14 research outputs found

    Mapping scalp to intracranial eeg using generative adversarial networks for automatically detecting interictal epileptiform discharges

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    Both scalp and intracranial electroencephalograms (EEGs) are of great importance for diagnosing brain disorders. However, the scalp EEG (sEEG) is attenuated by the skull and contaminated with artifacts. At the same time, intracranial EEG (iEEG) is almost free of artifacts and can capture all brain activities without any attenuation due to being close to the brain sources. In this study, the aim is to enhance the performance of sEEG by mapping the sEEG to the iEEG. To do so, we here develop a deep neural network using a generative adversarial network to estimate the sEEG from the iEEG. The proposed method is applied to sEEG and iEEG recorded simultaneously from epileptics to detect interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). The proposed method detects IEDs with 76% accuracy outperforming the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, it is at least twelve times less complex than the compared methods

    Procedurally generated AI compound media for expanding audial creations, broadening immersion and perception experience

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    Recently, the world has been gaining vastly increasing access to more and more advanced artificial intelligence tools. This phenomenon does not bypass the world of sound and visual art, and both of these worlds can benefit in ways yet unexplored, drawing them closer to one another. Recent breakthroughs open possibilities to utilize AI driven tools for creating generative art and using it as a compound of other multimedia. The aim of this paper is to present an original concept of using AI to create a visual compound material to existing audio source. This is a way of broadening accessibility thus appealing to different human senses using source media, expanding its initial form. This research utilizes a novel method of enhancing fundamental material consisting of text audio or text source (script) and sound layer (audio play) by adding an extra layer of multimedia experience – a visual one, generated procedurally. A set of images generated by AI tools, creating a story-telling animation as a new way to immerse into the experience of sound perception and focus on the initial audial material. The main idea of the paper consists of creating a pipeline, form of a blueprint for the process of procedural image generation based on the source context (audial or textual) transformed into text prompts and providing toolsto automate it by programming a set of code instructions. This process allows creation of coherent and cohesive (to a certain extent) visual cues accompanying audial experience levering it to multimodal piece of art. Using nowadays technologies, creators can enhance audial forms procedurally, providing them with visual context. The paper refers to current possibilities, use cases, limitations and biases giving presented tools and solutions

    Street-View Image Generation from a Bird's-Eye View Layout

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    Bird's-Eye View (BEV) Perception has received increasing attention in recent years as it provides a concise and unified spatial representation across views and benefits a diverse set of downstream driving applications. While the focus has been placed on discriminative tasks such as BEV segmentation, the dual generative task of creating street-view images from a BEV layout has rarely been explored. The ability to generate realistic street-view images that align with a given HD map and traffic layout is critical for visualizing complex traffic scenarios and developing robust perception models for autonomous driving. In this paper, we propose BEVGen, a conditional generative model that synthesizes a set of realistic and spatially consistent surrounding images that match the BEV layout of a traffic scenario. BEVGen incorporates a novel cross-view transformation and spatial attention design which learn the relationship between cameras and map views to ensure their consistency. Our model can accurately render road and lane lines, as well as generate traffic scenes under different weather conditions and times of day. The code will be made publicly available