1,641 research outputs found

    MVG Mechanism: Differential Privacy under Matrix-Valued Query

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    Differential privacy mechanism design has traditionally been tailored for a scalar-valued query function. Although many mechanisms such as the Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms can be extended to a matrix-valued query function by adding i.i.d. noise to each element of the matrix, this method is often suboptimal as it forfeits an opportunity to exploit the structural characteristics typically associated with matrix analysis. To address this challenge, we propose a novel differential privacy mechanism called the Matrix-Variate Gaussian (MVG) mechanism, which adds a matrix-valued noise drawn from a matrix-variate Gaussian distribution, and we rigorously prove that the MVG mechanism preserves (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon,\delta)-differential privacy. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of directional noise made possible by the design of the MVG mechanism. Directional noise allows the impact of the noise on the utility of the matrix-valued query function to be moderated. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate the performance of our mechanism using three matrix-valued queries on three privacy-sensitive datasets. We find that the MVG mechanism notably outperforms four previous state-of-the-art approaches, and provides comparable utility to the non-private baseline.Comment: Appeared in CCS'1

    The Geometry of Differential Privacy: the Sparse and Approximate Cases

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    In this work, we study trade-offs between accuracy and privacy in the context of linear queries over histograms. This is a rich class of queries that includes contingency tables and range queries, and has been a focus of a long line of work. For a set of dd linear queries over a database xRNx \in \R^N, we seek to find the differentially private mechanism that has the minimum mean squared error. For pure differential privacy, an O(log2d)O(\log^2 d) approximation to the optimal mechanism is known. Our first contribution is to give an O(log2d)O(\log^2 d) approximation guarantee for the case of (\eps,\delta)-differential privacy. Our mechanism is simple, efficient and adds correlated Gaussian noise to the answers. We prove its approximation guarantee relative to the hereditary discrepancy lower bound of Muthukrishnan and Nikolov, using tools from convex geometry. We next consider this question in the case when the number of queries exceeds the number of individuals in the database, i.e. when d>nx1d > n \triangleq \|x\|_1. It is known that better mechanisms exist in this setting. Our second main contribution is to give an (\eps,\delta)-differentially private mechanism which is optimal up to a \polylog(d,N) factor for any given query set AA and any given upper bound nn on x1\|x\|_1. This approximation is achieved by coupling the Gaussian noise addition approach with a linear regression step. We give an analogous result for the \eps-differential privacy setting. We also improve on the mean squared error upper bound for answering counting queries on a database of size nn by Blum, Ligett, and Roth, and match the lower bound implied by the work of Dinur and Nissim up to logarithmic factors. The connection between hereditary discrepancy and the privacy mechanism enables us to derive the first polylogarithmic approximation to the hereditary discrepancy of a matrix AA

    Minimax Optimality In High-Dimensional Classification, Clustering, And Privacy

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    The age of “Big Data” features large volume of massive and high-dimensional datasets, leading to fast emergence of different algorithms, as well as new concerns such as privacy and fairness. To compare different algorithms with (without) these new constraints, minimax decision theory provides a principled framework to quantify the optimality of algorithms and investigate the fundamental difficulty of statistical problems. Under the framework of minimax theory, this thesis aims to address the following four problems: 1. The first part of this thesis aims to develop an optimality theory for linear discriminant analysis in the high-dimensional setting. In addition, we consider classification with incomplete data under the missing completely at random (MCR) model. 2. In the second part, we study high-dimensional sparse Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) and aim to establish the optimal convergence rates. 3. In the third part, we study the optimality of high-dimensional clustering on the unsupervised setting under the Gaussian mixtures model. We propose a EM-based procedure with the optimal rate of convergence for the excess mis-clustering error. 4. In the fourth part, we investigate the minimax optimality under the privacy constraint for mean estimation and linear regression models, under both the classical low-dimensional and modern high-dimensional settings

    Differentially Private Model Selection with Penalized and Constrained Likelihood

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    In statistical disclosure control, the goal of data analysis is twofold: The released information must provide accurate and useful statistics about the underlying population of interest, while minimizing the potential for an individual record to be identified. In recent years, the notion of differential privacy has received much attention in theoretical computer science, machine learning, and statistics. It provides a rigorous and strong notion of protection for individuals' sensitive information. A fundamental question is how to incorporate differential privacy into traditional statistical inference procedures. In this paper we study model selection in multivariate linear regression under the constraint of differential privacy. We show that model selection procedures based on penalized least squares or likelihood can be made differentially private by a combination of regularization and randomization, and propose two algorithms to do so. We show that our private procedures are consistent under essentially the same conditions as the corresponding non-private procedures. We also find that under differential privacy, the procedure becomes more sensitive to the tuning parameters. We illustrate and evaluate our method using simulation studies and two real data examples

    A Knowledge Transfer Framework for Differentially Private Sparse Learning

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    We study the problem of estimating high dimensional models with underlying sparse structures while preserving the privacy of each training example. We develop a differentially private high-dimensional sparse learning framework using the idea of knowledge transfer. More specifically, we propose to distill the knowledge from a "teacher" estimator trained on a private dataset, by creating a new dataset from auxiliary features, and then train a differentially private "student" estimator using this new dataset. In addition, we establish the linear convergence rate as well as the utility guarantee for our proposed method. For sparse linear regression and sparse logistic regression, our method achieves improved utility guarantees compared with the best known results (Kifer et al., 2012; Wang and Gu, 2019). We further demonstrate the superiority of our framework through both synthetic and real-world data experiments.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 3 table