92 research outputs found

    Assessing the disclosure protection provided by misclassification for survey microdata

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    Government statistical agencies often apply statistical disclosure limitation techniques to survey microdata to protect confidentiality. There is a need for ways to assess the protection provided. This paper develops some simple methods for disclosure limitation techniques which perturb the values of categorical identifying variables. The methods are applied in numerical experiments based upon census data from the United Kingdom which are subject to two perturbation techniques: data swapping and the post randomisation method. Some simplifying approximations to the measure of risk are found to work well in capturing the impacts of these techniques. These approximations provide simple extensions of existing risk assessment methods based upon Poisson log-linear models. A numerical experiment is also undertaken to assess the impact of multivariate misclassification with an increasing number of identifying variables. The methods developed in this paper may also be used to obtain more realistic assessments of risk which take account of the kinds of measurement and other non-sampling errors commonly arising in surveys

    Optimization Methods for Tabular Data Protection

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    In this thesis we consider a minimum distance Controlled Tabular Adjustment (CTA) model for statistical disclosure limitation (control) of tabular data. The goal of the CTA model is to find the closest safe table to some original tabular data set that contains sensitive information. The measure of closeness is usually measured using l1 or l2 norm; with each measure having its advantages and disadvantages. According to the given norm CTA can be formulated as an optimization problem: Liner Programing (LP) for l1, Quadratic Programing (QP) for l2. In this thesis we present an alternative reformulation of l1-CTA as Second-Order Cone (SOC) optimization problems. All three models can be solved using appropriate versions of Interior-Point Methods (IPM). The validity of the new approach was tested on the randomly generated two-dimensional tabular data sets. It was shown numerically, that SOC formulation compares favorably to QP and LP formulations

    The Effect of Microaggregation Procedures on the Estimation of Linear Models: A Simulation Study

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    Microaggregation is a set of procedures that distort empirical data in order to guarantee the factual anonymity of the data. At the same time the information content of data sets should not be reduced too much and should still be useful for scientific research. This paper investigates the effect of microaggregation on the estimation of a linear regression by ordinary least squares. It studies, by way of an extensive simulation experiment, the bias of the slope parameter estimator induced by various microaggregation techniques. Some microaggregation procedures lead to consistent estimates while others imply an asymptotic bias for the estimator

    Attribute selection in multivariate microaggregation

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    De-identifying a public use microdata file from the Canadian national discharge abstract database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) collects hospital discharge abstract data (DAD) from Canadian provinces and territories. There are many demands for the disclosure of this data for research and analysis to inform policy making. To expedite the disclosure of data for some of these purposes, the construction of a DAD public use microdata file (PUMF) was considered. Such purposes include: confirming some published results, providing broader feedback to CIHI to improve data quality, training students and fellows, providing an easily accessible data set for researchers to prepare for analyses on the full DAD data set, and serve as a large health data set for computer scientists and statisticians to evaluate analysis and data mining techniques. The objective of this study was to measure the probability of re-identification for records in a PUMF, and to de-identify a national DAD PUMF consisting of 10% of records.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Plausible attacks on a PUMF were evaluated. Based on these attacks, the 2008-2009 national DAD was de-identified. A new algorithm was developed to minimize the amount of suppression while maximizing the precision of the data. The acceptable threshold for the probability of correct re-identification of a record was set at between 0.04 and 0.05. Information loss was measured in terms of the extent of suppression and entropy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two different PUMF files were produced, one with geographic information, and one with no geographic information but more clinical information. At a threshold of 0.05, the maximum proportion of records with the diagnosis code suppressed was 20%, but these suppressions represented only 8-9% of all values in the DAD. Our suppression algorithm has less information loss than a more traditional approach to suppression. Smaller regions, patients with longer stays, and age groups that are infrequently admitted to hospitals tend to be the ones with the highest rates of suppression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The strategies we used to maximize data utility and minimize information loss can result in a PUMF that would be useful for the specific purposes noted earlier. However, to create a more detailed file with less information loss suitable for more complex health services research, the risk would need to be mitigated by requiring the data recipient to commit to a data sharing agreement.</p

    Creation of public use files: lessons learned from the comparative effectiveness research public use files data pilot project

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    In this paper we describe lessons learned from the creation of Basic Stand Alone (BSA) Public Use Files (PUFs) for the Comparative Effectiveness Research Public Use Files Data Pilot Project (CER-PUF). CER-PUF is aimed at increasing access to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare claims datasets through PUFs that: do not require user fees and data use agreements, have been de-identified to assure the confidentiality of the beneficiaries and providers, and still provide substantial analytic utility to researchers. For this paper we define PUFs as datasets characterized by free and unrestricted access to any user. We derive lessons learned from five major project activities: (i) a review of the statistical and computer science literature on best practices in PUF creation, (ii) interviews with comparative effectiveness researchers to assess their data needs, (iii) case studies of PUF initiatives in the United States, (iv) interviews with stakeholders to identify the most salient issues regarding making microdata publicly available, and (v) the actual process of creating the Medicare claims data BSA PUFs