34 research outputs found

    Groups elementarily equivalent to a free nilpotent group of finite rank

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    In this paper we give a complete algebraic description of groups elementarily equivalent to a given free nilpotent group of finite rank

    Nonstandard analysis, deformation quantization and some logical aspects of (non)commutative algebraic geometry

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    This paper surveys results related to well-known works of B. Plotkin and V. Remeslennikov on the edge of algebra, logic and geometry. We start from a brief review of the paper and motivations. The first sections deal with model theory. In Section 2.1 we describe the geometric equivalence, the elementary equivalence, and the isotypicity of algebras. We look at these notions from the positions of universal algebraic geometry and make emphasis on the cases of the first order rigidity. In this setting Plotkin's problem on the structure of automorphisms of (auto)endomorphisms of free objects, and auto-equivalence of categories is pretty natural and important. Section 2.2 is dedicated to particular cases of Plotkin's problem. Section 2.3 is devoted to Plotkin's problem for automorphisms of the group of polynomial symplectomorphisms. This setting has applications to mathematical physics through the use of model theory (non-standard analysis) in the studying of homomorphisms between groups of symplectomorphisms and automorphisms of the Weyl algebra. The last two sections deal with algorithmic problems for noncommutative and commutative algebraic geometry. Section 3.1 is devoted to the Gr\"obner basis in non-commutative situation. Despite the existence of an algorithm for checking equalities, the zero divisors and nilpotency problems are algorithmically unsolvable. Section 3.2 is connected with the problem of embedding of algebraic varieties; a sketch of the proof of its algorithmic undecidability over a field of characteristic zero is given.Comment: In this review we partially used results of arXiv:1512.06533, arXiv:math/0512273, arXiv:1812.01883 and arXiv:1606.01566 and put them in a new contex

    Towards the Andr\'e-Oort conjecture for mixed Shimura varieties: the Ax-Lindemann theorem and lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points

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    We prove in this paper the Ax-Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem for all mixed Shimura varieties and discuss the lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points of mixed Shimura varieties. In particular we reprove a result of Silverberg in a different approach. Then combining these results we prove the Andr\'e-Oort conjecture for any mixed Shimura variety whose pure part is a subvariety of A_6^n.Comment: The arXiv version differs from the published versio

    Stable domination and independence in algebraically closed valued fields

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    We seek to create tools for a model-theoretic analysis of types in algebraically closed valued fields (ACVF). We give evidence to show that a notion of 'domination by stable part' plays a key role. In Part A, we develop a general theory of stably dominated types, showing they enjoy an excellent independence theory, as well as a theory of definable types and germs of definable functions. In Part B, we show that the general theory applies to ACVF. Over a sufficiently rich base, we show that every type is stably dominated over its image in the value group. For invariant types over any base, stable domination coincides with a natural notion of `orthogonality to the value group'. We also investigate other notions of independence, and show that they all agree, and are well-behaved, for stably dominated types. One of these is used to show that every type extends to an invariant type; definable types are dense. Much of this work requires the use of imaginary elements. We also show existence of prime models over reasonable bases, possibly including imaginaries