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    AbstractThe purpose of the study was to determine the form of criminal responsibility and the prevention of carding crimes in Indonesia. The research method used in this study was descriptive analysis. Descriptive because it describes the conditions that become the independent variable and the dependent variable which is the basis of the problems discussed. The definition of carding itself is a form of crime that uses other people's credit cards to spend without the knowledge of the owner. Carding is a form of crime using someone else's credit card number to spend without the knowledge of the rightful owner. Transactions are usually carried out electronically. Carding itself is a criminal act that is illegal interception or physically tapping customer data or credit card owners, meaning to shop at online stores. This mode can occur due to the weakness of the authentication system used to ensure the identity of ordering goods at online stores.Keywords: carding; credit card; criminal liabilityAbstrakTujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban pidana dan penanggulangan tindak pidana carding di Indonesia Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analistis. Deskriptif karena menggambarkan kondisi-kondisi yang menjadi variabel independen dan variabel dependen yang merupakan dasar dari permasalahan yang dibahas. Pengertian dari carding itu sendiri adalah suatu bentuk kejahatan yang menggunakan kartu kredit orang lain untuk dibelanjakan tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya. Carding adalah bentuk kejahatan menggunakan nomor kartu kredit orang lain untuk dibelanjakan tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya yang sah. Transaksi lazimnya dilakukan secara elektronik. Carding sendiri merupakan tindak pidana yang bersifat illegal interception atau menyadap data nasabah atau pemilik kartu kredit secara fisik artunya untuk belanja di toko online. Modus ini dapat terjadi akibat lemahnya sistem otentikasi yang digunakan dalam memastikan identitas pemesanan barang di toko online

    Crime scripting: A systematic review

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.More than two decades after the publication of Cornish’s seminal work about the script-theoretic approach to crime analysis, this article examines how the concept has been applied in our community. The study provides evidence confirming that the approach is increasingly popular; and takes stock of crime scripting practices through a systematic review of over one hundred scripts published between 1994 and 2018. The results offer the first comprehensive picture of this approach, and highlights new directions for those interested in using data from cyber-systems and the Internet of Things to develop effective situational crime prevention measures

    Crime scripting: a systematic review

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    Discovering credit card fraud methods in online tutorials

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    Online underground forums allow for the sharing of up-to-date knowledge on how to optimally commit an online crime. Tutorials focusing on specific online crimes are commonplace and provide members of underground communities with all the information needed to engage in illicit transactions. In this article, tutorials that focus on the online process of cashing out stolen credit card details, i.e. carding, will be analysed. A crime script analysis will reveal the most common ways in which carding is executed. We found that if these paths are meticulously followed, interceptive opportunities are limited for law enforcement. Cases of deviation from these paths are not uncommon, which renders situational crime prevention measures less effective. As a potential solution, we propose the uptake of prospect theory as an analytical tool to account for deviations from the criminal optimal norm. In future work, such a method could better account for all the various ways in which fraudulent activity is committed and contribute to thinking about new preventive measures

    La réussite criminelle des participants à la fraude financière en ligne

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    Le carding est un phénomène cybercriminel de par lequel des cyberdélinquants (appelés carders) vont compromettre et utiliser frauduleusement des données financières et bancaires. De nombreuses entités privées ou publiques ont mis en évidence l'importance des pertes monétaires occasionnées par ce nouveau type de criminalité. D'un point de vu criminologique, peu de recherches académiques se sont penchées sur l'ampleur de ce phénomène et plus particulièrement sur la réussite criminelle des carders. Pour combler ce manque de connaissances, ce projet de recherche a pour objectif de comprendre la réussite criminelle des carders en observant l'impact de leurs caractéristiques personnelles et sociales sur leurs revenus criminels. Les différentes variables mobilisées relatent entre autres les activités marchandes ou encore les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des carders interrogés. Pour ce faire, un sondage en ligné, hébergé sur Tor, a été mené. Au total, 49 sondages complets ont été collectés pour être analysés. En s'attelant à décrire les caractéristiques personnelles et sociales des carders, ce travail a été en mesure de mettre à jour les connaissances préalablement acquises sur les carders et de répondre à des manques de consensus sur certains pans des activités de ces cyberdélinquants. L'ensemble des résultats révèlent que peu de carders affichent une réussite criminelle élevée et qu'une minorité d'entre eux gagnent de forts revenus. La réussite crimnelle des carders s'explique par le fait de disposer de compétences spécialisées, de bénéficier d'une bonne expérience, d'utiliser des forums de discussion en ligne ou encore d'occuper des rôles centraux sur les lieux de convergence virtuels. Outre le fait d'apporter des réponses quant à ces prédicteurs sur la réussite criminelle des carders, ce projet de recherche permet de constater les apports et les faiblesses de l'utilisation d'un sondage pour collecter des données dans une écosystème cybercriminel.Carding is a criminal phenomenon which consists of compromising financial data in order to do fraudulent transactions. Several private and public parties highlighted the size of the loss caused by this new form of criminality. From the criminological angle, little research is available in the size and scope of the phenomenon, particularly on the criminal achievement of this kind of online offenders (called carders). To fill this gap, this research project is aimed at understand the criminal achievement of carders by observing the impact of their personal and social characteristics on their criminal income. Theses variables relate among others to their market activities or their sociodemographic. To do so, an online survey, hosted on Tor, was conducted. A total of 49 completed surveys were collected to do our analysis. By describing these personal and social characteristics, this work has been able to update our knowledge about carders and to address gaps about certain part of what we known about carding. Overall, the results shown that few carders can claim a good criminal achievement and that a minority of them can earn large amounts of money. Experience, speciliazed skills, the use of online forums or play the role of broker explained the criminal achievement among carders.Apart from the fact that our study brings some answers about those predictors, this project highlights the strengths and weaknesses of using an online survey to collect data from a criminal ecosystem