3 research outputs found

    Toward a Significant E-Voting Adoption Model: The Digital Divide

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    Technology, through internet use, has changed how citizens interact and communicate with their governments. However, in any society, a proportion of people cannot access this type of interaction due to digital divide issues. Consequently, this study developed a model by investigating the impact of digital divide factors on technological system adoption, that is, e-voting, mainly in Jordan, a developing country. The model proposes that four digital divide factors, namely age, education, income, and internet use, directly influence citizens' intentions to use an e-voting website. A survey study of 267 Jordanian citizens (and internet users) explored whether the digital divide e-voting adoption model was significant. Analysis of the collected data showed the model's significance for exploring the digital divide's impact on citizens' intentions to use an e-voting website. This study, with its focus on parliamentary elections, is one of the few to examine how the digital divide influences e-voting adoption in the Middle East. Future research will focus on municipality elections

    Digital divide impact on e-voting adoption in middle eastern country

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    To ensure a high level of participation by voters and their trust in the election process when using an e-voting system, the voters who are on the other side of the digital divide must be considered. Although the Jordanian government runs a campaign promoting voting in parliamentary elections, the voters' turnout to elections is not high. This research paper therefore introduces the concept of the digital divide and its impact on e-voting system adoption. A framework for e-voting digital divide factors is proposed which presents the main factors that would influence voters' intentions to use an online voting (e-voting) system. These factors comprise: Age, education, income, and internet use. With the impact of these factors articulated, this research paper is significant in helping the Jordanian government to develop a strategy to ensure higher participation by voters in selecting their candidates. This research paper also provides a foundation for future empirical research on the influence of the digital divide on e-voting adoption.Scopu

    Metodolog铆a para la evaluaci贸n de las iniciativas gubernamentales de participaci贸n electr贸nica

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    La presente tesis de maestr铆a describe en detalle la Metodolog铆a para la Evaluaci贸n de Iniciativas Gubernamentales de Participaci贸n electr贸nica (MEIGeP) obtenida como resultado de esta investigaci贸n. Esta metodolog铆a fue construida con base en dos revisiones sistem谩ticas de literatura. Por un lado, se encontraron los factores asociados a la participaci贸n electr贸nica y, por el otro, se identificaron las variables y los indicadores propuestos en la literatura. Se realiz贸 la asociaci贸n de los resultados de las dos RSL, es decir, se asociaron las variables y los indicadores con respecto a los factores, luego de esto se elabor贸 la primera versi贸n de la metodolog铆a, la cual tuvo un refinamiento al utilizar el juicio de expertos como m茅todo para valorar las variables propuestas y sus actividades. Con base en las observaciones obtenidas en el juicio de expertos, se gener贸 la versi贸n final de MEIGeP, la cual cuenta con tres fases (planificaci贸n, ejecuci贸n y conclusi贸n), diez actividades, 12 factores, 25 variables y un conjunto de indicadores clasificados en cada una de las categor铆as del modelo de madurez propuesto por Tambouris para la participaci贸n electr贸nica. En este sentido, se propusieron 49 indicadores para la categor铆a de e-informaci贸n, 58 indicadores para la categor铆a de e-consulta, 56 indicadores para la categor铆a de e-involucramiento, 57 indicadores para la categor铆a de e-colaboraci贸n y 48 indicadores para la categor铆a de e-empoderamiento. Como conclusi贸n se tiene que, por la forma como fue dise帽ada MEIGeP, 茅sta es aplicable y replicable en cualquier iniciativa gubernamental siempre y cuando se tenga acceso a la informaci贸n.Abstract: The present Master Thesis describes in detail the Methodology for the Evaluation of Government Initiatives of Electronic Participation (MEIGeP) obtained as a result of this research. MEIGeP was structured based on two Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR). On the first one, it was found out a set of factors associated with Electronic Participation (eParticipation). In the second one, it was identified variables and indicators proposed in the literature to evaluate the eParticipation. Following this, the results of the SLR were associated by organizing the variables, and indicators regard to the factors identified. With the association made, an initial version of the MEIGeP was developed. This version of the MEIGeP was improved through method expert judgment to value the variables and the activities proposed. Based on the observations obtained in the expert judgment was developed the final version of the MEIGeP. The final version includes three phases (planning, execution, and conclusion), 10 activities, 12 factors, 25 variables, and 268 indicators. The indicators were organized in each one of the categories of the Tambouris Maturity Model to eParticipation. With this, 49 proposed indicators belong to the e-Informing category, 58 indicators are in the e-Consulting category, 56 indicators correspond to the e-Involving category, 57 indicators are part of the e-Collaborating category, and 48 more indicators are related to the e-Empowering category. As a conclusion, the process to develop MEIGeP allows that the methodology can be applied and replicated for evaluations of any eParticipation governmental initiative as long as the data are available.Maestr铆