1,426 research outputs found

    Dimensions and bases of hierarchical tensor-product splines

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    International audienceWe prove that the dimension of trivariate tensor-product spline space of tri-degree (m,m,m) with maximal order of smoothness over a three- dimensional domain coincides with the number of tensor-product B-spline basis functions acting effectively on the domain considered. A domain is required to belong to a certain class. This enables us to show that, for a cer- tain assumption about the configuration of a hierarchical mesh, hierarchical B-splines span the spline space. This paper presents an extension to three-dimensional hierarchical meshes of results proposed recently by Giannelli and Ju ̈ttler for two-dimensional hierarchical meshes

    Bases of T-meshes and the refinement of hierarchical B-splines

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    In this paper we consider spaces of bivariate splines of bi-degree (m, n) with maximal order of smoothness over domains associated to a two-dimensional grid. We define admissible classes of domains for which suitable combinatorial technique allows us to obtain the dimension of such spline spaces and the number of tensor-product B-splines acting effectively on these domains. Following the strategy introduced recently by Giannelli and Juettler, these results enable us to prove that under certain assumptions about the configuration of a hierarchical T-mesh the hierarchical B-splines form a basis of bivariate splines of bi-degree (m, n) with maximal order of smoothness over this hierarchical T-mesh. In addition, we derive a sufficient condition about the configuration of a hierarchical T-mesh that ensures a weighted partition of unity property for hierarchical B-splines with only positive weights

    Sum-factorization techniques in Isogeometric Analysis

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    The fast assembling of stiffness and mass matrices is a key issue in isogeometric analysis, particularly if the spline degree is increased. We present two algorithms based on the idea of sum factorization, one for matrix assembling and one for matrix-free methods, and study the behavior of their computational complexity in terms of the spline order pp. Opposed to the standard approach, these algorithms do not apply the idea element-wise, but globally or on macro-elements. If this approach is applied to Gauss quadrature, the computational complexity grows as pd+2p^{d+2} instead of p2d+1p^{2d+1} as previously achieved.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Bivariate hierarchical Hermite spline quasi--interpolation

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    Spline quasi-interpolation (QI) is a general and powerful approach for the construction of low cost and accurate approximations of a given function. In order to provide an efficient adaptive approximation scheme in the bivariate setting, we consider quasi-interpolation in hierarchical spline spaces. In particular, we study and experiment the features of the hierarchical extension of the tensor-product formulation of the Hermite BS quasi-interpolation scheme. The convergence properties of this hierarchical operator, suitably defined in terms of truncated hierarchical B-spline bases, are analyzed. A selection of numerical examples is presented to compare the performances of the hierarchical and tensor-product versions of the scheme

    Functional Regression

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    Functional data analysis (FDA) involves the analysis of data whose ideal units of observation are functions defined on some continuous domain, and the observed data consist of a sample of functions taken from some population, sampled on a discrete grid. Ramsay and Silverman's 1997 textbook sparked the development of this field, which has accelerated in the past 10 years to become one of the fastest growing areas of statistics, fueled by the growing number of applications yielding this type of data. One unique characteristic of FDA is the need to combine information both across and within functions, which Ramsay and Silverman called replication and regularization, respectively. This article will focus on functional regression, the area of FDA that has received the most attention in applications and methodological development. First will be an introduction to basis functions, key building blocks for regularization in functional regression methods, followed by an overview of functional regression methods, split into three types: [1] functional predictor regression (scalar-on-function), [2] functional response regression (function-on-scalar) and [3] function-on-function regression. For each, the role of replication and regularization will be discussed and the methodological development described in a roughly chronological manner, at times deviating from the historical timeline to group together similar methods. The primary focus is on modeling and methodology, highlighting the modeling structures that have been developed and the various regularization approaches employed. At the end is a brief discussion describing potential areas of future development in this field

    BPX-Preconditioning for isogeometric analysis

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    We consider elliptic PDEs (partial differential equations) in the framework of isogeometric analysis, i.e., we treat the physical domain by means of a B-spline or Nurbs mapping which we assume to be regular. The numerical solution of the PDE is computed by means of tensor product B-splines mapped onto the physical domain. We construct additive multilevel preconditioners and show that they are asymptotically optimal, i.e., the spectral condition number of the resulting preconditioned stiffness matrix is independent of hh. Together with a nested iteration scheme, this enables an iterative solution scheme of optimal linear complexity. The theoretical results are substantiated by numerical examples in two and three space dimensions