manner with an 81 minute travel time and a 4010 score