46,703 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the AHP and TOPSIS methods for implementing load shedding scheme in a pulp mill system

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    The advancement of technology had encouraged mankind to design and create useful equipment and devices. These equipment enable users to fully utilize them in various applications. Pulp mill is one of the heavy industries that consumes large amount of electricity in its production. Due to this, any malfunction of the equipment might cause mass losses to the company. In particular, the breakdown of the generator would cause other generators to be overloaded. In the meantime, the subsequence loads will be shed until the generators are sufficient to provide the power to other loads. Once the fault had been fixed, the load shedding scheme can be deactivated. Thus, load shedding scheme is the best way in handling such condition. Selected load will be shed under this scheme in order to protect the generators from being damaged. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) can be applied in determination of the load shedding scheme in the electric power system. In this thesis two methods which are Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) were introduced and applied. From this thesis, a series of analyses are conducted and the results are determined. Among these two methods which are AHP and TOPSIS, the results shown that TOPSIS is the best Multi criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for load shedding scheme in the pulp mill system. TOPSIS is the most effective solution because of the highest percentage effectiveness of load shedding between these two methods. The results of the AHP and TOPSIS analysis to the pulp mill system are very promising

    The Size Conundrum: Why Online Knowledge Markets Can Fail at Scale

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    In this paper, we interpret the community question answering websites on the StackExchange platform as knowledge markets, and analyze how and why these markets can fail at scale. A knowledge market framing allows site operators to reason about market failures, and to design policies to prevent them. Our goal is to provide insights on large-scale knowledge market failures through an interpretable model. We explore a set of interpretable economic production models on a large empirical dataset to analyze the dynamics of content generation in knowledge markets. Amongst these, the Cobb-Douglas model best explains empirical data and provides an intuitive explanation for content generation through concepts of elasticity and diminishing returns. Content generation depends on user participation and also on how specific types of content (e.g. answers) depends on other types (e.g. questions). We show that these factors of content generation have constant elasticity---a percentage increase in any of the inputs leads to a constant percentage increase in the output. Furthermore, markets exhibit diminishing returns---the marginal output decreases as the input is incrementally increased. Knowledge markets also vary on their returns to scale---the increase in output resulting from a proportionate increase in all inputs. Importantly, many knowledge markets exhibit diseconomies of scale---measures of market health (e.g., the percentage of questions with an accepted answer) decrease as a function of number of participants. The implications of our work are two-fold: site operators ought to design incentives as a function of system size (number of participants); the market lens should shed insight into complex dependencies amongst different content types and participant actions in general social networks.Comment: The 27th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 201

    Discovering learning processes using inductive miner: A case study with learning management systems (LMSs)

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónDescubriendo procesos de aprendizaje aplicando Inductive Miner: un estudio de caso en Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Antecedentes: en la minería de procesos con datos educativos se utilizan diferentes algoritmos para descubrir modelos, sobremanera el Alpha Miner, el Heuristic Miner y el Evolutionary Tree Miner. En este trabajo proponemos la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo en datos educativos, el denominado Inductive Miner. Método: hemos utilizado datos de interacción de 101 estudiantes universitarios en una asignatura de grado desarrollada en la plataforma Moodle 2.0. Una vez prepocesados se ha realizado la minería de procesos sobre 21.629 eventos para descubrir los modelos que generan los diferentes algoritmos y comparar sus medidas de ajuste, precisión, simplicidad y generalización. Resultados: en las pruebas realizadas en nuestro conjunto de datos el algoritmo Inductive Miner es el que obtiene mejores resultados, especialmente para el valor de ajuste, criterio de mayor relevancia en lo que respecta al descubrimiento de modelos. Además, cuando ponderamos con pesos las diferentes métricas seguimos obteniendo la mejor medida general con el Inductive Miner. Conclusiones: la implementación de Inductive Miner en datos educativos es una nueva aplicación que, además de obtener mejores resultados que otros algoritmos con nuestro conjunto de datos, proporciona modelos válidos e interpretables en términos educativos.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    Analysis and Forecasting of Trending Topics in Online Media Streams

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    Among the vast information available on the web, social media streams capture what people currently pay attention to and how they feel about certain topics. Awareness of such trending topics plays a crucial role in multimedia systems such as trend aware recommendation and automatic vocabulary selection for video concept detection systems. Correctly utilizing trending topics requires a better understanding of their various characteristics in different social media streams. To this end, we present the first comprehensive study across three major online and social media streams, Twitter, Google, and Wikipedia, covering thousands of trending topics during an observation period of an entire year. Our results indicate that depending on one's requirements one does not necessarily have to turn to Twitter for information about current events and that some media streams strongly emphasize content of specific categories. As our second key contribution, we further present a novel approach for the challenging task of forecasting the life cycle of trending topics in the very moment they emerge. Our fully automated approach is based on a nearest neighbor forecasting technique exploiting our assumption that semantically similar topics exhibit similar behavior. We demonstrate on a large-scale dataset of Wikipedia page view statistics that forecasts by the proposed approach are about 9-48k views closer to the actual viewing statistics compared to baseline methods and achieve a mean average percentage error of 45-19% for time periods of up to 14 days.Comment: ACM Multimedia 201

    Optical tomography: Image improvement using mixed projection of parallel and fan beam modes

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    Mixed parallel and fan beam projection is a technique used to increase the quality images. This research focuses on enhancing the image quality in optical tomography. Image quality can be defined by measuring the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) parameters. The findings of this research prove that by combining parallel and fan beam projection, the image quality can be increased by more than 10%in terms of its PSNR value and more than 100% in terms of its NMSE value compared to a single parallel beam

    Clustering as an example of optimizing arbitrarily chosen objective functions

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    This paper is a reflection upon a common practice of solving various types of learning problems by optimizing arbitrarily chosen criteria in the hope that they are well correlated with the criterion actually used for assessment of the results. This issue has been investigated using clustering as an example, hence a unified view of clustering as an optimization problem is first proposed, stemming from the belief that typical design choices in clustering, like the number of clusters or similarity measure can be, and often are suboptimal, also from the point of view of clustering quality measures later used for algorithm comparison and ranking. In order to illustrate our point we propose a generalized clustering framework and provide a proof-of-concept using standard benchmark datasets and two popular clustering methods for comparison

    Analyzing User Behavior Patterns in Adaptive Exploratory Search Systems with LifeFlow

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    Adaptive exploratory search is a method that can provide user-centered personalized search results by incorporating interactive user interfaces. Analyzing the user behavior pat- terns of these systems can be complicated when they sup- port transparent and controllable open user models. This paper suggests to use a visualization tool to address the problem, as a complement to the typical statistical analy- sis. By adopting an event sequence visualization tool called LifeFlow, we were able to easily find out user interesting behavior patterns, especially regarding the open user model exploration