7 research outputs found

    Differential effects of social influence sources on self-reported music piracy

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    The paper examines the effects of five major socialization agents—namely parents, peers, traditional media, the Internet, and music industry—on emerging adults' attitudes and behavior toward music piracy in the form of unauthorized downloading. Based upon self-reported behavior, our study shows that these socialization agents exert differential effects on music piracy. Specifically, peers and the Internet exert direct impact on both attitudes and behavior. Parents and music industry, however, only have indirect impact on emerging adults' piracy behavior through shaping their attitudes. The research further shows that the effects of socialization agents differ across consumer segments. A factor mixture modeling technique is first applied to disentangle the behavioral heterogeneity, and more observable factors such as demographic, social, and psychological variables are then utilized to profile members in each segment. From a managerial perspective, this research provides new avenues for managers and policy makers to design targeted prevention programs to curtail music piracy

    Committing Digital Music Piracy: A Study in Penang

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    Piracy is one of the primary challenges facing the music industry. Music piracy has accounted for substantial revenue losses in this industry in Malaysia, a country in which intellectual property regimes are deemed as a matter of concern. If music piracy is left unchecked, it may destroy the value chain of the music industry. This study aims to explore the extent to which digital music copyright violations prevails in society and examine the characteristics of copyright violators. The analysis was carried out using primary data collected from a survey carried out in Penang, a highly urbanised state in Malaysia. A descriptive approach was used for the analysis. The findings from this study offer insights into the phenomenon of music piracy in Malaysia. The incidence of violating copyright was high, with seven out of ten persons involved in illegally using digital music. Copyright violators have distinguishing characteristics that differentiate them from non-copyright violators. The results found that awareness about intellectual property rights was rather low among violators and that they had misconceptions about music piracy. While most participants agreed that effective enforcement was critical in reducing illegal music activities, fewer perceived the risks of being caught and the high costs associated with punishment. Policies aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of intellectual property rights and the possible societal implications of copyright issues were discussed. The need to enhance copyright enforcement protection in the country is also highlighted

    The Role of Morality in Digital Piracy: Understanding the Deterrent and Motivational Effects of Moral Reasoning in Different Piracy Contexts

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    Digital piracy has been a chronic issue in intellectual property protection. With the prevalence of online technologies, digital piracy has become even more rampant, as digital resources can now be accessed and disseminated easily through the Internet. While the antecedents of piracy behaviors have been studied for years, previous studies often focus on a specific type of behavior or pirated content and the findings are far from conclusive. They do not paint a coherent picture of the impacts of antecedents. In this study, we focus on the role of morality by revealing the different levels of moral reasoning that can both deter and motivate users’ piracy intentions. Furthermore, we differentiate between two types of piracy behaviors (unauthorized copying/downloading vs. unauthorized sharing) and two categories of digital products (application software vs. music/movies), so that the differential impacts of the various antecedents can be assessed and articulated more clearly. We empirically evaluated the models in the four piracy contexts using a sample of 3,426 survey participants from a sizable IT-literate society. Our findings indicate the conflicting roles of morality in piracy intention and demonstrate its differential impacts across the two types of piracy behaviors, which can be generalized across the two categories of digital products. Our study sheds new light on end users’ considerations in accessing and disseminating unauthorized digital content. It also informs the design of copyright protection policies and sanction measures with different levels of specificity

    Effects of antismoking messages from media on adolescent smoking: The roles of family, school, and culture

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    Considering the context of family, school, and culture, this paper examines the effectiveness of antismoking messages from public media in influencing adolescents' smoking intention. Specifically, it proposes a model of the impact of antismoking messages on teen smoking intentions, in which media and its interactions with family and school serve as antecedents, adolescents' perceived personal attractiveness and social attractiveness as mediators, and the country-level power distance as the moderator. Utilizing representative data from teenagers in 23 countries, the findings suggest that media exerts a significant impact on adolescents' smoking-related personal attractiveness and social attractiveness, which in turn, affect their smoking intention. In addition, the effectiveness of media is contingent upon the channels of family and school in such a way that the impact of media on adolescents becomes stronger if family and school also deliver antismoking messages. Furthermore, power distance across different countries provides an important context for the individual-level effects. Antismoking messages from media channels are influential in low-power distance countries but not in high-power distance countries; however, family and school channels have a stronger moderating effect in high- vs. low-power distance countries

    Measuring Brand-Related Content in Social Media: A Socialization Theory Perspective

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    Purpose- Building on consumer socialization theory, this study examined antecedents and consequences of generating and sharing brand-related content on social media in a restaurant context. Design/methodology/approach- A scale development process was undertaken to develop the scale for brand-related user-generated content. Then we tested the antecedents and consequences of brand-related user-generated content using 375 responses obtained through a mall-intercept survey. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with AMOS. Findings- Study findings revealed that age, time on Facebook, number of Facebook friends, Facebook usage intensity, and need for self-enhancement were key antecedents of both the generation and sharing of brand-related user-generated content. The results also indicated that gender, race, and need for self-affirmation were not significantly related to generating and sharing brand-related user-generated content. Both generating and sharing brand-related user-generated content were positively associated with attitude and intentions toward the restaurants. Originality/value- This study is the first to develop a brand-related user-generated content scale through a rigorous scale development process. It thus contributes to consumer socialization theory literature in considering social media as a socialization agent. The findings provide valuable insights for both academicians and social media managers and aid in enhancing brand-related user-generated content

    La economía de los derechos de autor y la piratería digital. Factores determinantes de las descargas ilegales en el sector del libro electrónico.

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    El sector del libro, es el más importante dentro del sector cultural en España, al aportar el 0,8% del PIB nacional total y el 33,7% del PIB del sector cultural. A pesar del proceso de digitalización de las industrias culturales, el sector del libro electrónico se encuentra estancado, tanto en el volumen de facturación como en el volumen de títulos publicados en este formato, según los datos aportados por la Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros (CEGAL). El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los factores determinantes de la descarga ilegal de libros electrónicos. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis de la Economía de los Derechos de Autor como marco teórico. En este contexto, se analiza la nueva Directiva europea sobre derechos de autor y derechos afines en el mercado único digital, que refuerza la lucha contra la piratería digital, estableciendo una inversión de la carga de la prueba hasta entonces no exigida por la normativa. En segundo lugar, se aborda un análisis del sector del libro electrónico y una extensa revisión de la literatura sobre factores determinantes de la piratería digital. Y por último, se ha realizado un estudio empírico sobre los factores determinantes de la descarga ilegal de libros electrónicos. Para ello, se ha elaborado una encuesta en la que han participado 404 personas durante los meses de marzo y abril de 2021. El modelo econométrico aplicado es un modelo en dos partes o “hurdle model”. Es un modelo de dos componentes, un primer componente de elección binaria, y un segundo componente de conteo truncado, como el logit ordinal, usado para conteos positivos.The book sector is the most important within the cultural sector in Spain, contributing 0.8% of the total national GDP and 33.7% of the GDP of the cultural sector. Despite the digitization process of cultural industries, the electronic book sector is stagnant, in the volume of billing as well as in the volume of titles published in this format, according to data provided by the Spanish Confederation of Guilds and Associations of Bookcases (CEGAL). The objective of this work is to study the determinants of the illegal download of e-books. First, an analysis of the Economics of Copyright is carried out as a theoretical framework. In this context, the new European Directive on copyright and related rights in the digital single market is analyzed, which reinforces the fight against digital piracy, establishing a reversal of the burden of proof until then not required by the regulations. Second, an analysis of the e-book industry and an extensive review of the literature on determinants of digital piracy are addressed. Finally, an empirical study has been carried out on the determinants of the illegal download of e-books. To this end, a survey has been prepared in which 404 people have participated during the months of March and April 2021. The economic model applied is a two-part model or “obstacle model”. It is a two-component model, a first binary choice component, and a second truncated count component, such as the ordinal logit, used for positive counts.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Consultoría Económica y Análisis Aplicad