355 research outputs found

    Preliminary results in tag disambiguation using DBpedia

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    The availability of tag-based user-generated content for a variety of Web resources (music, photos, videos, text, etc.) has largely increased in the last years. Users can assign tags freely and then use them to share and retrieve information. However, tag-based sharing and retrieval is not optimal due to the fact that tags are plain text labels without an explicit or formal meaning, and hence polysemy and synonymy should be dealt with appropriately. To ameliorate these problems, we propose a context-based tag disambiguation algorithm that selects the meaning of a tag among a set of candidate DBpedia entries, using a common information retrieval similarity measure. The most similar DBpedia en-try is selected as the one representing the meaning of the tag. We describe and analyze some preliminary results, and discuss about current challenges in this area

    Review of the state of the art: discovering and associating semantics to tags in folksonomies

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    This paper describes and compares the most relevant approaches for associating tags with semantics in order to make explicit the meaning of those tags. We identify a common set of steps that are usually considered across all these approaches and frame our descriptions according to them, providing a unified view of how each approach tackles the different problems that appear during the semantic association process. Furthermore, we provide some recommendations on (a) how and when to use each of the approaches according to the characteristics of the data source, and (b) how to improve results by leveraging the strengths of the different approaches

    Word Sense Disambiguation for Ontology Learning

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    Ontology learning aims to automatically extract ontological concepts and relationships from related text repositories and is expected to be more efficient and scalable than manual ontology development. One of the challenging issues associated with ontology learning is word sense disambiguation (WSD). Most WSD research employs resources such as WordNet, text corpora, or a hybrid approach. Motivated by the large volume and richness of user-generated content in social media, this research explores the role of social media in ontology learning. Specifically, our approach exploits social media as a dynamic context rich data source for WSD. This paper presents a method and preliminary evidence for the efficacy of our proposed method for WSD. The research is in progress toward conducting a formal evaluation of the social media based method for WSD, and plans to incorporate the WSD routine into an ontology learning system in the future

    Personalizing and Improving Resource Recommendation by Analyzing Users Preferences in Social Tagging Activities

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    Collaborative tagging which is the keystone of the social practices of web 2.0 has been highly developed in the last few years. In this paper, we propose a new method to analyze user profiles according to their tagging activity in order to improve resource recommendation. We base upon association rules which is a powerful method to discover interesting relationships among large datasets on the web. Focusing on association rules we can find correlations between tags in a social network. Our aim is to recommend resources annotated with tags suggested by association rules, in order to enrich user profiles. The effectiveness of the recommendation depends on the resolution of social tagging drawbacks. In our recommender process, we demonstrate how we can reduce tag ambiguity and spelling variations problems by taking into account social similarities calculated on folksonomies, in order to personalize resource recommendation. We surmount also the lack of semantic links between tags during the recommendation process. Experiments are carried out with two different scenarios: the first one is a proof of concept over two baseline datasets and the second one is a real world application for diabetes disease

    Enabling folksonomies for knowledge extraction: A semantic grounding approach

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    Folksonomies emerge as the result of the free tagging activity of a large number of users over a variety of resources. They can be considered as valuable sources from which it is possible to obtain emerging vocabularies that can be leveraged in knowledge extraction tasks. However, when it comes to understanding the meaning of tags in folksonomies, several problems mainly related to the appearance of synonymous and ambiguous tags arise, specifically in the context of multilinguality. The authors aim to turn folksonomies into knowledge structures where tag meanings are identified, and relations between them are asserted. For such purpose, they use DBpedia as a general knowledge base from which they leverage its multilingual capabilities

    Towards a Soft Evaluation and Refinement of Tagging in Digital Humanities

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    In this paper we estimate the soundness of tagging in digital repositories within the field of Digital Humanities by studying the (semantic) conceptual structure behind the folksnonomy. The use of association rules associated to this conceptual structure (Stem and Luxenburger basis) allows to faithfully (from a semantic point of view) complete the tagging (or suggest such a completion).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-PJunta de Andalucía TIC-606