242 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review of 3D convolutional neural network-based classification techniques of diseased and defective crops using non-UAV-based hyperspectral images

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a non-destructive and contactless technology that provides valuable information about the structure and composition of an object. It can capture detailed information about the chemical and physical properties of agricultural crops. Due to its wide spectral range, compared with multispectral- or RGB-based imaging methods, HSI can be a more effective tool for monitoring crop health and productivity. With the advent of this imaging tool in agrotechnology, researchers can more accurately address issues related to the detection of diseased and defective crops in the agriculture industry. This allows to implement the most suitable and accurate farming solutions, such as irrigation and fertilization before crops enter a damaged and difficult-to-recover phase of growth in the field. While HSI provides valuable insights into the object under investigation, the limited number of HSI datasets for crop evaluation presently poses a bottleneck. Dealing with the curse of dimensionality presents another challenge due to the abundance of spectral and spatial information in each hyperspectral cube. State-of-the-art methods based on 1D- and 2D-CNNs struggle to efficiently extract spectral and spatial information. On the other hand, 3D-CNN-based models have shown significant promise in achieving better classification and detection results by leveraging spectral and spatial features simultaneously. Despite the apparent benefits of 3D-CNN-based models, their usage for classification purposes in this area of research has remained limited. This paper seeks to address this gap by reviewing 3D-CNN-based architectures and the typical deep learning pipeline, including preprocessing and visualization of results, for the classification of hyperspectral images of diseased and defective crops. Furthermore, we discuss open research areas and challenges when utilizing 3D-CNNs with HSI data

    Compressive sensing for signal ensembles

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    Compressive sensing (CS) is a new approach to simultaneous sensing and compression that enables a potentially large reduction in the sampling and computation costs for acquisition of signals having a sparse or compressible representation in some basis. The CS literature has focused almost exclusively on problems involving single signals in one or two dimensions. However, many important applications involve distributed networks or arrays of sensors. In other applications, the signal is inherently multidimensional and sensed progressively along a subset of its dimensions; examples include hyperspectral imaging and video acquisition. Initial work proposed joint sparsity models for signal ensembles that exploit both intra- and inter-signal correlation structures. Joint sparsity models enable a reduction in the total number of compressive measurements required by CS through the use of specially tailored recovery algorithms. This thesis reviews several different models for sparsity and compressibility of signal ensembles and multidimensional signals and proposes practical CS measurement schemes for these settings. For joint sparsity models, we evaluate the minimum number of measurements required under a recovery algorithm with combinatorial complexity. We also propose a framework for CS that uses a union-of-subspaces signal model. This framework leverages the structure present in certain sparse signals and can exploit both intra- and inter-signal correlations in signal ensembles. We formulate signal recovery algorithms that employ these new models to enable a reduction in the number of measurements required. Additionally, we propose the use of Kronecker product matrices as sparsity or compressibility bases for signal ensembles and multidimensional signals to jointly model all types of correlation present in the signal when each type of correlation can be expressed using sparsity. We compare the performance of standard global measurement ensembles, which act on all of the signal samples; partitioned measurements, which act on a partition of the signal with a given measurement depending only on a piece of the signal; and Kronecker product measurements, which can be implemented in distributed measurement settings. The Kronecker product formulation in the sparsity and measurement settings enables the derivation of analytical bounds for transform coding compression of signal ensembles and multidimensional signals. We also provide new theoretical results for performance of CS recovery when Kronecker product matrices are used, which in turn motivates new design criteria for distributed CS measurement schemes

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Local transfer learning from one data space to another

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    A fundamental problem in manifold learning is to approximate a functional relationship in a data chosen randomly from a probability distribution supported on a low dimensional sub-manifold of a high dimensional ambient Euclidean space. The manifold is essentially defined by the data set itself and, typically, designed so that the data is dense on the manifold in some sense. The notion of a data space is an abstraction of a manifold encapsulating the essential properties that allow for function approximation. The problem of transfer learning (meta-learning) is to use the learning of a function on one data set to learn a similar function on a new data set. In terms of function approximation, this means lifting a function on one data space (the base data space) to another (the target data space). This viewpoint enables us to connect some inverse problems in applied mathematics (such as inverse Radon transform) with transfer learning. In this paper we examine the question of such lifting when the data is assumed to be known only on a part of the base data space. We are interested in determining subsets of the target data space on which the lifting can be defined, and how the local smoothness of the function and its lifting are related.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of ICAIPA 2022, Editors: S. Pereverzyev, R. Radha, S. Sivananthan, Springer Verla

    Introduction to Facial Micro Expressions Analysis Using Color and Depth Images: A Matlab Coding Approach (Second Edition, 2023)

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    The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment. FMER is a subset of image processing and it is a multidisciplinary topic to analysis. So, it requires familiarity with other topics of Artifactual Intelligence (AI) such as machine learning, digital image processing, psychology and more. So, it is a great opportunity to write a book which covers all of these topics for beginner to professional readers in the field of AI and even without having background of AI. Our goal is to provide a standalone introduction in the field of MFER analysis in the form of theorical descriptions for readers with no background in image processing with reproducible Matlab practical examples. Also, we describe any basic definitions for FMER analysis and MATLAB library which is used in the text, that helps final reader to apply the experiments in the real-world applications. We believe that this book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals alike, who need to develop practical skills, along with a basic understanding of the field. We expect that, after reading this book, the reader feels comfortable with different key stages such as color and depth image processing, color and depth image representation, classification, machine learning, facial micro-expressions recognition, feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment.Comment: This is the second edition of the boo

    A comprehensive review of 3D convolutional neural network-based classification techniques of diseased and defective crops using non-UAV-based hyperspectral images

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a non-destructive and contactless technology that provides valuable information about the structure and composition of an object. It has the ability to capture detailed information about the chemical and physical properties of agricultural crops. Due to its wide spectral range, compared with multispectral-or RGB-based imaging methods, HSI can be a more effective tool for monitoring crop health and productivity. With the advent of this imaging tool in agrotechnology, researchers can more accurately address issues related to the detection of diseased and defective crops in the agriculture industry. This allows to implement the most suitable and accurate farming solutions, such as irrigation and fertilization, before crops enter a damaged and difficult-to-recover phase of growth in the field. While HSI provides valuable insights into the object under investigation, the limited number of HSI datasets for crop evaluation presently poses a bottleneck. Dealing with the curse of dimensionality presents another challenge due to the abundance of spectral and spatial information in each hyperspectral cube. State-of-the-art methods based on 1D and 2D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) struggle to efficiently extract spectral and spatial information. On the other hand, 3D-CNN-based models have shown significant promise in achieving better classification and detection results by leveraging spectral and spatial features simultaneously. Despite the apparent benefits of 3D-CNN-based models, their usage for classification purposes in this area of research has remained limited. This paper seeks to address this gap by reviewing 3D-CNN-based architectures and the typical deep learning pipeline, including preprocessing and visualization of results, for the classification of hyperspectral images of diseased and defective crops. Furthermore, we discuss open research areas and challenges when utilizing 3D-CNNs with HSI data."This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S277237552300145

    Contributions to Ensemble Classifiers with Image Analysis Applications

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    134 p.Ésta tesis tiene dos aspectos fundamentales, por un lado, la propuesta denuevas arquitecturas de clasificadores y, por otro, su aplicación a el análisis deimagen.Desde el punto de vista de proponer nuevas arquitecturas de clasificaciónla tesis tiene dos contribucciones principales. En primer lugar la propuestade un innovador ensemble de clasificadores basado en arquitecturas aleatorias,como pueden ser las Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), Random Forest (RF) yRotation Forest, llamado Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest (HERF) y su mejoraAnticipative HERF (AHERF) que conlleva una selección del modelo basada enel rendimiento de predicción para cada conjunto de datos específico. Ademásde lo anterior, proveemos una prueba formal tanto del AHERF, como de laconvergencia de los ensembles de regresores ELMs que mejoran la usabilidad yreproducibilidad de los resultados.En la vertiente de aplicación hemos estado trabajando con dos tipos de imágenes:imágenes hiperespectrales de remote sensing, e imágenes médicas tanto depatologías específicas de venas de sangre como de imágenes para el diagnósticode Alzheimer. En todos los casos los ensembles de clasificadores han sido la herramientacomún además de estrategias especificas de aprendizaje activo basadasen dichos ensembles de clasificadores. En el caso concreto de la segmentaciónde vasos sanguíneos nos hemos enfrentado con problemas, uno relacionado conlos trombos del Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal en imágenes 3D de tomografíacomputerizada y el otro la segmentación de venas sangineas en la retina. Losresultados en ambos casos en términos de rendimiento en clasificación y ahorrode tiempo en la segmentación humana nos permiten recomendar esos enfoquespara la práctica clínica.Chapter 1Background y contribuccionesDado el espacio limitado para realizar el resumen de la tesis hemos decididoincluir un resumen general con los puntos más importantes, una pequeña introducciónque pudiera servir como background para entender los conceptos básicosde cada uno de los temas que hemos tocado y un listado con las contribuccionesmás importantes.1.1 Ensembles de clasificadoresLa idea de los ensembles de clasificadores fue propuesta por Hansen y Salamon[4] en el contexto del aprendizaje de las redes neuronales artificiales. Sutrabajo mostró que un ensemble de redes neuronales con un esquema de consensogrupal podía mejorar el resultado obtenido con una única red neuronal.Los ensembles de clasificadores buscan obtener unos resultados de clasificaciónmejores combinando clasificadores débiles y diversos [8, 9]. La propuesta inicialde ensemble contenía una colección homogena de clasificadores individuales. ElRandom Forest es un claro ejemplo de ello, puesto que combina la salida de unacolección de árboles de decisión realizando una votación por mayoría [2, 3], yse construye utilizando una técnica de remuestreo sobre el conjunto de datos ycon selección aleatoria de variables.2CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND Y CONTRIBUCCIONES 31.2 Aprendizaje activoLa construcción de un clasificador supervisado consiste en el aprendizaje de unaasignación de funciones de datos en un conjunto de clases dado un conjunto deentrenamiento etiquetado. En muchas situaciones de la vida real la obtenciónde las etiquetas del conjunto de entrenamiento es costosa, lenta y propensa aerrores. Esto hace que la construcción del conjunto de entrenamiento sea unatarea engorrosa y requiera un análisis manual exaustivo de la imagen. Esto se realizanormalmente mediante una inspección visual de las imágenes y realizandoun etiquetado píxel a píxel. En consecuencia el conjunto de entrenamiento esaltamente redundante y hace que la fase de entrenamiento del modelo sea muylenta. Además los píxeles ruidosos pueden interferir en las estadísticas de cadaclase lo que puede dar lugar a errores de clasificación y/o overfitting. Por tantoes deseable que un conjunto de entrenamiento sea construido de una manera inteligente,lo que significa que debe representar correctamente los límites de clasemediante el muestreo de píxeles discriminantes. La generalización es la habilidadde etiquetar correctamente datos que no se han visto previamente y quepor tanto son nuevos para el modelo. El aprendizaje activo intenta aprovecharla interacción con un usuario para proporcionar las etiquetas de las muestrasdel conjunto de entrenamiento con el objetivo de obtener la clasificación másprecisa utilizando el conjunto de entrenamiento más pequeño posible.1.3 AlzheimerLa enfermedad de Alzheimer es una de las causas más importantes de discapacidaden personas mayores. Dado el envejecimiento poblacional que es una realidaden muchos países, con el aumento de la esperanza de vida y con el aumentodel número de personas mayores, el número de pacientes con demencia aumentarátambién. Debido a la importancia socioeconómica de la enfermedad enlos países occidentales existe un fuerte esfuerzo internacional focalizado en laenfermedad del Alzheimer. En las etapas tempranas de la enfermedad la atrofiacerebral suele ser sutil y está espacialmente distribuida por diferentes regionescerebrales que incluyen la corteza entorrinal, el hipocampo, las estructuras temporaleslateral e inferior, así como el cíngulo anterior y posterior. Son muchoslos esfuerzos de diseño de algoritmos computacionales tratando de encontrarbiomarcadores de imagen que puedan ser utilizados para el diagnóstico no invasivodel Alzheimer y otras enfermedades neurodegenerativas.CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND Y CONTRIBUCCIONES 41.4 Segmentación de vasos sanguíneosLa segmentación de los vasos sanguíneos [1, 7, 6] es una de las herramientas computacionalesesenciales para la evaluación clínica de las enfermedades vasculares.Consiste en particionar un angiograma en dos regiones que no se superponen:la región vasculares y el fondo. Basándonos en los resultados de dicha particiónse pueden extraer, modelar, manipular, medir y visualizar las superficies vasculares.Éstas estructuras son muy útiles y juegan un rol muy imporntate en lostratamientos endovasculares de las enfermedades vasculares. Las enfermedadesvasculares son una de las principales fuentes de morbilidad y mortalidad en todoel mundo.Aneurisma de Aorta Abdominal El Aneurisma de Aorta Abdominal (AAA)es una dilatación local de la Aorta que ocurre entre las arterias renal e ilíaca. Eldebilitamiento de la pared de la aorta conduce a su deformación y la generaciónde un trombo. Generalmente, un AAA se diagnostica cuando el diámetro anterioposteriormínimo de la aorta alcanza los 3 centímetros [5]. La mayoría delos aneurismas aórticos son asintomáticos y sin complicaciones. Los aneurismasque causan los síntomas tienen un mayor riesgo de ruptura. El dolor abdominalo el dolor de espalda son las dos principales características clínicas que sugiereno bien la reciente expansión o fugas. Las complicaciones son a menudo cuestiónde vida o muerte y pueden ocurrir en un corto espacio de tiempo. Por lo tanto,el reto consiste en diagnosticar lo antes posible la aparición de los síntomas.Imágenes de Retina La evaluación de imágenes del fondo del ojo es una herramientade diagnóstico de la patología vascular y no vascular. Dicha inspecciónpuede revelar hipertensión, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, enfermedades cardiovascularese ictus. Los principales retos para la segmentación de vasos retinianos son:(1) la presencia de lesiones que se pueden interpretar de forma errónea comovasos sanguíneos; (2) bajo contraste alrededor de los vasos más delgados, (3)múltiples escalas de tamaño de los vasos.1.5 ContribucionesÉsta tesis tiene dos tipos de contribuciones. Contribuciones computacionales ycontribuciones orientadas a una aplicación o prácticas.CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND Y CONTRIBUCCIONES 5Desde un punto de vista computacional las contribuciones han sido las siguientes:¿ Un nuevo esquema de aprendizaje activo usando Random Forest y el cálculode la incertidumbre que permite una segmentación de imágenes rápida,precisa e interactiva.¿ Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest.¿ Adaptative Hybrid Extreme Rotation Forest.¿ Métodos de aprendizaje semisupervisados espectrales-espaciales.¿ Unmixing no lineal y reconstrucción utilizando ensembles de regresoresELM.Desde un punto de vista práctico:¿ Imágenes médicas¿ Aprendizaje activo combinado con HERF para la segmentación deimágenes de tomografía computerizada.¿ Mejorar el aprendizaje activo para segmentación de imágenes de tomografíacomputerizada con información de dominio.¿ Aprendizaje activo con el clasificador bootstrapped dendritic aplicadoa segmentación de imágenes médicas.¿ Meta-ensembles de clasificadores para detección de Alzheimer conimágenes de resonancia magnética.¿ Random Forest combinado con aprendizaje activo para segmentaciónde imágenes de retina.¿ Segmentación automática de grasa subcutanea y visceral utilizandoresonancia magnética.¿ Imágenes hiperespectrales¿ Unmixing no lineal y reconstrucción utilizando ensembles de regresoresELM.¿ Métodos de aprendizaje semisupervisados espectrales-espaciales concorrección espacial usando AHERF.¿ Método semisupervisado de clasificación utilizando ensembles de ELMsy con regularización espacial

    Exploring information retrieval using image sparse representations:from circuit designs and acquisition processes to specific reconstruction algorithms

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    New advances in the field of image sensors (especially in CMOS technology) tend to question the conventional methods used to acquire the image. Compressive Sensing (CS) plays a major role in this, especially to unclog the Analog to Digital Converters which are generally representing the bottleneck of this type of sensors. In addition, CS eliminates traditional compression processing stages that are performed by embedded digital signal processors dedicated to this purpose. The interest is twofold because it allows both to consistently reduce the amount of data to be converted but also to suppress digital processing performed out of the sensor chip. For the moment, regarding the use of CS in image sensors, the main route of exploration as well as the intended applications aims at reducing power consumption related to these components (i.e. ADC & DSP represent 99% of the total power consumption). More broadly, the paradigm of CS allows to question or at least to extend the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory. This thesis shows developments in the field of image sensors demonstrating that is possible to consider alternative applications linked to CS. Indeed, advances are presented in the fields of hyperspectral imaging, super-resolution, high dynamic range, high speed and non-uniform sampling. In particular, three research axes have been deepened, aiming to design proper architectures and acquisition processes with their associated reconstruction techniques taking advantage of image sparse representations. How the on-chip implementation of Compressed Sensing can relax sensor constraints, improving the acquisition characteristics (speed, dynamic range, power consumption) ? How CS can be combined with simple analysis to provide useful image features for high level applications (adding semantic information) and improve the reconstructed image quality at a certain compression ratio ? Finally, how CS can improve physical limitations (i.e. spectral sensitivity and pixel pitch) of imaging systems without a major impact neither on the sensing strategy nor on the optical elements involved ? A CMOS image sensor has been developed and manufactured during this Ph.D. to validate concepts such as the High Dynamic Range - CS. A new design approach was employed resulting in innovative solutions for pixels addressing and conversion to perform specific acquisition in a compressed mode. On the other hand, the principle of adaptive CS combined with the non-uniform sampling has been developed. Possible implementations of this type of acquisition are proposed. Finally, preliminary works are exhibited on the use of Liquid Crystal Devices to allow hyperspectral imaging combined with spatial super-resolution. The conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows: CS must now be considered as a toolbox for defining more easily compromises between the different characteristics of the sensors: integration time, converters speed, dynamic range, resolution and digital processing resources. However, if CS relaxes some material constraints at the sensor level, it is possible that the collected data are difficult to interpret and process at the decoder side, involving massive computational resources compared to so-called conventional techniques. The application field is wide, implying that for a targeted application, an accurate characterization of the constraints concerning both the sensor (encoder), but also the decoder need to be defined
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