16 research outputs found

    Use of FPV Drones for Sports Documentaries

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    The role of a cameraman is crucial for creating unique camera movements and to implement good visual force in sports documentaries. FPV drones allow for the greatest immersion through camera movements. Drone operators depict the visual awareness of sports from inside a flying machine that, like an athlete, moves swiftly and accurately. This research used a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through studying literature related to sports documentation work. FPV videos are often shown at various professional sporting events, such as at the Red Bull Rampage, an annual extreme mountain bike freestyle competition with a natural track free of synthetic elements or special markings and with only one start and finish line. Based on the analysis of camera movements such as panorama, tracking, titration and crab in the video documentary Redbull Rampage 2021, it was concluded that every movement of the camera plays a diverse role. Camera movement techniques can affect the dramatic speed of each scene and the overall action. This is because with any type of camera movement, there can be variations in the type of shooting and different image sizes. Keywords: FPV drone, camera movement, dramatic, sports documentar

    Penciptaan Film Tari “Perjalanan” Dengan Menggunakan Plot Linear Dalam Pengisahan Cerita

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    Kehilangan merupakan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan bagi siapapun, terlebih kehilangan sosok terdekat yang dicintai. Perasaan kosong dan sepi selalu hadir dan harus dihadapi setiap waktu. Bayangan seseorang yang telah pergi tersebut akan selalu hadir mengisi ruang dan waktu sampaisaat yang tidak bisa ditentukan. Kehilangan dapat direpresentasikan melaluiberbagai cara penyampaian dan salah satunya melalui tarian. Penceritaan film tari dengan plot yang linear ini, akan membawa penonton pada kisah perjalanan. Tari merupakan salah satu ungkapan dan ekspresi jiwa. Gerak-gerak yang mengalir merupakan representasi dari suasana hati dan pikiran pembuatnya. Tari yang semula merupakan seni pertunjukan yang dinikmatisecara khusus di ruang dan waktu tertentu, pada saat ini dapat pula di”pertunjukkan” dengan media yang lain, yaitu Film. Dengan media Film,tari menjadi lebih luas jangkauan distribusinya, bisa dibawa kemanapun dan dimanapun dalam waktu yang singkat dan biaya yang lebih ekonomis (baikproduksi maupun distribusi), bisa ditonton oleh siapapun dimanapun dan kapanpun secara berulang. Kemudian proses “restage” tari pun dimulai dimana tari masuk ke dalam tubuh layar dalam budaya popular, seperti film.This collection aims to position the field of critical dance studies alongside film and media analysis in order to enrich, enliven, and further theorize therole that dance and screen bodies play in popular culture. [1

    Optimal Trajectory Planning for Cinematography with Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents a method for planning optimal trajectories with a team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) performing autonomous cinematography. The method is able to plan trajectories online and in a distributed manner, providing coordination between the UAVs. We propose a novel non-linear formulation for this challenging problem of computing multi-UAV optimal trajectories for cinematography; integrating UAVs dynamics and collision avoidance constraints, together with cinematographic aspects like smoothness, gimbal mechanical limits and mutual camera visibility. We integrate our method within a hardware and software architecture for UAV cinematography that was previously developed within the framework of the MultiDrone project; and demonstrate its use with different types of shots filming a moving target outdoors. We provide extensive experimental results both in simulation and field experiments. We analyze the performance of the method and prove that it is able to compute online smooth trajectories, reducing jerky movements and complying with cinematography constraints.Comment: This paper has been published as: Optimal trajectory planning for cinematography with multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Alfonso Alcantara and Jesus Capitan and Rita Cunha and Anibal Ollero. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 103778 (2021) 10.1016/j.robot.2021.10377

    Autonomous Execution of Cinematographic Shots with Multiple Drones

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    This paper presents a system for the execution of autonomous cinematography missions with a team of drones. The system allows media directors to design missions involving different types of shots with one or multiple cameras, running sequentially or concurrently. We introduce the complete architecture, which includes components for mission design, planning and execution. Then, we focus on the components related to autonomous mission execution. First, we propose a novel parametric description for shots, considering different types of camera motion and tracked targets; and we use it to implement a set of canonical shots. Second, for multi-drone shot execution, we propose distributed schedulers that activate different shot controllers on board the drones. Moreover, an event-based mechanism is used to synchronize shot execution among the drones and to account for inaccuracies during shot planning. Finally, we showcase the system with field experiments filming sport activities, including a real regatta event. We report on system integration and lessons learnt during our experimental campaigns

    Multi-robot task assignment for aerial tracking with viewpoint constraints

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    We address the problem of assigning a team of drones to autonomously capture a set desired shots of a dynamic target in the presence of obstacles. We present a two-stage planning pipeline that generates offline an assignment of drone to shots and locally optimizes online the viewpoint. Given desired shot parameters, the high-level planner uses a visibility heuristic to predict good times for capturing each shot and uses an Integer Linear Program to compute drone assignments. An online Model Predictive Control algorithm uses the assignments as reference to capture the shots. The algorithm is validated in hardware with a pair of drones and a remote controlled car.https://www.autonomousrobots.nl/docs/21-ray-iros.pdfAccepted manuscrip