648 research outputs found

    Inferring Affective Meanings of Words from Word Embedding

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    Affective lexicon is one of the most important resource in affective computing for text. Manually constructed affective lexicons have limited scale and thus only have limited use in practical systems. In this work, we propose a regression-based method to automatically infer multi-dimensional affective representation of words via their word embedding based on a set of seed words. This method can make use of the rich semantic meanings obtained from word embedding to extract meanings in some specific semantic space. This is based on the assumption that different features in word embedding contribute differently to a particular affective dimension and a particular feature in word embedding contributes differently to different affective dimensions. Evaluation on various affective lexicons shows that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on all the lexicons under different evaluation metrics with large margins. We also explore different regression models and conclude that the Ridge regression model, the Bayesian Ridge regression model and Support Vector Regression with linear kernel are the most suitable models. Comparing to other state-of-the-art methods, our method also has computation advantage. Experiments on a sentiment analysis task show that the lexicons extended by our method achieve better results than publicly available sentiment lexicons on eight sentiment corpora. The extended lexicons are publicly available for access

    A plea for more interactions between psycholinguistics and natural language processing research

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    A new development in psycholinguistics is the use of regression analyses on tens of thousands of words, known as the megastudy approach. This development has led to the collection of processing times and subjective ratings (of age of acquisition, concreteness, valence, and arousal) for most of the existing words in English and Dutch. In addition, a crowdsourcing study in the Dutch language has resulted in information about how well 52,000 lemmas are known. This information is likely to be of interest to NLP researchers and computational linguists. At the same time, large-scale measures of word characteristics developed in the latter traditions are likely to be pivotal in bringing the megastudy approach to the next level

    Affective norms for italian words in older adults: Age differences in ratings of valence, arousal and dominance

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    In line with the dimensional theory of emotional space, we developed affective norms for words rated in terms of valence, arousal and dominance in a group of older adults to complete the adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) for Italian and to aid research on aging. Here, as in the original Italian ANEW database, participants evaluated valence, arousal, and dominance by means of the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) in a paper-and-pencil procedure. We observed high split-half reliabilities within the older sample and high correlations with the affective ratings of previous research, especially for valence, suggesting that there is large agreement among older adults within and across-languages. More importantly, we found high correlations between younger and older adults, showing that our data are generalizable across different ages. However, despite this across-ages accord, we obtained age-related differences on three affective dimensions for a great number of words. In particular, older adults rated as more arousing and more unpleasant a number of words that younger adults rated as moderately unpleasant and arousing in our previous affective norms. Moreover, older participants rated negative stimuli as more arousing and positive stimuli as less arousing than younger participants, thus leading to a less-curved distribution of ratings in the valence by arousal space. We also found more extreme ratings for older adults for the relationship between dominance and arousal: older adults gave lower dominance and higher arousal ratings for words rated by younger adults with middle dominance and arousal values. Together, these results suggest that our affective norms are reliable and can be confidently used to select words matched for the affective dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance across younger and older participants for future research in aging. Figure

    Improving attention model based on cognition grounded data for sentiment analysis

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    Attention models are proposed in sentiment analysis and other classification tasks because some words are more important than others to train the attention models. However, most existing methods either use local context based information, affective lexicons, or user preference information. In this work, we propose a novel attention model trained by cognition grounded eye-tracking data. First,a reading prediction model is built using eye-tracking data as dependent data and other features in the context as independent data. The predicted reading time is then used to build a cognition grounded attention layer for neural sentiment analysis. Our model can capture attentions in context both in terms of words at sentence level as well as sentences at document level. Other attention mechanisms can also be incorporated together to capture other aspects of attentions, such as local attention, and affective lexicons. Results of our work include two parts. The first part compares our proposed cognition ground attention model with other state-of-the-art sentiment analysis models. The second part compares our model with an attention model based on other lexicon based sentiment resources. Evaluations show that sentiment analysis using cognition grounded attention model outperforms the state-of-the-art sentiment analysis methods significantly. Comparisons to affective lexicons also indicate that using cognition grounded eye-tracking data has advantages over other sentiment resources by considering both word information and context information. This work brings insight to how cognition grounded data can be integrated into natural language processing (NLP) tasks