8 research outputs found

    Digital video source identification based on green-channel photo response non-uniformity (G-PRNU)

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    This paper proposes a simple but yet an effective new method for the problem of digital video camera identification. It is known that after an exposure time of 0.15 seconds, the green channel is the noisiest of the three RGB colour channels [5]. Based on this observation, the digital camera pattern noise reference, which is extracted using only the green channel of the frames and is called Green-channel Photo Response Non-Uniformity (G-PRNU), is exploited as a fingerprint of the camera. The green channels are first resized to a standard frame size (512x512) using bilinear interpolation. Then the camera fingerprint is obtained by a wavelet based denoising filter described in [4] and averaged over the frames. 2-D correlation coefficient is used in the detection test. This method has been evaluated using 290 video sequences taken by four consumer digital video cameras and two mobile phones. The results show G- PRNU has potential to be a reliable technique in digital video camera identification, and gives better results than PRNU

    PRNU Estimation based on Weighted Averaging for Source Smartphone Video Identification

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    Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise is a sensor pattern noise characterizing imperfections in the imaging device. The PRNU is a unique noise for each sensor device, and it has been generally utilized in the literature for source camera identification and image authentication. In video forensics, the traditional approach estimates the PRNU by averaging a set of residual signals obtained from multiple video frames. However, due to lossy compression and other non-unique content-dependent noise components that interfere with the video data, constant averaging does not take into account the intensity of these undesirable noise components which are content-dependent. Different from the traditional approach, we propose a video PRNU estimation method based on weighted averaging. The noise residual is first extracted for each single video. Then, the estimated noise residuals are fed into a weighted averaging method to optimize PRNU estimation. Experimental results on two video datasets captured by various smartphone devices have shown a significant gain obtained with the proposed approach over the conventional state-of-the-art one

    Sensor Pattern Noise Estimation using Non-textured Video Frames For Efficient Source Smartphone Identification and Verification

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    Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise is a sensor pattern noise characterizing the imaging device. It has been broadly used in the literature for image authentication and source camera identification. The abundant information that the PRNU carries in terms of the frequency content makes it unique, and therefore suitable for identifying the source camera and detecting forgeries in digital images. However, PRNU estimation from smartphone videos is a challenging process due to the presence of frame-dependent information (very dark/very textured), as well as other non-unique noise components and distortions due to lossy compression. In this paper, we propose an approach that considers only the non-textured frames in estimating the PRNU because its estimation in highly textured images has been proven to be inaccurate in image forensics. Furthermore, lossy compression distortions tend to affect mainly the textured and high activity regions and consequently weakens the presence of the PRNU in such areas. The proposed technique uses a number of texture measures obtained from the Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) prior to an unsupervised learning process that splits the feature space through training video frames into two different sub-spaces, i.e., the textured space and the non-textured space. Non-textured video frames are filtered out and used for estimating the PRNU. Experimental results on a public video dataset captured by various smartphone devices have shown a significant gain obtained with the proposed approach over the conventional state-of-the-art approach

    Three Dimensional Denoising Filter For Effective Source Smartphone Video Identification and Verification

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    The field of digital image and video forensics has recently seen significant advances and has attracted attention from a growing number of researchers given the availability of imaging functionalities in most current multimedia devices at no cost including smartphones and tablets. Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise is a sensor pattern noise characterizing the imaging device. However, estimating the PRNU from smartphone videos can be a challenging process because of the lossy compression that digital videos normally undergo for various reasons in addition to other non-unique noise components that interfere with the video data. This paper presents a new filtering technique for PRNU estimation based on the three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform followed by a 3D wiener filter. The rationale is that the 3D filter can filter out the compression artifacts along the temporal dimension in a more effective way than simple averaging. Experimental results on a public video dataset captured by various smartphone devices have shown a significant gain obtained with the proposed approach over the well-known two-dimensional wavelet-based Wiener approach

    Autenticación de imágenes digitales mediante patrones locales de texturas

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    La autenticidad de una imagen digital sufre graves amenazas debido a la existencia de poderosas herramientas para la edición de imágenes digitales que facilitan la modificación del contenido de las mismas sin dejar huellas visibles de tales cambios. Este problema unido a la facilidad de distribución de la información a través de plataformas digitales como blogs, Internet o redes sociales, ha provocado que la sociedad tienda a aceptar como cierto todo lo que ve sin cuestionar su veracidad. En este trabajo se propone un método de autenticación de imágenes digitales mediante el análisis de patrones locales de textura. El sistema propuesto combina el patrón binario local con la transformada discreta wavelet y la transformada discreta del coseno para extraer las características de cada uno de los bloques de la imagen investigada. Posteriormente, se utiliza la máquina de soporte vectorial para crear el modelo que permita la verificación de la autenticidad de una imagen. Para la evaluación del método propuesto se realizaron experimentos con bases de datos públicas de imágenes falsificadas que son ampliamente utilizadas en la literatura

    Learning based forensic techniques for source camera identification

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    In recent years, multimedia forensics has received rapidly growing attention. One challenging problem of multimedia forensics is source camera identification, the goal of which is to identify the source of a multimedia object, such as digital image and video. Sensor pattern noises, produced by imaging sensors, have been proved to be an effective way for source camera identification. Precisely speaking, the conventional SPN-based source camera identification.has two application models: verification and identification. In the past decade, significant progress has been achieved in the tasks of SPN-based source camera verification and identification. However, there are still many cases requiring solutions beyond the capabilities of the current methods. In this thesis, we considered and addressed two commonly seen but less studied problems. The first problem is the source camera verification with reference SPNs corrupted by scene details. The most significant limitation of using SPN for source camera identification.is that SPN can be seriously contaminated by scene details. Most existing methods consider the contaminations from scene details only occur in query images but not in reference images. To address this issue, we propose a measurement based on the combination of local image entropy and brightness so as to evaluate the quality of SPN contained by different image blocks. Based on this measurement, a context adaptive reference SPN estimator is proposed to address the problem that reference images are contaminated by scene details. The second problem that we considered relates to the high computational complexity of using SPN in source camera identification., which is caused by the high dimensionality of SPN. In order to improve identification.efficiency without degrading accuracy, we propose an effective feature extraction algorithm based on the concept of PCA denoising to extract a small set of components from the original noise residual, which tends to carry most of the information of the true SPN signal. To further improve the performance of this framework, two enhancement methods are introduced. The first enhancement method is proposed to take the advantage of the label information of the reference images so as to better separate different classes and further reduce the dimensionality. Secondly, we propose an extension based on Candid Covariance-free Incremental PCA to incrementally update the feature extractor according to the received images so that there is no need to re-conduct training every time when a new image is added to the database. Moreover, an ensemble method based on the random subspace method and majority voting is proposed in the context of source camera identification.to tackle the performance degradation of PCA-based feature extraction method due to the corruption by unwanted interferences in the training set. The proposed algorithms are evaluated on the challenging Dresden image database and experimental results confirmed their effectiveness

    Goljan M.: “Digital ‘Bullet Scratches’ for Images

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    The problem investigated in this paper is identification of sensor that was used to obtain a given digital image. We show that the high-medium frequency component of the sensor pattern noise is an equivalent of “bullet scratches” for digital images and can be used for reliable forensic identification. For each sensor, we first calculate its reference pattern (an estimate of the sensor pattern noise) by averaging the noise component from multiple images. This pattern serves as a unique identification fingerprint whose presence in a given image is established using a correlation detector. The proposed identification technique was tested on several thousand images obtained by nine digital cameras. In all cases, we were able to correctly identify the camera that took the image. We also show that it is possible to identify the camera from images subjected to combined processing, including lossy JPEG compression, gamma correction, recoloring, and resizing. 1