449 research outputs found

    A New Digital Watermarking Algorithm Using Combination of Least Significant Bit (LSB) and Inverse Bit

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    In this paper, we introduce a new digital watermarking algorithm using least significant bit (LSB). LSB is used because of its little effect on the image. This new algorithm is using LSB by inversing the binary values of the watermark text and shifting the watermark according to the odd or even number of pixel coordinates of image before embedding the watermark. The proposed algorithm is flexible depending on the length of the watermark text. If the length of the watermark text is more than ((MxN)/8)-2 the proposed algorithm will also embed the extra of the watermark text in the second LSB. We compare our proposed algorithm with the 1-LSB algorithm and Lee's algorithm using Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). This new algorithm improved its quality of the watermarked image. We also attack the watermarked image by using cropping and adding noise and we got good results as well.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures and 4 tables; Journal of Computing, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2011, ISSN 2151-961

    Penggunaan Nilai Skala Keabuan Dari Citra Watermark Sebagai Cetak Biru Dari Visible Watermarking

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    Visible watermarking adalah salah satu proses pada pengolahan citra digital yang memproses dua buah citra. Satu citra sebagai citra utama dan yang lainnya adalah citra watermark. Citra watermark dilekatkan pada citra utama. Biasanya, proses visible watermarking dilakukan dengan proses image blending yang mencampurkan kedua citra. Pada Kenyataan yang lain, citra watermark, yang telah diproses menjadi citra grayscale, mempunyai nilai intensitas yang bervariasi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai cetak biru dari watermark. Setiap piksel pada citra utama akan dinaikkan atau diturunkan sesuai dengan nilai piksel yang bersesuaian. Intensitas terkecil dari citra watermark dapat digunakan untuk menentukan titik proses penandaan, dan dapat digeser dengan nilai K yang ditentukan oleh operator. Dengan mempergunakan metode ini diharapkan citra yang di watermark tetap memberikan informasi yang diperlukan tanpa terganggu adanya penempelan citra watermark pada citra tersebut secara kasat mata

    Watermarking Citra Digital Menggunakan Teknik Amplitude Modulation

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    Watermarking is a way to save some information into other digital data and the existences of information cannot be realized by human sense. It can also survive from digital signal processing in adequate processing. There are some applications of watermarking, for examples Broadcast Monitoring, Owner Identification, Proof of Ownership, Authentication, Fingerprinting, Copy control and Covert Communication. Some techniques, which have already been developed, are LSB, Amplitude Modulation, Patchwork, Spread Spectrum etc. This report will describe the Bitmap image format, the concept of watermarking, the concept of watermarking using Amplitude Modulation technique, the realization of watermarking concept through a watermarking program, and the test results of the program. Through some tests, which have been done to the digital image watermarking program using amplitude modulation technique, it can be concluded that the program has been realized successfully. The test also shows that the increment of the value of q, make the ability of program to identify the characters, which were watermarked, to the image become better

    Copyright protection for the electronic distribution of text documents

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    Each copy of a text document can be made different in a nearly invisible way by repositioning or modifying the appearance of different elements of text, i.e., lines, words, or characters. A unique copy can be registered with its recipient, so that subsequent unauthorized copies that are retrieved can be traced back to the original owner. In this paper we describe and compare several mechanisms for marking documents and several other mechanisms for decoding the marks after documents have been subjected to common types of distortion. The marks are intended to protect documents of limited value that are owned by individuals who would rather possess a legal than an illegal copy if they can be distinguished. We will describe attacks that remove the marks and countermeasures to those attacks. An architecture is described for distributing a large number of copies without burdening the publisher with creating and transmitting the unique documents. The architecture also allows the publisher to determine the identity of a recipient who has illegally redistributed the document, without compromising the privacy of individuals who are not operating illegally. Two experimental systems are described. One was used to distribute an issue of the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, and the second was used to mark copies of company private memoranda