21 research outputs found

    LSTM Networks for Data-Aware Remaining Time Prediction of Business Process Instances

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    Predicting the completion time of business process instances would be a very helpful aid when managing processes under service level agreement constraints. The ability to know in advance the trend of running process instances would allow business managers to react in time, in order to prevent delays or undesirable situations. However, making such accurate forecasts is not easy: many factors may influence the required time to complete a process instance. In this paper, we propose an approach based on deep Recurrent Neural Networks (specifically LSTMs) that is able to exploit arbitrary information associated to single events, in order to produce an as-accurate-as-possible prediction of the completion time of running instances. Experiments on real-world datasets confirm the quality of our proposal.Comment: Article accepted for publication in 2017 IEEE Symposium on Deep Learning (IEEE DL'17) @ SSC

    Predictive Business Process Monitoring with tree-based classification algorithms

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    Predictive business process monitoring is a current research area which purpose is to predict the outcome of a whole process (or an element of a process i.e. a single event or task) based on available data. In the article we explore the possibility of use of the machine learning classification algorithms based on trees (CART, C5.0, random forest and extreme gradient boosting) in order to anticipate the result of a process. We test the application of these algorithms on real world event-log data and compare it with the known approaches. Our results show tha

    A Literature Review on Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes

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    Oleme läbi vaadanud mitmesuguseid ennetava jälgimise meetodeid äriprotsessides. Prognoositavate seirete eesmärk on aidata ettevõtetel oma eesmärke saavutada, aidata neil valida õige ärimudel, prognoosida tulemusi ja aega ning muuta äriprotsessid riskantsemaks. Antud väitekirjaga oleme hoolikalt kogunud ja üksikasjalikult läbi vaadanud selle väitekirja teemal oleva kirjanduse. Kirjandusuuringu tulemustest ja tähelepanekutest lähtuvalt oleme hoolikalt kavandanud ennetava jälgimisraamistiku. Raamistik on juhendiks ettevõtetele ja teadlastele, teadustöötajatele, kes uurivad selles valdkonnas ja ettevõtetele, kes soovivad neid tehnikaid oma valdkonnas rakendada.The goal of predictive monitoring is to help the business achieve their goals, help them take the right business path, predict outcomes, estimate delivery time, and make business processes risk aware. In this thesis, we have carefully collected and reviewed in detail all literature which falls in this process mining category. The objective of the thesis is to design a Predictive Monitoring Framework and classify the different predictive monitoring techniques. The framework acts as a guide for researchers and businesses. Researchers who are investigating in this field and businesses who want to apply these techniques in their respective field

    Clustering-Based Predictive Process Monitoring

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    Business process enactment is generally supported by information systems that record data about process executions, which can be extracted as event logs. Predictive process monitoring is concerned with exploiting such event logs to predict how running (uncompleted) cases will unfold up to their completion. In this paper, we propose a predictive process monitoring framework for estimating the probability that a given predicate will be fulfilled upon completion of a running case. The predicate can be, for example, a temporal logic constraint or a time constraint, or any predicate that can be evaluated over a completed trace. The framework takes into account both the sequence of events observed in the current trace, as well as data attributes associated to these events. The prediction problem is approached in two phases. First, prefixes of previous traces are clustered according to control flow information. Secondly, a classifier is built for each cluster using event data to discriminate between fulfillments and violations. At runtime, a prediction is made on a running case by mapping it to a cluster and applying the corresponding classifier. The framework has been implemented in the ProM toolset and validated on a log pertaining to the treatment of cancer patients in a large hospital

    Resource Utilization Prediction in Decision-Intensive Business Processes

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    An appropriate resource utilization is crucial for organizations in order to avoid, among other things, unnecessary costs (e.g. when resources are under-utilized) and too long execution times (e.g. due to excessive workloads, i.e. resource over-utilization). However, traditional process control and risk measurement approaches do not address resource utilization in processes. We studied an often-encountered industry case for providing large-scale technical infrastructure which requires rigorous testing for the systems deployed and identi ed the need of projecting resource utilization as a means for measuring the risk of resource underand over-utilization. Consequently, this paper presents a novel predictive model for resource utilization in decision-intensive processes, present in many domains. In particular, we predict the utilization of resources for a desired period of time given a decision-intensive business process that may include nested loops, and historical data (i.e. order and duration of past activity executions, resource pro les and their experience etc.). We have applied our method using a real business process with multiple instances and presented the outcome.Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) 845638 (SHAPE)Austrian Science Fund (FWF) V 569-N31 (PRAIS

    Incorporating spatial context into remaining-time predictive process monitoring

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    Predictive business process monitoring aims to accurately predict a variable of interest (e.g. remaining time) or the future state of the process instance (e.g. outcome or next step). It is an important topic both from a research and practitioner perspective. For example, existing research suggests that even when problems occur with service provision, providing accurate estimates around process completion time is positively correlated with increasing customer satisfaction. The quest for models with higher predictive power has led to the development of a variety of novel techniques. However, though the location of events is a crucial explanatory variable in many business processes, as yet there have been no studies which have incorporated spatial context into the predictive process monitoring framework. This paper seeks to address this problem by introducing the concept of a spatial event log which records location details at a trace or event level. The predictive utility of spatial contextual features is evaluated vis-à-vis other contextual features. An approach is proposed to predict the remaining time of an in-flight process instance by calculating the buffer distances between the location of events in a spatial event log to capture spatial proximity and connectedness. These distances are subsequently utilised to construct a regression model which is then used to predict the remaining time for events in the test dataset. The proposed approach is benchmarked against existing approaches using five real-life event logs and demonstrates that spatial features improve the predictive power of business process monitoring models

    Comparative analysis of clustering-based remaining-time predictive process monitoring approaches

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    Predictive process monitoring aims to accurately predict a variable of interest (e.g. remaining time) or the future state of the process instance (e.g. outcome or next step). Various studies have been explored to develop models with greater predictive power. However, comparing the various studies is difficult as different datasets, parameters and evaluation measures have been used. This paper seeks to address this problem with a focus on studies that adopt a clustering-based approach to predict the remaining time to the end of the process instance. A systematic literature review is undertaken to identify existing studies that adopt a clustering-based remaining-time predictive process monitoring approach and performs a comparative analysis to compare and benchmark the output of the identified studies using five real-life event logs