4 research outputs found

    Acquaintance Management Algorithm Based on the Multi-Class Risk-Cost Analysis for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Network

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    The collaborative intrusion detection network (CIDN) framework provides collaboration capability among intrusion detection systems (IDS). Collaboration selection is done by an acquaintance management algorithm. A recent study developed an effective acquaintance management algorithm by the use of binary risk analysis and greedy-selection-sort based methods. However, most algorithms do not pay attention to the possibility of wrong responses in multi-botnet attacks. The greedy-based acquaintance management algorithm also leads to a poor acquaintance selection processing time when there is a high number of IDS candidates. The growing number of advanced distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks make acquaintance management potentially end up with an unreliable CIDN acquaintance list, resulting in low decision accuracy. This paper proposes an acquaintance management algorithm based on multi-class risk-cost analysis and merge-sort selection methods. The algorithm implements merge risk-ordered selection to reduce computation complexity. The simulation result showed the reliability of CIDN in reducing the acquaintance selection processing time decreased and increasing the decision accuracy

    TRIDEnT: Building Decentralized Incentives for Collaborative Security

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    Sophisticated mass attacks, especially when exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, have the potential to cause destructive damage to organizations and critical infrastructure. To timely detect and contain such attacks, collaboration among the defenders is critical. By correlating real-time detection information (alerts) from multiple sources (collaborative intrusion detection), defenders can detect attacks and take the appropriate defensive measures in time. However, although the technical tools to facilitate collaboration exist, real-world adoption of such collaborative security mechanisms is still underwhelming. This is largely due to a lack of trust and participation incentives for companies and organizations. This paper proposes TRIDEnT, a novel collaborative platform that aims to enable and incentivize parties to exchange network alert data, thus increasing their overall detection capabilities. TRIDEnT allows parties that may be in a competitive relationship, to selectively advertise, sell and acquire security alerts in the form of (near) real-time peer-to-peer streams. To validate the basic principles behind TRIDEnT, we present an intuitive game-theoretic model of alert sharing, that is of independent interest, and show that collaboration is bound to take place infinitely often. Furthermore, to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we instantiate our design in a decentralized manner using Ethereum smart contracts and provide a fully functional prototype.Comment: 28 page

    Design and Management of Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks

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    In recent years network intrusions have become a severe threat to the privacy and safety of computer users. Recent cyber attacks compromise a large number of hosts to form botnets. Hackers not only aim at harvesting private data and identity information from compromised nodes, but also use the compromised nodes to launch attacks such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. As a counter measure, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are used to identify intrusions by comparing observable behavior against suspicious patterns. Traditional IDSs monitor computer activities on a single host or network traffic in a sub-network. They do not have a global view of intrusions and are not effective in detecting fast spreading attacks, unknown, or new threats. In turn, they can achieve better detection accuracy through collaboration. An Intrusion Detection Network (IDN) is such a collaboration network allowing IDSs to exchange information with each other and to benefit from the collective knowledge and experience shared by others. IDNs enhance the overall accuracy of intrusion assessment as well as the ability to detect new intrusion types. Building an effective IDN is however a challenging task. For example, adversaries may compromise some IDSs in the network and then leverage the compromised nodes to send false information, or even attack others in the network, which can compromise the efficiency of the IDN. It is, therefore, important for an IDN to detect and isolate malicious insiders. Another challenge is how to make efficient intrusion detection assessment based on the collective diagnosis from other IDSs. Appropriate selection of collaborators and incentive-compatible resource management in support of IDSs' interaction with others are also key challenges in IDN design. To achieve efficiency, robustness, and scalability, we propose an IDN architecture and especially focus on the design of four of its essential components, namely, trust management, acquaintance management, resource management, and feedback aggregation. We evaluate our proposals and compare them with prominent ones in the literature and show their superiority using several metrics, including efficiency, robustness, scalability, incentive-compatibility, and fairness. Our IDN design provides guidelines for the deployment of a secure and scalable IDN where effective collaboration can be established between IDSs