634 research outputs found

    Machine learning and privacy preserving algorithms for spatial and temporal sensing

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    Sensing physical and social environments are ubiquitous in modern mobile phones, IoT devices, and infrastructure-based settings. Information engraved in such data, especially the time and location attributes have unprecedented potential to characterize individual and crowd behaviour, natural and technological processes. However, it is challenging to extract abstract knowledge from the data due to its massive size, sequential structure, asynchronous operation, noisy characteristics, privacy concerns, and real time analysis requirements. Therefore, the primary goal of this thesis is to propose theoretically grounded and practically useful algorithms to learn from location and time stamps in sensor data. The proposed methods are inspired by tools from geometry, topology, and statistics. They leverage structures in the temporal and spatial data by probabilistically modeling noise, exploring topological structures embedded, and utilizing statistical structure to protect personal information and simultaneously learn aggregate information. Proposed algorithms are geared towards streaming and distributed operation for efficiency. The usefulness of the methods is argued using mathematical analysis and empirical experiments on real and artificial datasets

    (So) Big Data and the transformation of the city

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    The exponential increase in the availability of large-scale mobility data has fueled the vision of smart cities that will transform our lives. The truth is that we have just scratched the surface of the research challenges that should be tackled in order to make this vision a reality. Consequently, there is an increasing interest among different research communities (ranging from civil engineering to computer science) and industrial stakeholders in building knowledge discovery pipelines over such data sources. At the same time, this widespread data availability also raises privacy issues that must be considered by both industrial and academic stakeholders. In this paper, we provide a wide perspective on the role that big data have in reshaping cities. The paper covers the main aspects of urban data analytics, focusing on privacy issues, algorithms, applications and services, and georeferenced data from social media. In discussing these aspects, we leverage, as concrete examples and case studies of urban data science tools, the results obtained in the “City of Citizens” thematic area of the Horizon 2020 SoBigData initiative, which includes a virtual research environment with mobility datasets and urban analytics methods developed by several institutions around Europe. We conclude the paper outlining the main research challenges that urban data science has yet to address in order to help make the smart city vision a reality

    Graphs behind data: A network-based approach to model different scenarios

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    openAl giorno d’oggi, i contesti che possono beneficiare di tecniche di estrazione della conoscenza a partire dai dati grezzi sono aumentati drasticamente. Di conseguenza, la definizione di modelli capaci di rappresentare e gestire dati altamente eterogenei è un argomento di ricerca molto dibattuto in letteratura. In questa tesi, proponiamo una soluzione per affrontare tale problema. In particolare, riteniamo che la teoria dei grafi, e più nello specifico le reti complesse, insieme ai suoi concetti ed approcci, possano rappresentare una valida soluzione. Infatti, noi crediamo che le reti complesse possano costituire un modello unico ed unificante per rappresentare e gestire dati altamente eterogenei. Sulla base di questa premessa, mostriamo come gli stessi concetti ed approcci abbiano la potenzialità di affrontare con successo molti problemi aperti in diversi contesti. ​Nowadays, the amount and variety of scenarios that can benefit from techniques for extracting and managing knowledge from raw data have dramatically increased. As a result, the search for models capable of ensuring the representation and management of highly heterogeneous data is a hot topic in the data science literature. In this thesis, we aim to propose a solution to address this issue. In particular, we believe that graphs, and more specifically complex networks, as well as the concepts and approaches associated with them, can represent a solution to the problem mentioned above. In fact, we believe that they can be a unique and unifying model to uniformly represent and handle extremely heterogeneous data. Based on this premise, we show how the same concepts and/or approach has the potential to address different open issues in different contexts. ​INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONEopenVirgili, Luc

    Energy Data Analytics for Smart Meter Data

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    The principal advantage of smart electricity meters is their ability to transfer digitized electricity consumption data to remote processing systems. The data collected by these devices make the realization of many novel use cases possible, providing benefits to electricity providers and customers alike. This book includes 14 research articles that explore and exploit the information content of smart meter data, and provides insights into the realization of new digital solutions and services that support the transition towards a sustainable energy system. This volume has been edited by Andreas Reinhardt, head of the Energy Informatics research group at Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany, and Lucas Pereira, research fellow at Técnico Lisboa, Portugal


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications

    Distributed Learning for Multiple Source Data

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    Distributed learning is the problem of inferring a function when data to be analyzed is distributed across a network of agents. Separate domains of application may largely impose different constraints on the solution, including low computational power at every location, limited underlying connectivity (e.g. no broadcasting capability) or transferability constraints related to the enormous bandwidth requirement. Thus, it is no longer possible to send data in a central node where traditionally learning algorithms are used, while new techniques able to model and exploit locally the information on big data are necessary. Motivated by these observations, this thesis proposes new techniques able to efficiently overcome a fully centralized implementation, without requiring the presence of a coordinating node, while using only in-network communication. The focus is given on both supervised and unsupervised distributed learning procedures that, so far, have been addressed only in very specific settings only. For instance, some of them are not actually distributed because they just split the calculation between different subsystems, others call for the presence of a fusion center collecting at each iteration data from all the agents; some others are implementable only on specific network topologies such as fully connected graphs. In the first part of this thesis, these limits have been overcome by using spectral clustering, ensemble clustering or density-based approaches for realizing a pure distributed architecture where there is no hierarchy and all agents are peer. Each agent learns only from its own dataset, while the information about the others is unknown and obtained in a decentralized way through a process of communication and collaboration among the agents. Experimental results, and theoretical properties of convergence, prove the effectiveness of these proposals. In the successive part of the thesis, the proposed contributions have been tested in several real-word distributed applications. Telemedicine and e-health applications are found to be one of the most prolific area to this end. Moreover, also the mapping of learning algorithms onto low-power hardware resources is found as an interesting area of applications in the distributed wireless networks context. Finally, a study on the generation and control of renewable energy sources is also analyzed. Overall, the algorithms presented throughout the thesis cover a wide range of possible practical applications, and trace the path to many future extensions, either as scientific research or technological transfer results

    Improving a wireless localization system via machine learning techniques and security protocols

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    The recent advancements made in Internet of Things (IoT) devices have brought forth new opportunities for technologies and systems to be integrated into our everyday life. In this work, we investigate how edge nodes can effectively utilize 802.11 wireless beacon frames being broadcast from pre-existing access points in a building to achieve room-level localization. We explain the needed hardware and software for this system and demonstrate a proof of concept with experimental data analysis. Improvements to localization accuracy are shown via machine learning by implementing the random forest algorithm. Using this algorithm, historical data can train the model and make more informed decisions while tracking other nodes in the future. We also include multiple security protocols that can be taken to reduce the threat of both physical and digital attacks on the system. These threats include access point spoofing, side channel analysis, and packet sniffing, all of which are often overlooked in IoT devices that are rushed to market. Our research demonstrates the comprehensive combination of affordability, accuracy, and security possible in an IoT beacon frame-based localization system that has not been fully explored by the localization research community


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications