231 research outputs found

    A Study on Invisible Digital Image and Video Watermarking Techniques

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    Digital watermarking was introduced as a result of rapid advancement of networked multimedia systems. It had been developed to enforce copyright technologies for cover of copyright possession. This technology is first used for still images however recently they need been developed for different multimedia objects like audio, video etc. Watermarking, that belong to the information hiding field, has seen plenty of research interest. There's a lot of work begin conducted in numerous branches in this field. The image watermarking techniques might divide on the idea of domain like spatial domain or transform domain or on the basis of wavelets. The copyright protection, capacity, security, strength etc are a number of the necessary factors that are taken in account whereas the watermarking system is intended. This paper aims to produce a detailed survey of all watermarking techniques specially focuses on image watermarking types and its applications in today’s world

    A comparative study of steganography using watermarking and modifications pixels versus least significant bit

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    This article presents a steganography proposal based on embedding data expressed in base 10 by directly replacing the pixel values from images red, green blue (RGB) with a novel compression technique based on watermarks. The method considers a manipulation of the object to be embedded through a data compression triple process via LZ77 and base 64, watermark from low-quality images, embedded via discrete wavelet transformation-singular value decomposition (DWT-SVD), message embedded by watermark is recovered with data loss calculated, the watermark image and lost data is compressed again using LZ77 and base 64 to generate the final message. The final message is embedded in portable network graphic (PNG) images taken from the Microsoft common objects in context (COCO), ImageNet and uncompressed color image database (UCID) datasets, through a filtering process pixel of the images, where the selected pixels expressed in base 10, and the final message data is embedded by replacing units’ position of each pixel. In experimentation results an average of 40 dB in peak signal noise to ratio (PSNR) and 0.98 in the similarity structural index metric (SSIM) evaluation were obtained, and evasion steganalysis rates of up to 93% for stego-images, the data embedded average is 3.2 bpp

    Integrasi Discrete Wavelet Transform dan Singular Value Decomposition pada Watermarking Citra untuk Perlindungan Hak Cipta

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    Tren masalah watermarking pada sekarang ini adalah bagaimana mengoptimalkan trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness terhadap penyisipan watermark. Masalah menggunakan kekuatan penyisipan berdasarkan Single Scaling Factor (SSF) atau Multiple Scaling Factor (MSF) juga ditemukan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode penyisipan watermark untuk perlindungan hak cipta pada citra dan algoritma ekstraksi citra ter-watermark yang dioptimalkan dengan penggabungan Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) dan Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Nilai-nilai singular dari LL3 koefisien sub-band dari citra host dimodifikasi menggunakan nilai tunggal citra watermark biner menggunakan MSFs. Kontribusi utama dari skema yang diusulkan adalah aplikasi DWT-SVD untuk mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor skala yang optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skema yang diusulkan menghasilkan nilai Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) yang tinggi, yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas visual gambar yang baik pada masalah citra watermarking telah mengoptimalkan trade-off. Trade-off antara imperceptibility (visibilitas) citra ter-watermark terhadap pengaruh distorsi dan robustness citra ter-watermark terhadap operasi pengolahan citra. Nilai PSNR yang didapat pada citra yang diujikan: baboon=53,184; boat=53,328; cameraman=53,700; lena=53,668; man=53,328; dan pepper sebesar 52,662. Delapan perlakuan khusus pada hasil citra ter-watermark diujikan dan diekstraksi kembali yaitu JPEG 5%, Noise 5%, Gaussian filter 3x3, Sharpening, Histogram Equalization, Scaling 512-256, Gray Quantitation 1bit, dan Cropping 1/8. Hasil dari perlakuan khusus kemudian diukur nilai Normalized Cross-Correlation (NC) yang menghasilkan rata-rata semua citra diperoleh sebesar 0,999 dari satu. Hasil penelitian dari metode yang diusulkan lebih unggul nilai PSNR dan NC dari penelitian sebelumnya. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan dengan metode DWT-SVD ini mampu menghasilkan citra yang robust namun memiliki tingkat imperceptibility yang cukup tinggi

    Improved content based watermarking for images

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    Due to improvements in imaging technologies and the ease with which digital content can be created and manipulated, there is need for the copyright protection of digital content. It is also essential to have techniques for authentication of the content as well as the owner. To this end, this thesis proposes a robust and transparent scheme of watermarking that exploits the human visual systems’ sensitivity to frequency, along with local image characteristics obtained from the spatial domain, improving upon the content based image watermarking scheme of Kay and Izquierdo. We implement changes in this algorithm without much distortion to the image, while making it possible to extract the watermark by use of correlation. The underlying idea is generating a visual mask based on the human visual systems’ perception of image content. This mask is used to embed a decimal sequence, while keeping its amplitude below the distortion sensitivity of the image pixel. We consider texture, luminance, corner and the edge information in the image to generate a mask that makes the addition of the watermark less perceptible to the human eye. The operation of embedding and extraction of the watermark is done in the frequency domain thereby providing robustness against common frequency-based attacks including image compression and filtering. We use decimal sequences for watermarking instead of pseudo random sequences, providing us with a greater flexibility in the choice of sequence. Weighted Peak Signal to Noise Ratio is used to evaluate the perceptual change between the original and the watermarked image

    Unitary Embedding for Data Hiding with the SVD

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    Steganography is the study of data hiding for the purpose of covert communication. A secret message is inserted into a cover file so that the very existence of the message is not apparent. Most current steganography algorithms insert data in the spatial or transform domains; common transforms include the discrete cosine transform, the discrete Fourier transform, and discrete wavelet transform. In this paper, we present a data-hiding algorithm that exploits a decomposition representation of the data instead of a frequency-based transformation of the data. The decomposition transform used is the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD of a matrix A is a decomposition A = USV T in which S is a nonnegative diagonal matrix and U and V are orthogonal matrices. We show how to use the orthogonal matrices in the SVD as a vessel in which to embed information. Several challenges were presented in order to accomplish this, and we give effective solutions to these problems. Preliminary results show that information-hiding using the SVD can be just as effective as using transform-based techniques. Furthermore, different problems arise when using the SVD than using a transform-based technique. We have applied the SVD to image data, but the technique can be formulated for other data types such as audio and video
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