15 research outputs found

    Directed and multi-directed animals on the King's lattice

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    International audienceWe define the directed King's lattice to be the square lattice with diagonal (next nearest neighbor) bonds and with the preferred directions {←,↖,↑,↗,→}. We enumerate directed animals on this lattice using a bijection with Viennot's heaps of pieces. We also define and enumerate a superclass of directed animals, the elements of which are called multi-directed animals. This follows Bousquet-MĂ©lou and Rechnitzer's work on the directed triangular and square lattices. Our final results show that directed and multi-directed animals asymptotically behave similarly to the ones on the triangular and square lattices

    Probabilistic cellular automata and random fields with i.i.d. directions

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    Let us consider the simplest model of one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automata (PCA). The cells are indexed by the integers, the alphabet is {0, 1}, and all the cells evolve synchronously. The new content of a cell is randomly chosen, independently of the others, according to a distribution depending only on the content of the cell itself and of its right neighbor. There are necessary and sufficient conditions on the four parameters of such a PCA to have a Bernoulli product invariant measure. We study the properties of the random field given by the space-time diagram obtained when iterating the PCA starting from its Bernoulli product invariant measure. It is a non-trivial random field with very weak dependences and nice combinatorial properties. In particular, not only the horizontal lines but also the lines in any other direction consist in i.i.d. random variables. We study extensions of the results to Markovian invariant measures, and to PCA with larger alphabets and neighborhoods

    Probabilistic cellular automata, invariant measures, and perfect sampling

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    A probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA) can be viewed as a Markov chain. The cells are updated synchronously and independently, according to a distribution depending on a finite neighborhood. We investigate the ergodicity of this Markov chain. A classical cellular automaton is a particular case of PCA. For a 1-dimensional cellular automaton, we prove that ergodicity is equivalent to nilpotency, and is therefore undecidable. We then propose an efficient perfect sampling algorithm for the invariant measure of an ergodic PCA. Our algorithm does not assume any monotonicity property of the local rule. It is based on a bounding process which is shown to be also a PCA. Last, we focus on the PCA Majority, whose asymptotic behavior is unknown, and perform numerical experiments using the perfect sampling procedure

    Directed animals, quadratic and rewriting systems

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    A directed animal is a percolation cluster in the directed site percolation model. The aim of this paper is to exhibit a strong relation between the problem of computing the generating function \G of directed animals on the square lattice, counted according to the area and the perimeter, and the problem of solving a system of quadratic equations involving unknown matrices. We present some solid evidence that some infinite explicit matrices, the fixed points of a rewriting like system are the natural solutions to this system of equations: some strong evidence is given that the problem of finding \G reduces to the problem of finding an eigenvector to an explicit infinite matrix. Similar properties are shown for other combinatorial questions concerning directed animals, and for different lattices.Comment: 27 page

    Percolation games, probabilistic cellular automata, and the hard-core model

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    Let each site of the square lattice Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 be independently assigned one of three states: a \textit{trap} with probability pp, a \textit{target} with probability qq, and \textit{open} with probability 1−p−q1-p-q, where 0<p+q<10<p+q<1. Consider the following game: a token starts at the origin, and two players take turns to move, where a move consists of moving the token from its current site xx to either x+(0,1)x+(0,1) or x+(1,0)x+(1,0). A player who moves the token to a trap loses the game immediately, while a player who moves the token to a target wins the game immediately. Is there positive probability that the game is \emph{drawn} with best play -- i.e.\ that neither player can force a win? This is equivalent to the question of ergodicity of a certain family of elementary one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automata (PCA). These automata have been studied in the contexts of enumeration of directed lattice animals, the golden-mean subshift, and the hard-core model, and their ergodicity has been noted as an open problem by several authors. We prove that these PCA are ergodic, and correspondingly that the game on Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 has no draws. On the other hand, we prove that certain analogous games \emph{do} exhibit draws for suitable parameter values on various directed graphs in higher dimensions, including an oriented version of the even sublattice of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d in all d≄3d\geq3. This is proved via a dimension reduction to a hard-core lattice gas in dimension d−1d-1. We show that draws occur whenever the corresponding hard-core model has multiple Gibbs distributions. We conjecture that draws occur also on the standard oriented lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d for d≄3d\geq 3, but here our method encounters a fundamental obstacle.Comment: 35 page

    A note on the enumeration of directed animals via gas considerations

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    In the literature, most of the results about the enumeration of directed animals on lattices via gas considerations are obtained by a formal passage to the limit of enumeration of directed animals on cyclical versions of the lattice. Here we provide a new point of view on this phenomenon. Using the gas construction given in [Electron. J. Combin. (2007) 14 R71], we describe the gas process on the cyclical versions of the lattices as a cyclical Markov chain (roughly speaking, Markov chains conditioned to come back to their starting point). Then we introduce a notion of convergence of graphs, such that if (Gn)→G(G_n)\to G then the gas process built on GnG_n converges in distribution to the gas process on GG. That gives a general tool to show that gas processes related to animals enumeration are often Markovian on lines extracted from lattices. We provide examples and computations of new generating functions for directed animals with various sources on the triangular lattice, on the Tn\mathcal {T}_n lattices introduced in [Ann. Comb. 4 (2000) 269--284] and on a generalization of the \mathcaligr {L}_n lattices introduced in [J. Phys. A 29 (1996) 3357--3365].Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP580 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org