13 research outputs found

    Concentration inequalities for order statistics

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    This note describes non-asymptotic variance and tail bounds for order statistics of samples of independent identically distributed random variables. Those bounds are checked to be asymptotically tight when the sampling distribution belongs to a maximum domain of attraction. If the sampling distribution has non-decreasing hazard rate (this includes the Gaussian distribution), we derive an exponential Efron-Stein inequality for order statistics: an inequality connecting the logarithmic moment generating function of centered order statistics with exponential moments of Efron-Stein (jackknife) estimates of variance. We use this general connection to derive variance and tail bounds for order statistics of Gaussian sample. Those bounds are not within the scope of the Tsirelson-Ibragimov-Sudakov Gaussian concentration inequality. Proofs are elementary and combine R\'enyi's representation of order statistics and the so-called entropy approach to concentration inequalities popularized by M. Ledoux.Comment: 13 page

    Almost Optimal Scaling of Reed-Muller Codes on BEC and BSC Channels

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    Consider a binary linear code of length NN, minimum distance dmind_{\text{min}}, transmission over the binary erasure channel with parameter 0<ϵ<10 < \epsilon < 1 or the binary symmetric channel with parameter 0<ϵ<120 < \epsilon < \frac12, and block-MAP decoding. It was shown by Tillich and Zemor that in this case the error probability of the block-MAP decoder transitions "quickly" from δ\delta to 1−δ1-\delta for any δ>0\delta>0 if the minimum distance is large. In particular the width of the transition is of order O(1/dmin)O(1/\sqrt{d_{\text{min}}}). We strengthen this result by showing that under suitable conditions on the weight distribution of the code, the transition width can be as small as Θ(1/N12−κ)\Theta(1/N^{\frac12-\kappa}), for any κ>0\kappa>0, even if the minimum distance of the code is not linear. This condition applies e.g., to Reed-Mueller codes. Since Θ(1/N12)\Theta(1/N^{\frac12}) is the smallest transition possible for any code, we speak of "almost" optimal scaling. We emphasize that the width of the transition says nothing about the location of the transition. Therefore this result has no bearing on whether a code is capacity-achieving or not. As a second contribution, we present a new estimate on the derivative of the EXIT function, the proof of which is based on the Blowing-Up Lemma.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201

    Algebraic Properties of Polar Codes From a New Polynomial Formalism

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    Polar codes form a very powerful family of codes with a low complexity decoding algorithm that attain many information theoretic limits in error correction and source coding. These codes are closely related to Reed-Muller codes because both can be described with the same algebraic formalism, namely they are generated by evaluations of monomials. However, finding the right set of generating monomials for a polar code which optimises the decoding performances is a hard task and channel dependent. The purpose of this paper is to reveal some universal properties of these monomials. We will namely prove that there is a way to define a nontrivial (partial) order on monomials so that the monomials generating a polar code devised fo a binary-input symmetric channel always form a decreasing set. This property turns out to have rather deep consequences on the structure of the polar code. Indeed, the permutation group of a decreasing monomial code contains a large group called lower triangular affine group. Furthermore, the codewords of minimum weight correspond exactly to the orbits of the minimum weight codewords that are obtained from (evaluations) of monomials of the generating set. In particular, it gives an efficient way of counting the number of minimum weight codewords of a decreasing monomial code and henceforth of a polar code.Comment: 14 pages * A reference to the work of Bernhard Geiger has been added (arXiv:1506.05231) * Lemma 3 has been changed a little bit in order to prove that Proposition 7.1 in arXiv:1506.05231 holds for any binary input symmetric channe

    Recursive projection-aggregation decoding of Reed-Muller codes

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    We propose a new class of efficient decoding algorithms for Reed-Muller (RM) codes over binary-input memoryless channels. The algorithms are based on projecting the code on its cosets, recursively decoding the projected codes (which are lower-order RM codes), and aggregating the reconstructions (e.g., using majority votes). We further provide extensions of the algorithms using list-decoding. We run our algorithm for AWGN channels and Binary Symmetric Channels at the short code length (≤1024\le 1024) regime for a wide range of code rates. Simulation results show that in both low code rate and high code rate regimes, the new algorithm outperforms the widely used decoder for polar codes (SCL+CRC) with the same parameters. The performance of the new algorithm for RM codes in those regimes is in fact close to that of the maximal likelihood decoder. Finally, the new decoder naturally allows for parallel implementations