11 research outputs found

    Digraph Complexity Measures and Applications in Formal Language Theory

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    We investigate structural complexity measures on digraphs, in particular the cycle rank. This concept is intimately related to a classical topic in formal language theory, namely the star height of regular languages. We explore this connection, and obtain several new algorithmic insights regarding both cycle rank and star height. Among other results, we show that computing the cycle rank is NP-complete, even for sparse digraphs of maximum outdegree 2. Notwithstanding, we provide both a polynomial-time approximation algorithm and an exponential-time exact algorithm for this problem. The former algorithm yields an O((log n)^(3/2))- approximation in polynomial time, whereas the latter yields the optimum solution, and runs in time and space O*(1.9129^n) on digraphs of maximum outdegree at most two. Regarding the star height problem, we identify a subclass of the regular languages for which we can precisely determine the computational complexity of the star height problem. Namely, the star height problem for bideterministic languages is NP-complete, and this holds already for binary alphabets. Then we translate the algorithmic results concerning cycle rank to the bideterministic star height problem, thus giving a polynomial-time approximation as well as a reasonably fast exact exponential algorithm for bideterministic star height.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Transiently Consistent SDN Updates: Being Greedy is Hard

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    The software-defined networking paradigm introduces interesting opportunities to operate networks in a more flexible, optimized, yet formally verifiable manner. Despite the logically centralized control, however, a Software-Defined Network (SDN) is still a distributed system, with inherent delays between the switches and the controller. Especially the problem of changing network configurations in a consistent manner, also known as the consistent network update problem, has received much attention over the last years. In particular, it has been shown that there exists an inherent tradeoff between update consistency and speed. This paper revisits the problem of updating an SDN in a transiently consistent, loop-free manner. First, we rigorously prove that computing a maximum (greedy) loop-free network update is generally NP-hard; this result has implications for the classic maximum acyclic subgraph problem (the dual feedback arc set problem) as well. Second, we show that for special problem instances, fast and good approximation algorithms exist

    Digraph Complexity Measures and Applications in Formal Language Theory

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    We investigate structural complexity measures on digraphs, in particular the cycle rank. This concept is intimately related to a classical topic in formal language theory, namely the star height of regular languages. We explore this connection, and obtain several new algorithmic insights regarding both cycle rank and star height. Among other results, we show that computing the cycle rank is NP-complete, even for sparse digraphs of maximum outdegree 2. Notwithstanding, we provide both a polynomial-time approximation algorithm and an exponential-time exact algorithm for this problem. The former algorithm yields an O((log n)^(3/2))- approximation in polynomial time, whereas the latter yields the optimum solution, and runs in time and space O*(1.9129^n) on digraphs of maximum outdegree at most two. Regarding the star height problem, we identify a subclass of the regular languages for which we can precisely determine the computational complexity of the star height problem. Namely, the star height problem for bideterministic languages is NP-complete, and this holds already for binary alphabets. Then we translate the algorithmic results concerning cycle rank to the bideterministic star height problem, thus giving a polynomial-time approximation as well as a reasonably fast exact exponential algorithm for bideterministic star height.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    On the Monotonicity of Process Number

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    International audienceGraph searching games involve a team of searchers that aims at capturing a fugitive in a graph. These games have been widely studied for their relationships with the tree-and the path-decomposition of graphs. In order to define de-compositions for directed graphs, similar games have been proposed in directed graphs. In this paper, we consider a game that has been defined and studied in the context of routing reconfiguration problems in WDM networks. Namely, in the processing game, the fugitive is invisible, arbitrarily fast, it moves in the opposite direction of the arcs of a digraph, but only as long as it can access to a strongly connected component free of searchers. We prove that the processing game is monotone which leads to its equivalence with a new digraph decomposition

    Adapting the Directed Grid Theorem into an FPT Algorithm

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    The Grid Theorem of Robertson and Seymour [JCTB, 1986], is one of the most important tools in the field of structural graph theory, finding numerous applications in the design of algorithms for undirected graphs. An analogous version of the Grid Theorem in digraphs was conjectured by Johnson et al. [JCTB, 2001], and proved by Kawarabayashi and Kreutzer [STOC, 2015]. Namely, they showed that there is a function f(k)f(k) such that every digraph of directed tree-width at least f(k)f(k) contains a cylindrical grid of size kk as a butterfly minor and stated that their proof can be turned into an XP algorithm, with parameter kk, that either constructs a decomposition of the appropriate width, or finds the claimed large cylindrical grid as a butterfly minor. In this paper, we adapt some of the steps of the proof of Kawarabayashi and Kreutzer to improve this XP algorithm into an FPT algorithm. Towards this, our main technical contributions are two FPT algorithms with parameter kk. The first one either produces an arboreal decomposition of width 3k−23k-2 or finds a haven of order kk in a digraph DD, improving on the original result for arboreal decompositions by Johnson et al. The second algorithm finds a well-linked set of order kk in a digraph DD of large directed tree-width. As tools to prove these results, we show how to solve a generalized version of the problem of finding balanced separators for a given set of vertices TT in FPT time with parameter ∣T∣|T|, a result that we consider to be of its own interest.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure