26 research outputs found

    The Proper Use of Technologies as a Digital Citizenship Indicator: A Comparative Study of Two Universities in the Middle East

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    The paper compares students' proper use of technology as a digital citizenship indicator between both of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) in Jordan and Al-Quds University in Palestine territory and, Digital citizenship with its nine elements: Etiquette, Communication, Education, Access, Commerce, Responsibility, Rights, Safety, and Security are connected to all life aspects. It is hard to ignore the increasing misuse phenomenon of the emerging technologies. This paper shed the light on how the students in both universities campuses use technologies in a citizenship manner. A measurement tool worked as a test to reveal students technology usage as an indicator of their digital citizenship. Results of the study revealed that students in both universities do not properly use technologies as a digital citizenship indicator and there are differences among the two countries. The study included recommendations to overcome technology usage within university campus

    Multilingualism, multimodality and media engagement in classroom talk and action

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    This volume brings together a range of approaches to the role of media in processes of sociolinguistic change. Its 17 chapters and five section commentaries examine the impact of mediatization on language use and ideologies from five complementary perspectives: media influence on linguistic structure, media engagement in interaction, change in mass and new media language, language-ideological change, and the role of media for minority languages

    Digital Citizenship:A review of the academic literature

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    When digital technologies become a part of everyday life in most parts of society, it changes the way we work, organize, communicate, and make relations. It also changes the relationship between the state and its citizens - a relationship usually conceptualized as citizenship. To capture this transformation, a new concept of digital citizenship has emerged. The overall purpose of this paper is to overcome the fragmentation of knowledge about how citizenship is transformed into digital citizenship through a systematic review of the academic literature on the concept of digital citizenship. The literature review identifies four streams of literature in the academic landscape of digital citizenship, and by a content analysis, it outlines the many dimensions and facets of digital citizenship. In this way, the literature review offers a comprehensive picture of both the impacts of the digital transformation on citizenship and the concept within the academic debate.Wenn digitale Technologien in den meisten Teilen der Gesellschaft das tägliche Leben durchdringen, verändert das die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, uns organisieren, kommunizieren und Beziehungen eingehen. Es verändert auch die Beziehung zwischen Staat und Bürgerinnen und Bürgern - eine Beziehung, die normalerweise als Staatsbürgerschaft konzeptualisiert wird. Um diesen Wandel zu erfassen, hat sich ein neues Konzept der digitalen Bürgerschaft herausgebildet. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Fragmentierung des Wissens darüber, wie Staatsbürgerschaft in digitale Staatsbürgerschaft umgewandelt wird, durch eine systematische Überprüfung der akademischen Literatur zum Konzept von Digital Citizenship zu überwinden. Der Beitrag identifiziert vier wissenschaftliche Literaturstränge zu Digital Citizenship und skizziert mittels einer Inhaltsanalyse die vielen Dimensionen und Facetten von Digital Citizenship. Auf diese Weise bietet die Literaturübersicht ein umfassendes Bild sowohl der Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf die Bürgerschaft als auch des Konzepts innerhalb der akademischen Debatte

    Digital experience and citizen participation in bridging ethnic divide: an analysis of young generation in Malaysia

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    Information and communication technologies provide communities, service providers and advocates with mechanisms through which service can be more effectively and efficiently provided to the young generation. The young generation and these technologies can unite to create an agenda for positive change that will ultimately benefit them and society. The role that information and communication technologies may play and the impact they may have on the ethnic divide and national unity among the young generation in a multicultural society are not well understood, and there are gaps in the evidence base surrounding the possibilities and approaches for national integration that involves information technologies. This paper investigates the usage of ethnic media and issues related to the ethnic divide in multicultural Malaysian society. More specifically, internet use, types of participation, ethnic identity and their interrelations were observed. A national sample of 1,640 respondents between the ages of 21 and 40 years were interviewed. The results indicated that those with more experience and longer usage of the Internet showed higher levels of online and offline participation. The high penetration of information and communication technology among the young generation provides an opportunity for active citizen participation that could lead to a better understanding of the citizens’ rights and responsibilities, which can form the basis for bridging the ethnic divide

    Çevrimiçi Riskler ve Ebeveyn Aracılık Stratejileri: Türkiye’de ve Avrupa’da Yaşayan Türk Kökenli Çocuk/Ergenlerin Karşılaştırılması

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    The individuals who go online may face with both opportunities and risks. When developmental stages are considered, late childhood and adolescence is more tended to experience these opportunities and risks. One of the most influencial factors which shape online risks and opportunities is parental mediation strategies. The main aim of this study was examining online risks and perceived parental strategies among Turkish children/adolescents who live in Turkey and Europe within a comparative approach.Data of the study were based on EU Kids Online-II survey which aims to investigate children’s/adolescents’ and their parents’ online experiences in 25 European countries. Turkey sample included 962 participants (513 male, 449 female; Mage= 12.19, SD=2.15). A total of 182 participants (103 females, 79 males; Mage=12.70, SD=2.30) were involved in European sample.Results revealed that the associations between parental mediation strategies and online risks have differed in Turkey and Europe. Active mediation strategies were positively related with online risks in Turkey, while this relationship was insignificant in Europe. On the other hand, restrictive mediation strategies were positively related with online risks in Europe, while this relationship was insignificant in Turkey. Parental monitoring which was examined as the third parental mediation strategy was also functioning differently as a mediator across samples. It was found to mediate positively between active mediation strategies and online risks in Turkey, while it was mediating negatively between restrictive mediation strategies and online risks in Europe.İnternet’e bağlanan her birey, fırsatlar yanında, çevrimiçi risklere de açık hale gelebilmektedir. Gelişim dönemleri söz konusu olduğunda ise hem fırsatlara hem de risk almaya en yatkın yaş gruplarının geç çocukluk ve ergenlik dönemindeki bireyler olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çocuk ve ergenlerde İnternet fırsat ve risklerini şekillendiren en önemli etmenlerin başında ise ebeveyn aracılık stratejileri gelmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de ve Avrupa’da yaşayan Türk kökenli çocuk ve ergenlerin deneyimledikleri çevrimiçi risklerle, algıladıkları ebeveyn aracılık stratejilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir.Araştırmanın örneklemi 25 Avrupa ülkesindeki çocuk/ergenlerin ve ebeveynlerin İnternet’in güvenli ve riskli kullanımıyla ilgili deneyimlerini incelemeyi amaçlayan EU Kids Online II (Avrupa Çevrimiçi Çocuklar II) projesi veri tabanına dayanmaktadır. Türkiye örneklemi 962 kişiden (513 erkek, 449 kadın; Ort.yaş= 12.19, S=2.15), Avrupa örneklemi ise 182 kişiden (103 kadın, 79 erkek; Ort.yaş=12.70, S=2.30) oluşmaktadır.Araştırma bulguları Türkiye ve Avrupa’da ebeveyn aracılık stratejileriyle çevrimiçi riskler arasındaki ilişkilerin farklılaştığını göstermektedir. Türkiye’de aktif aracılık stratejileri çevrimiçi risklerle pozitif yönde ilişkiliyken, bu ilişki Avrupa örnekleminde anlamsızdır. Kısıtlayıcı aracılık stratejileri ise Avrupa örnekleminde çevrimiçi risklerle ters yönde ilişkiliyken, Türkiye örnekleminde bu ilişki anlamsız bulunmuştur. Üçüncü bir ebeveyn aracılık stratejisi boyutu olarak değerlendirilen ebeveyn izlemesi ise iki örneklemde de farklı şekilde aracı değişken olarak rol oynamaktadır. Bu boyut Türkiye örnekleminde aktif aracılık stratejisiyle çevrimiçi riskler arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişkiyle aracı değişkenken, Avrupa örnekleminde kısıtlayıcı aracılık stratejisiyle çevrimiçi riskler arasında ters yönde bir ilişkiyle aracı değişken rolü üstlenmektedir

    Youth, social cohesion and digital life: From risk and resilience to a global digital citizenship approach

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Cultural diversity and the digital have been identified as among the most important megatrends facing young Australians in current times. These challenges have been addressed primarily through a siloed risk/protection approach, with research and policy/programme formulation focusing on either social cohesion in the ‘offline’ world, particularly risks/protective factors for those identified as culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) youth; or digital risks/protective factors regarding cyber-safety for mainstream youth. This article contributes to scholarship that bridges the gap between social cohesion and the digital in youth research and policy agendas. Moving beyond the dominant focus on the psychosocial, we propose a sociologically informed, global digital citizenship framework for theorising and analysing social cohesion in relation to young people’s digital practices as a foundation for this agenda