426 research outputs found

    Digital Platform Ecosystem Governance: Preliminary Findings and Research Agenda

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    This paper explores collaborative governance in digital platform ecosystems and the governance challenges that may occur in such environments. We analyze three different digital platform ecosystems and identify six unresolved key governance issues that we believe are central to the type of digital platform ecosystems we address. This paper has three contributions. First, we add to the literature on digital platform ecosystems by revealing a set of governance challenges regarding ecosystem forming and sustainability. Second, our findings may serve as recommendations for organizations that are planning to establish or that are already running an ecosystem based on a digital platform. Third, we contribute to digital platform ecosystem research by proposing an agenda for future research in this area

    Challenges to Newspapers in Digital Platform Ecosystems

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    Incumbent content providers such as newspapers experience radical changes in their business environment. Digital platforms are becoming increasingly important to innovate digital media services and business. The generativity of digital platforms afforded by digital technology offers new opportunities, but also new challenges. Digital platforms exist in an ecosystem of complex networks of actors and resources. In this paper we shed light on the challenges for incumbent content providers to adapt to and realize business opportunities in digital platforms. We do this from the viewpoints of newspaper management, platform provider and analysts of media business


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    Pervasive digitization and complex business challenges encourage companies to collaborate, build innovative digital solutions, and cocreate IT value in multi-firm environments. Despite much research extensively focused on the outcome of value cocreation, emphasizing the concept of cocreating with customers, what remains under-investigated is the ‘process’ of IT value cocreation in digital platform ecosystems with customers, partners, and competitors. This research investigates what are the key processes of IT value cocreation in digital platform ecosystems. We draw on dynamic capabilities theory to examine value cocreation in two digital platforms to tease out key processes of IT-based value cocreation in multi-firm, complex environments. We advance a theoretical framework that helps us understand how firms manage the IT cocreation journey by sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring competencies to address rapidly changing environments. This research provides an emerging model and theoretical insights into extant literature about the nine processes involved in IT value cocreation in digital platform ecosystems, also opening up new avenues for future research

    Essays on Business Value Creation in Digital Platform Ecosystems

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    Digital platforms and the surrounding ecosystems have garnered great interest from researchers and practitioners. Notwithstanding this attention, it remains unclear how and when digital platforms create business value for platform owners and complementors. This three-essay dissertation focuses on understanding business value creation in digital platform ecosystems. The first essay reviews and synthesizes literature across disciplines and offers an integrative framework of digital platform business value. Advised by the findings from the review, the second and third essays focus on the value creation for platform complementors. The second essay examines how IT startups entering a platform ecosystem at different times can strategically design their products (i.e., product diversification across platform architectural layers and product differentiation) to gain competitive advantages. Longitudinal evidence from the Hadoop ecosystem demonstrates that product diversification has an inverted U-shaped relationship with complementors success, and such an effect is more salient for earlier entrants than later entrants. Earlier entrants should develop products that are similar to other ecosystem competitors to reduce uncertainty whereas later entrants are advised to explore market niche and differentiate their products.The third essay investigates how platform complementors strategies and products co-evolve over time in the co-created ecosystem network environment. Our longitudinal analysis of the Hadoop ecosystem indicates that complementors technological architecture coverage and alliance exploration strategies increase their product evolution rate. In turn, complementors with faster product evolution are more likely to explore new partners but less likely to cover a wider range of the focal platforms technological layers in subsequent periods. Network density, co-created by all platform complementors, weakens the effects of complementors strategies on their product evolution but amplifies the effects of past product evolutions on strategies.This three-essay dissertation uncovers various understudied competitive strategies in the digital platform context and enriches our understanding of business value creation in digital platform ecosystems

    Relations Between Actors in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Literature Review

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    Digital platform ecosystems are a popular field of study in information systems and an economic structure of significant importance worldwide. However, we know little about what relations exist between and among actors on digital platforms. Findings of mutually beneficial interactions, cooperation, and value creation contrast findings of power, dependency, control, governance, rules, and competition in the ecosystem. To shed light on this issue, we conduct a structured literature review of information systems and management literature. In 144 studies, we find 19 different relations between and among platform owner, complementors, and end-users. We contribute to research in three ways. First, by discovering that instability of roles on digital platforms explains dual roles and the dynamics of roles more holistically than concepts that account for specific dual roles. Second, by finding weighting in the relations. Third, by observing nestedness of relations

    Building Digital Foundations: A Course of Action Towards a Circular Construction Industry : An Exploratory Case Study

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    This thesis aims to explore the potential for digital platform ecosystems to support the development of the circular economy in the Norwegian construction industry. While there is a general understanding among scholars and industry professionals that digitalization can enable circularity, the existing literature on the intersection of these two concepts is limited. Existing literature does not adequately address the potential for using digital platforms to promote circularity across industry value chains and achieve the goals of a circular economy. To gain a holistic perspective on this potential, the thesis is based on an exploratory case study involving clients, consultants, architects, and contractors in the construction industry. The study aims to contribute to existing literature by developing a conceptual framework linking the concept of a circular economy to digital platform ecosystems, as well as by exploring why and how such a platform ecosystem can support the transition to circularity in the construction industry. The study's findings are twofold. Firstly, the study suggests the need for an improved organization of the value chain actors on digital platforms to facilitate iterative collaboration on project-level. Particularly, we identified that the implementation of circularity in the industry depend on frequent involvement of contractors and consultants. Moreover, in order to succeed in the transition towards circularity, we argue that the industry needs an industrywide platform to create a market for reused materials. Therefore, our study suggests that the industry requires a multidimensional platform with both project-specific and industry-wide components. Secondly, we identified three fundamental attributes that need to be present on a digital platform ecosystem for circularity: flexibility, data accumulation, and interaction. Based on these findings, we reassess our preliminary framework linking the circular economy to digital platform ecosystems and describe how the fundamental attributes can support this relationship. Overall, our thesis contributes to a better understanding of how industry actors can be organized on digital platform ecosystems to support circularity. In addition, the thesis provides the fundamental attributes necessary to configure a digital platform ecosystem for circularity in the construction industry.nhhma

    Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension

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    Digital platform owners repeatedly face paradoxical design decisions with regard to their platforms’ generativity and control, requiring them to facilitate co-innovation whilst simultaneously retaining control over third-party complementors. To address this challenge, platform owners deploy a variety of governance mechanisms. However, researchers and practitioners currently lack a coherent understanding of what major governance mechanisms platform owners rely on to simultaneously foster generativity and control. Conducting a structured literature review, we connect the fragmented academic discourse on governance mechanisms with each aspect of the generativity-control tension. Next to providing avenues for prospective digital platform research, we elaborate on the double-sidedness of governance mechanisms in fostering both generativity and control

    Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension

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    Digital platform owners repeatedly face paradoxical design decisions with regard to their platforms’ generativity and control, requiring them to facilitate co-innovation whilst simultaneously retaining control over third-party complementors. To address this challenge, platform owners deploy a variety of governance mechanisms. However, researchers and practitioners currently lack a coherent understanding of what major governance mechanisms platform owners rely on to simultaneously foster generativity and control. Conducting a structured literature review, we connect the fragmented academic discourse on governance mechanisms with each aspect of the generativity-control tension. Next to providing avenues for prospective digital platform research, we elaborate on the double-sidedness of governance mechanisms in fostering both generativity and control

    Complementarities in Platform Ecosystems: A Study of Coevolution of Made-in-Korea Digital Entertainment Phenomenon

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    Business ecosystems are pushed by competition to develop complementarities that increase their chances of survival. However, scholars continue to cite the lack of understanding in coevolution as a complementarity mechanisms of businesses, especially in the digital platform ecosystems. In this research-in-progress paper, we explore the development of complementarities, found in the coevolution of entities in digital platform ecosystems. Through initial case studies of globally developed Korean entertainment and culture industry, we discover a possible categorization of different types of coevolution in the digital platform ecosystem; namely ‘digital transformation’ – business coevolving with its environment, ‘platformization’ – core platform coevolving with its complementors, and ‘reconfiguration’- core ecosystem coevolving with its sub-ecosystems. Based on the findings, we suggest that there is a need to extend the definition of platform ecosystems to also incorporate the sub-ecosystems’ coevolutionary interaction. A new conceptual framework is presented with future plans to develop both the work and the model
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