10,869 research outputs found

    On the swap-distances of different realizations of a graphical degree sequence

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    One of the first graph theoretical problems which got serious attention (already in the fifties of the last century) was to decide whether a given integer sequence is equal to the degree sequence of a simple graph (or it is {\em graphical} for short). One method to solve this problem is the greedy algorithm of Havel and Hakimi, which is based on the {\em swap} operation. Another, closely related question is to find a sequence of swap operations to transform one graphical realization into another one of the same degree sequence. This latter problem got particular emphases in connection of fast mixing Markov chain approaches to sample uniformly all possible realizations of a given degree sequence. (This becomes a matter of interest in connection of -- among others -- the study of large social networks.) Earlier there were only crude upper bounds on the shortest possible length of such swap sequences between two realizations. In this paper we develop formulae (Gallai-type identities) for these {\em swap-distance}s of any two realizations of simple undirected or directed degree sequences. These identities improves considerably the known upper bounds on the swap-distances.Comment: to be publishe

    On Directed Feedback Vertex Set parameterized by treewidth

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    We study the Directed Feedback Vertex Set problem parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. We prove that unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, the problem cannot be solved in time 2o(tlog⁡t)⋅nO(1)2^{o(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} on general directed graphs, where tt is the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. This is matched by a dynamic programming algorithm with running time 2O(tlog⁡t)⋅nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. On the other hand, we show that if the input digraph is planar, then the running time can be improved to 2O(t)⋅nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}.Comment: 20

    Edge Partitions of Optimal 22-plane and 33-plane Graphs

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    A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane. A topological graph is kk-plane, k>0k>0, if each edge is crossed at most kk times. We study the problem of partitioning the edges of a kk-plane graph such that each partite set forms a graph with a simpler structure. While this problem has been studied for k=1k=1, we focus on optimal 22-plane and 33-plane graphs, which are 22-plane and 33-plane graphs with maximum density. We prove the following results. (i) It is not possible to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a forest, while (ii) an edge partition formed by a 11-plane graph and two plane forests always exists and can be computed in linear time. (iii) We describe efficient algorithms to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a plane graph with maximum vertex degree 1212, or with maximum vertex degree 88 if the optimal 22-plane graph is such that its crossing-free edges form a graph with no separating triangles. (iv) We exhibit an infinite family of simple optimal 22-plane graphs such that in any edge partition composed of a 11-plane graph and a plane graph, the plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 66 and the 11-plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 1212. (v) We show that every optimal 33-plane graph whose crossing-free edges form a biconnected graph can be decomposed, in linear time, into a 22-plane graph and two plane forests

    Compactifying String Topology

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    We study the string topology of a closed oriented Riemannian manifold M. We describe a compact moduli space of diagrams, and show how the cellular chain complex of this space gives algebraic operations on the singular chains of the free loop space LM of M. These operations are well-defined on the homology of a quotient of this moduli space, which has the homotopy type of a compactification of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. In particular, our action of the 0-dimensional homology of the quotient space on the homology of the free loop space of M recovers the Cohen-Godin positive boundary TQFT.Comment: 55 pages, 7 figure

    The mixing time of the switch Markov chains: a unified approach

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    Since 1997 a considerable effort has been spent to study the mixing time of switch Markov chains on the realizations of graphic degree sequences of simple graphs. Several results were proved on rapidly mixing Markov chains on unconstrained, bipartite, and directed sequences, using different mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to unify these approaches. We will illustrate the strength of the unified method by showing that on any PP-stable family of unconstrained/bipartite/directed degree sequences the switch Markov chain is rapidly mixing. This is a common generalization of every known result that shows the rapid mixing nature of the switch Markov chain on a region of degree sequences. Two applications of this general result will be presented. One is an almost uniform sampler for power-law degree sequences with exponent γ>1+3\gamma>1+\sqrt{3}. The other one shows that the switch Markov chain on the degree sequence of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) is asymptotically almost surely rapidly mixing if pp is bounded away from 0 and 1 by at least 5log⁡nn−1\frac{5\log n}{n-1}.Comment: Clarification

    Tonal prisms: iterated quantization in chromatic tonality and Ravel's 'Ondine'

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    The mathematics of second-order maximal evenness has far-reaching potential for application in music analysis. One of its assets is its foundation in an inherently continuous conception of pitch, a feature it shares with voice-leading geometries. This paper reformulates second-order maximal evenness as iterated quantization in voice-leading spaces, discusses the implications of viewing diatonic triads as second-order maximally even sets for the understanding of nineteenth-century modulatory schemes, and applies a second-order maximally even derivation of acoustic collections in an in-depth analysis of Ravel's ‘Ondine’. In the interaction between these two very different applications, the paper generalizes the concepts and analytical methods associated with iterated quantization and also pursues a broader argument about the mutual dependence of mathematical music theory and music analysis.Accepted manuscrip
