134 research outputs found

    The Design and Implementation of Collaborative Filtering in Data Mining

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    Data mining is the process of discovering explicit knowledge from large amounts of data stored in database, data warehouse or other repositories. There have been many studies about models of data mining such as association rule, sequential pattern and so on. Collaborative filtering is one of data mining models. In this paper, we propose two approaches to solving the mining process of collaborative filtering. Finally, collaborative filtering mining is applied to Knowledge Management system

    Optical tomography: Image improvement using mixed projection of parallel and fan beam modes

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    Mixed parallel and fan beam projection is a technique used to increase the quality images. This research focuses on enhancing the image quality in optical tomography. Image quality can be defined by measuring the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) parameters. The findings of this research prove that by combining parallel and fan beam projection, the image quality can be increased by more than 10%in terms of its PSNR value and more than 100% in terms of its NMSE value compared to a single parallel beam

    Specious rules: an efficient and effective unifying method for removing misleading and uninformative patterns in association rule mining

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    We present theoretical analysis and a suite of tests and procedures for addressing a broad class of redundant and misleading association rules we call \emph{specious rules}. Specious dependencies, also known as \emph{spurious}, \emph{apparent}, or \emph{illusory associations}, refer to a well-known phenomenon where marginal dependencies are merely products of interactions with other variables and disappear when conditioned on those variables. The most extreme example is Yule-Simpson's paradox where two variables present positive dependence in the marginal contingency table but negative in all partial tables defined by different levels of a confounding factor. It is accepted wisdom that in data of any nontrivial dimensionality it is infeasible to control for all of the exponentially many possible confounds of this nature. In this paper, we consider the problem of specious dependencies in the context of statistical association rule mining. We define specious rules and show they offer a unifying framework which covers many types of previously proposed redundant or misleading association rules. After theoretical analysis, we introduce practical algorithms for detecting and pruning out specious association rules efficiently under many key goodness measures, including mutual information and exact hypergeometric probabilities. We demonstrate that the procedure greatly reduces the number of associations discovered, providing an elegant and effective solution to the problem of association mining discovering large numbers of misleading and redundant rules.Comment: Note: This is a corrected version of the paper published in SDM'17. In the equation on page 4, the range of the sum has been correcte

    FastLMFI: An Efficient Approach for Local Maximal Patterns Propagation and Maximal Patterns Superset Checking

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    Maximal frequent patterns superset checking plays an important role in the efficient mining of complete Maximal Frequent Itemsets (MFI) and maximal search space pruning. In this paper we present a new indexing approach, FastLMFI for local maximal frequent patterns (itemset) propagation and maximal patterns superset checking. Experimental results on different sparse and dense datasets show that our work is better than the previous well known progressive focusing technique. We have also integrated our superset checking approach with an existing state of the art maximal itemsets algorithm Mafia, and compare our results with current best maximal itemsets algorithms afopt-max and FP (zhu)-max. Our results outperform afopt-max and FP (zhu)-max on dense (chess and mushroom) datasets on almost all support thresholds, which shows the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 8 Pages, In the proceedings of 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications 2006, March 8, 2006, Dubai/Sharjah, UAE, 2006, Page(s) 452-45

    Towards scalable algorithm for closed itemset mining in high-dimensional data

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    Mining frequent itemsets from large dataset has a major drawback in which the explosive number of itemsets requires additional mining process which might filter the interesting ones. Therefore, as the solution, the concept of closed frequent itemset was introduced that is lossless and condensed representation of all the frequent itemsets and their corresponding supports. Unfortunately, many algorithms are not memory-efficient since it requires the storage of closed itemsets in main memory for duplication checks. This paper presents BFF, a scalable algorithm for discovering closed frequent itemsets from high-dimensional data. Unlike many well-known algorithms, BFF traverses the search tree in breadth-first manner resulted to a minimum use of memory and less running time. The tests conducted on a number of microarray datasets show that the performance of this algorithm improved significantly as the support threshold decreases which is crucial in generating more interesting rules