7 research outputs found


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    There are still few in family business studies that discuss the topic of digipreneurship, even though digipreneurship is important for continuity and growth of companies in today's business world. Therefore, the aim of this study is to uncover the state-of-the-art and create research gaps in the literature related to digipreneurship in family business. For this purpose, a bibliometric study using co-authorship and key word co-occurrence analysis conducted in the Scopus database. The results of the co-authorship analysis show that the cohesiveness of collaboration in exploring digipreneurship in family business has been achieved at the state level in the 2017-2020 period, but at the author and organizational level has not been achieved. This indicates that the study of digipreneurship in family business is in early stages of growth. The results of the co-occurrence keyword analysis show that there are three specific domains in the field, namely digital transformation of entrepreneurial-oriented family firms; entrepreneurial knowledge management and digital capabilities in the family business; and transgenerational entrepreneurship in the digital era; Another domain that is important to be developed but has not been identified and has become a research gap is the value chain and internal processes in digipreneurship in family business. Penelitian bisnis keluarga sampai saat ini belum banyak yang membahas topik digipreneurship, padahal digipreneurship penting untuk keberlangsungan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan di dunia bisnis saat ini. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap state-of-the-art dan memunculkan kesenjangan penelitian dalam literatur terkait dengan digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga. Untuk tujuan tersebut, Penulis melakukan penelitian bibliometrik dengan metode analisis co-authorship dan analisis co-occurrence kata kunci pada basis data Scopus. Hasil analisis co-authorship menunjukkan bahwa kohesivitas kolaborasi dalam mengekplorasi digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga sudah tercapai di tingkat negara dalam rentang tahun 2017-2020, namun kohesivitas co-authorship di tingkat penulis dan organisasi belum tercapai. Kondisi demikian mengindikasikan bahwa kajian digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga masih berada dalam fase awal tumbuh. Hasil analisis co-occurrence kata kunci menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga domain yang khas dalam publikasi ilmiah digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga yaitu transformasi digital perusahaan keluarga berorientasi entrepreneurial, manajemen pengetahuan entrepreneurial dan kapabilitas digital dalam bisnis keluarga, dan entrepreneurship transgenerasi pada era digital; Domain lain yang penting untuk dikembangkan namun belum teridentifikasi dan menjadi kesenjangan dalam penelitian ini adalah domain rantai nilai dan proses internal pada digipreneurship dalam bisnis keluarga

    Innovation Adoption of New E-Scooters Service in Finland :O n Consumer Perspective

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    ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to understand the innovation adoption of new e-scooters service in Finland on consumer perspective. The changing world, the air pollution and the greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel have led to the innovation of less polluting and more energy efficient sources of transportation. For this study, survey questionnaire was designed and distributed among the respondents. Different questions were asked from the respondents related to scooter purchase behavior, convenience, ease and whether they find it expensive or not. The findings revealed that people do not need any manual guide to use scooter, they think it will reduce environmental pollution, it is a new concept but is expensive to afford and they would want to have a tests drive before purchasing it. From the major analysis, it has been figured out that the youth are the most abundant user of this technology. The reason as indicated in the analysis is the living style and preference of the consumers. However, the findings also reflect a critical fact that almost 85 percent of the respondents prefer walking as the major mode of traveling. And only a 22.5 percent of the respondent indicated a positive attitude towards scooter as their favorite mode to travel. It is recommended that manufacturers and distributors need to create compatible and affordable new and innovative technologies and also, the company or dealer should interact or communicate information to the consumer or bring an innovative change in minds of consumers

    The importance of culture for enterprise dynamics: the role of type and strength of culture

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    Nowadays, enterprises can gain and sustain a competitive advantage in hypercompetitive environments for only a limited period of time. In order to be able to do that, enterprises must be dynamic. Even though – several authors suggest a positive association between organisational culture and the enterprise’s dynamic – we are still lackingthe empirical su pport for such assertion. Therefore, we empirically tested the association between the type and strength of culture and the level of enterprises’ dynamics. Since organisational culture and the enterprises’ dynamics are both a complex phenomenon, we applied a case study approach combined with quantitative methods. The research indicates that the adhocracy culture type positively influences the level of enterprises’ dynamics. Regarding the strength of culture, our research results show that positive effects of strong culture exceed the eventual negative effects of such culture and positively influence the level of enterprises’ dynamics

    Cultivating Creativity of Graphic Design and Multimedia Students: The Perceptions of Arab Faculty and Experts

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    While a consensus has emerged on the importance of creativity in graphic design and multimedia field, little systematic research has attempted to understand its facilitators or inhibitors in the graphic and multimedia education across colleges and universities. The current investigation surveys a sample of experts as well as professors teaching across the Arab World concerning their perceptions on the most significant correlates of creative thinking among students. Results point to the importance of: (1) instructors’ engagement; (2) appropriate use of instructional strategies, tools, and resources; (3) institutional support; (4) peer support; and (5) the removal of red-tape regulatory frameworks. Most importantly, this research highlights the need to move away from the rigid higher education creativity model assuming perfection, precision, accuracy, and optimal effectiveness to a more flexible creativity framework. The Multi-Layered Autonomous Phases Model (MLAPM) is proposed as an alternative approach to cultivating creativity at the higher education level. The MLAPM applies to all levels beginning with the students and the instructor in the classroom and all instructional tools applied, moving upward to the institutional administration levels. The model offers cost-effective, flexible, dynamic, and effective practices that improve levels of creativity and creative thinking among students without the need to invest in new costly equipment, tools, curriculum, or instructional programs

    Interaksi dinamika budaya dan ekonomi dalam amalan pertanian di Sulawesi Selatan

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    The general view and culture of the people of South Sulawesi could be seen through their paddy planting culture and customs. Their high regard towards the world and the creator is evident in their daily lives and their emotional relationships with their paddy fields. This could be observed in the tudang sipulung custom, a ritual which is still being practiced since the pre-green revolution period. The paddy planters would usually hold discussions before going to the fields. After the green revolution, paddy yield increased but the negotiating power was still low and did not benefit the farmers. Numerous studies have found that the revolution with all its institutions and technology had created social classes in the rural community. This study aims at identifying the factors which transformed agricultural values to economic ones. It also determines how the development of the paddy and rice sector, which is influenced by the agricultural culture, has an impact on the socio-economy of South Sulawesi. Interviews involving eight respondents from Gowa, Takalar, Sidrap and Pinrang regions were done and a focus group discussion was conducted. Four farmers from Sidrap and Pinrang and another four from Gowa and Takalar were interviewed. This study found that the agricultural culture is no longer practised in South Sulawesi, although there are indications that it is still being practised in Gowa, Takalar, Sidrap and Pinrang. Findings also showed that there were adaptations to the local culture except for tudang sipulung. This is due to the change in the villagers’ paradigm (technology, modernization, innovation and economic needs), as well as religious requirements and government policy. It was also found that tudang sipulung plays a role in determining the minimum profit margin of the farmers. Their income can be further increased if integrated with other agricultural institutions such as the village cooperatives. In addition, the tudang sipulung culture plays a significant role in contributing to an increased yield and income which has an indirect effect on the economic growth of South Sulawesi. This could be seen in their ability to purchase cars, make improvements on their dwellings, the ability to support their chldrens’ schooling, as well as payment of taxes and zakat. In general this has positive effects on the government, education and the farming community. The most significant implication of the study is the role of the tudang sipulung culture on the socio-economic development of South Sulawesi

    Social Innovation and Innovation Champions: An analysis of public and private processes

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    This research intends to gain deeper insight into the social innovation processes within public and private organizations. The purpose of the study will be to determine if public and private organizations are influenced more by internal organizational factors or external organizational factors. Using Roger’s diffusion theory, Mohr’s internal determinants and Berry and Berry’s unified theory as a foundation, this research will endeavor to prove hypotheses which suggest that private organizations are influenced more by internal organizational factors and public organizations are influenced more by external organizational factors although not exclusively. The research method for this study will involve a mixed methods approach. A survey of innovation champions will be implemented online followed by a qualitative interview of a subset of those respondents. In addition to the research specific to internal and external organizational factors, this study will also seek to assess the importance of the use of innovation champions during the social innovation process. Social innovation is a new concept in the realm of innovation. This research will offer much needed insight into a process that is new and evolving