138 research outputs found

    Making Robust Decisions in Discrete Optimization Problems as a Game against Nature

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    In this paper a discrete optimization problem under uncertainty is discussed. Solving such a problem can be seen as a game against nature. In order to choose a solution, the minmax and minmax regret criteria can be applied. In this paper an extension of the known minmax (regret) approach is proposed. It is shown how different types of uncertainty can be simultaneously taken into account. Some exact and approximation algorithms for choosing a best solution are constructed.Discrete optimization, minmax, minmax regret, game against nature

    Single machine scheduling problems with uncertain parameters and the OWA criterion

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    In this paper a class of single machine scheduling problems is discussed. It is assumed that job parameters, such as processing times, due dates, or weights are uncertain and their values are specified in the form of a discrete scenario set. The Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) aggregation operator is used to choose an optimal schedule. The OWA operator generalizes traditional criteria in decision making under uncertainty, such as the maximum, average, median or Hurwicz criterion. It also allows us to extend the robust approach to scheduling by taking into account various attitudes of decision makers towards the risk. In this paper a general framework for solving single machine scheduling problems with the OWA criterion is proposed and some positive and negative computational results for two basic single machine scheduling problems are provided

    Complexity of the robust weighted independent set problems on interval graphs

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    This paper deals with the max-min and min-max regret versions of the maximum weighted independent set problem on interval graphswith uncertain vertex weights. Both problems have been recently investigated by Nobibon and Leus (2014), who showed that they are NP-hard for two scenarios and strongly NP-hard if the number of scenarios is a part of the input. In this paper, new complexity and approximation results on the problems under consideration are provided, which extend the ones previously obtained. Namely, for the discrete scenario uncertainty representation it is proven that if the number of scenarios KK is a part of the input, then the max-min version of the problem is not at all approximable. On the other hand, its min-max regret version is approximable within KK and not approximable within O(log⁥1−ϔK)O(\log^{1-\epsilon}K) for any Ï”>0\epsilon>0 unless the problems in NP have quasi polynomial algorithms. Furthermore, for the interval uncertainty representation it is shown that the min-max regret version is NP-hard and approximable within 2

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design

    A linear programming based heuristic framework for min-max regret combinatorial optimization problems with interval costs

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    This work deals with a class of problems under interval data uncertainty, namely interval robust-hard problems, composed of interval data min-max regret generalizations of classical NP-hard combinatorial problems modeled as 0-1 integer linear programming problems. These problems are more challenging than other interval data min-max regret problems, as solely computing the cost of any feasible solution requires solving an instance of an NP-hard problem. The state-of-the-art exact algorithms in the literature are based on the generation of a possibly exponential number of cuts. As each cut separation involves the resolution of an NP-hard classical optimization problem, the size of the instances that can be solved efficiently is relatively small. To smooth this issue, we present a modeling technique for interval robust-hard problems in the context of a heuristic framework. The heuristic obtains feasible solutions by exploring dual information of a linearly relaxed model associated with the classical optimization problem counterpart. Computational experiments for interval data min-max regret versions of the restricted shortest path problem and the set covering problem show that our heuristic is able to find optimal or near-optimal solutions and also improves the primal bounds obtained by a state-of-the-art exact algorithm and a 2-approximation procedure for interval data min-max regret problems

    Robust optimization criteria: state-of-the-art and new issues

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    Uncertain parameters appear in many optimization problems raised by real-world applications. To handle such problems, several approaches to model uncertainty are available, such as stochastic programming and robust optimization. This study is focused on robust optimization, in particular, the criteria to select and determine a robust solution. We provide an overview on robust optimization criteria and introduce two new classifications criteria for measuring the robustness of both scenarios and solutions. They can be used independently or coupled with classical robust optimization criteria and could work as a complementary tool for intensification in local searches

    An exact algorithm for the uncertain version of parallel machines scheduling problem with the total completion time criterion

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