1,624 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms for the traveling salesman problem

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    We first prove that the minimum and maximum traveling salesman problems, their metric versions as well as some versions defined on parameterized triangle inequalities (called sharpened and relaxed metric traveling salesman) are all equi-approximable under an approximation measure, called differential-approximation ratio, that measures how the value of an approximate solution is placed in the interval between the worst- and the best-value solutions of an instance. We next show that the 2-OPT, one of the most-known traveling salesman algorithms, approximately solves all these problems within differential-approximation ratio bounded above by 1/2. We analyze the approximation behavior of 2-OPT when used to approximately solve traveling salesman problem in bipartite graphs and prove that it achieves differential-approximation ratio bounded above by 1/2 also in this case. We also prove that, it is NP-hard to differentially approximate metric traveling salesman within better than 649/650 and traveling salesman with distances 1 and 2 within better than 741/742. Finally, we study the standard approximation of the maximum sharpened and relaxed metric traveling salesman problems. These are versions of maximum metric traveling salesman defined on parameterized triangle inequalities and, to our knowledge, they have not been studied until now

    Solving Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem Using Dynamic Gaussian Process Regression

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    This paper solves the dynamic traveling salesman problem (DTSP) using dynamic Gaussian Process Regression (DGPR) method. The problem of varying correlation tour is alleviated by the nonstationary covariance function interleaved with DGPR to generate a predictive distribution for DTSP tour. This approach is conjoined with Nearest Neighbor (NN) method and the iterated local search to track dynamic optima. Experimental results were obtained on DTSP instances. The comparisons were performed with Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. The proposed approach demonstrates superiority in finding good traveling salesman problem (TSP) tour and less computational time in nonstationary conditions

    An Application of Self-Organizing Map for Multirobot Multigoal Path Planning with Minmax Objective

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    In this paper, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (MTSP) with minmax objective is applied to the robotic problem of multigoal path planning in the polygonal domain. The main difficulty of such SOM deployment is determination of collision-free paths among obstacles that is required to evaluate the neuron-city distances in the winner selection phase of unsupervised learning. Moreover, a collision-free path is also needed in the adaptation phase, where neurons are adapted towards the presented input signal (city) to the network. Simple approximations of the shortest path are utilized to address this issue and solve the robotic MTSP by SOM. Suitability of the proposed approximations is verified in the context of cooperative inspection, where cities represent sensing locations that guarantee to “see” the whole robots’ workspace. The inspection task formulated as the MTSP-Minmax is solved by the proposed SOM approach and compared with the combinatorial heuristic GENIUS. The results indicate that the proposed approach provides competitive results to GENIUS and support applicability of SOM for robotic multigoal path planning with a group of cooperating mobile robots. The proposed combination of approximate shortest paths with unsupervised learning opens further applications of SOM in the field of robotic planning
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