239 research outputs found

    A Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz Method for time dependent Maxwell's equations

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    We consider the discretization of electromagnetic wave propagation problems by a discontinuous Galerkin Method based on Trefftz polynomials. This method fits into an abstract framework for space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for which we can prove consistency, stability, and energy dissipation without the need to completely specify the approximation spaces in detail. Any method of such a general form results in an implicit time-stepping scheme with some basic stability properties. For the local approximation on each space-time element, we then consider Trefftz polynomials, i.e., the subspace of polynomials that satisfy Maxwell's equations exactly on the respective element. We present an explicit construction of a basis for the local Trefftz spaces in two and three dimensions and summarize some of their basic properties. Using local properties of the Trefftz polynomials, we can establish the well-posedness of the resulting discontinuous Galerkin Trefftz method. Consistency, stability, and energy dissipation then follow immediately from the results about the abstract framework. The method proposed in this paper therefore shares many of the advantages of more standard discontinuous Galerkin methods, while at the same time, it yields a substantial reduction in the number of degrees of freedom and the cost for assembling. These benefits and the spectral convergence of the scheme are demonstrated in numerical tests

    Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Trefftz Approximation

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    We present a novel Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for wave propagation problems. The method employs space-time Trefftz-type basis functions that satisfy the underlying partial differential equations and the respective interface boundary conditions exactly in an element-wise fashion. The basis functions can be of arbitrary high order, and we demonstrate spectral convergence in the \Lebesgue_2-norm. In this context, spectral convergence is obtained with respect to the approximation error in the entire space-time domain of interest, i.e. in space and time simultaneously. Formulating the approximation in terms of a space-time Trefftz basis makes high order time integration an inherent property of the method and clearly sets it apart from methods, that employ a high order approximation in space only.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, preprint submitted at J Comput Phy

    Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods on unstructured meshes for the wave equation

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    We describe and analyse a space-time Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin method for the wave equation. The method is defined for unstructured meshes whose internal faces need not be aligned to the space-time axes. We show that the scheme is well-posed and dissipative, and we prove a priori error bounds for general Trefftz discrete spaces. A concrete discretisation can be obtained using piecewise polynomials that satisfy the wave equation elementwise.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to the XXIV CEDYA / XIV CMA conference, Cadiz 8-12 June 201

    The FLAME-slab method for electromagnetic wave scattering in aperiodic slabs

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    The proposed numerical method, "FLAME-slab," solves electromagnetic wave scattering problems for aperiodic slab structures by exploiting short-range regularities in these structures. The computational procedure involves special difference schemes with high accuracy even on coarse grids. These schemes are based on Trefftz approximations, utilizing functions that locally satisfy the governing differential equations, as is done in the Flexible Local Approximation Method (FLAME). Radiation boundary conditions are implemented via Fourier expansions in the air surrounding the slab. When applied to ensembles of slab structures with identical short-range features, such as amorphous or quasicrystalline lattices, the method is significantly more efficient, both in runtime and in memory consumption, than traditional approaches. This efficiency is due to the fact that the Trefftz functions need to be computed only once for the whole ensemble.Comment: Various typos were corrected. Minor inconsistencies throughout the manuscript were fixed. In Section II B. Additional description regarding choice of Trefftz cell, was added. In Section III A. Detailed description about units (used in our calculation) was adde

    Numerical investigation of the conditioning for plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods

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    We present a numerical study to investigate the conditioning of the plane wave discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the Helmholtz problem. We provide empirical evidence that the spectral condition number of the plane wave basis on a single element depends algebraically on the mesh size and the wave number, and exponentially on the number of plane wave directions; we also test its dependence on the element shape. We show that the conditioning of the global system can be improved by orthogonalization of the local basis functions with the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm, which results in significantly fewer GMRES iterations for solving the discrete problem iteratively.Comment: Submitted as a conference proceeding; minor revisio

    Trefftz Difference Schemes on Irregular Stencils

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    The recently developed Flexible Local Approximation MEthod (FLAME) produces accurate difference schemes by replacing the usual Taylor expansion with Trefftz functions -- local solutions of the underlying differential equation. This paper advances and casts in a general form a significant modification of FLAME proposed recently by Pinheiro & Webb: a least-squares fit instead of the exact match of the approximate solution at the stencil nodes. As a consequence of that, FLAME schemes can now be generated on irregular stencils with the number of nodes substantially greater than the number of approximating functions. The accuracy of the method is preserved but its robustness is improved. For demonstration, the paper presents a number of numerical examples in 2D and 3D: electrostatic (magnetostatic) particle interactions, scattering of electromagnetic (acoustic) waves, and wave propagation in a photonic crystal. The examples explore the role of the grid and stencil size, of the number of approximating functions, and of the irregularity of the stencils.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures; to be published in J Comp Phy