19,265 research outputs found

    Review of Summation-by-parts schemes for initial-boundary-value problems

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    High-order finite difference methods are efficient, easy to program, scales well in multiple dimensions and can be modified locally for various reasons (such as shock treatment for example). The main drawback have been the complicated and sometimes even mysterious stability treatment at boundaries and interfaces required for a stable scheme. The research on summation-by-parts operators and weak boundary conditions during the last 20 years have removed this drawback and now reached a mature state. It is now possible to construct stable and high order accurate multi-block finite difference schemes in a systematic building-block-like manner. In this paper we will review this development, point out the main contributions and speculate about the next lines of research in this area

    Sticky Brownian Rounding and its Applications to Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Semidefinite programming is a powerful tool in the design and analysis of approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, the random hyperplane rounding method of Goemans and Williamson has been extensively studied for more than two decades, resulting in various extensions to the original technique and beautiful algorithms for a wide range of applications. Despite the fact that this approach yields tight approximation guarantees for some problems, e.g., Max-Cut, for many others, e.g., Max-SAT and Max-DiCut, the tight approximation ratio is still unknown. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that very few techniques for rounding semidefinite relaxations are known. In this work, we present a new general and simple method for rounding semi-definite programs, based on Brownian motion. Our approach is inspired by recent results in algorithmic discrepancy theory. We develop and present tools for analyzing our new rounding algorithms, utilizing mathematical machinery from the theory of Brownian motion, complex analysis, and partial differential equations. Focusing on constraint satisfaction problems, we apply our method to several classical problems, including Max-Cut, Max-2SAT, and MaxDiCut, and derive new algorithms that are competitive with the best known results. To illustrate the versatility and general applicability of our approach, we give new approximation algorithms for the Max-Cut problem with side constraints that crucially utilizes measure concentration results for the Sticky Brownian Motion, a feature missing from hyperplane rounding and its generalization

    Delta-Complete Decision Procedures for Satisfiability over the Reals

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    We introduce the notion of "\delta-complete decision procedures" for solving SMT problems over the real numbers, with the aim of handling a wide range of nonlinear functions including transcendental functions and solutions of Lipschitz-continuous ODEs. Given an SMT problem \varphi and a positive rational number \delta, a \delta-complete decision procedure determines either that \varphi is unsatisfiable, or that the "\delta-weakening" of \varphi is satisfiable. Here, the \delta-weakening of \varphi is a variant of \varphi that allows \delta-bounded numerical perturbations on \varphi. We prove the existence of \delta-complete decision procedures for bounded SMT over reals with functions mentioned above. For functions in Type 2 complexity class C, under mild assumptions, the bounded \delta-SMT problem is in NP^C. \delta-Complete decision procedures can exploit scalable numerical methods for handling nonlinearity, and we propose to use this notion as an ideal requirement for numerically-driven decision procedures. As a concrete example, we formally analyze the DPLL framework, which integrates Interval Constraint Propagation (ICP) in DPLL(T), and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for its \delta-completeness. We discuss practical applications of \delta-complete decision procedures for correctness-critical applications including formal verification and theorem proving.Comment: A shorter version appears in IJCAR 201

    Solving satisfiability problems by fluctuations: The dynamics of stochastic local search algorithms

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    Stochastic local search algorithms are frequently used to numerically solve hard combinatorial optimization or decision problems. We give numerical and approximate analytical descriptions of the dynamics of such algorithms applied to random satisfiability problems. We find two different dynamical regimes, depending on the number of constraints per variable: For low constraintness, the problems are solved efficiently, i.e. in linear time. For higher constraintness, the solution times become exponential. We observe that the dynamical behavior is characterized by a fast equilibration and fluctuations around this equilibrium. If the algorithm runs long enough, an exponentially rare fluctuation towards a solution appears.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, revised version, to app. in PRE (2003