14 research outputs found

    Differentiable Meta-learning Model for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation

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    To address the annotation scarcity issue in some cases of semantic segmentation, there have been a few attempts to develop the segmentation model in the few-shot learning paradigm. However, most existing methods only focus on the traditional 1-way segmentation setting (i.e., one image only contains a single object). This is far away from practical semantic segmentation tasks where the K-way setting (K>1) is usually required by performing the accurate multi-object segmentation. To deal with this issue, we formulate the few-shot semantic segmentation task as a learning-based pixel classification problem and propose a novel framework called MetaSegNet based on meta-learning. In MetaSegNet, an architecture of embedding module consisting of the global and local feature branches is developed to extract the appropriate meta-knowledge for the few-shot segmentation. Moreover, we incorporate a linear model into MetaSegNet as a base learner to directly predict the label of each pixel for the multi-object segmentation. Furthermore, our MetaSegNet can be trained by the episodic training mechanism in an end-to-end manner from scratch. Experiments on two popular semantic segmentation datasets, i.e., PASCAL VOC and COCO, reveal the effectiveness of the proposed MetaSegNet in the K-way few-shot semantic segmentation task.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202

    Part-aware Prototype Network for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation

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    Few-shot semantic segmentation aims to learn to segment new object classes with only a few annotated examples, which has a wide range of real-world applications. Most existing methods either focus on the restrictive setting of one-way few-shot segmentation or suffer from incomplete coverage of object regions. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot semantic segmentation framework based on the prototype representation. Our key idea is to decompose the holistic class representation into a set of part-aware prototypes, capable of capturing diverse and fine-grained object features. In addition, we propose to leverage unlabeled data to enrich our part-aware prototypes, resulting in better modeling of intra-class variations of semantic objects. We develop a novel graph neural network model to generate and enhance the proposed part-aware prototypes based on labeled and unlabeled images. Extensive experimental evaluations on two benchmarks show that our method outperforms the prior art with a sizable margin.Comment: ECCV-202

    Generalized Few-shot Semantic Segmentation

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    Training semantic segmentation models requires a large amount of finely annotated data, making it hard to quickly adapt to novel classes not satisfying this condition. Few-Shot Segmentation (FS-Seg) tackles this problem with many constraints. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, called Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation (GFS-Seg), to analyze the generalization ability of simultaneously segmenting the novel categories with very few examples and the base categories with sufficient examples. It is the first study showing that previous representative state-of-the-art FS-Seg methods fall short in GFS-Seg and the performance discrepancy mainly comes from the constrained setting of FS-Seg. To make GFS-Seg tractable, we set up a GFS-Seg baseline that achieves decent performance without structural change on the original model. Then, since context is essential for semantic segmentation, we propose the Context-Aware Prototype Learning (CAPL) that significantly improves performance by 1) leveraging the co-occurrence prior knowledge from support samples, and 2) dynamically enriching contextual information to the classifier, conditioned on the content of each query image. Both two contributions are experimentally shown to have substantial practical merit. Extensive experiments on Pascal-VOC and COCO manifest the effectiveness of CAPL, and CAPL generalizes well to FS-Seg by achieving competitive performance. Code will be made publicly available

    Progressive One-shot Human Parsing

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    Prior human parsing models are limited to parsing humans into classes pre-defined in the training data, which is not flexible to generalize to unseen classes, e.g., new clothing in fashion analysis. In this paper, we propose a new problem named one-shot human parsing (OSHP) that requires to parse human into an open set of reference classes defined by any single reference example. During training, only base classes defined in the training set are exposed, which can overlap with part of reference classes. In this paper, we devise a novel Progressive One-shot Parsing network (POPNet) to address two critical challenges , i.e., testing bias and small sizes. POPNet consists of two collaborative metric learning modules named Attention Guidance Module and Nearest Centroid Module, which can learn representative prototypes for base classes and quickly transfer the ability to unseen classes during testing, thereby reducing testing bias. Moreover, POPNet adopts a progressive human parsing framework that can incorporate the learned knowledge of parent classes at the coarse granularity to help recognize the descendant classes at the fine granularity, thereby handling the small sizes issue. Experiments on the ATR-OS benchmark tailored for OSHP demonstrate POPNet outperforms other representative one-shot segmentation models by large margins and establishes a strong baseline. Source code can be found at https://github.com/Charleshhy/One-shot-Human-Parsing.Comment: Accepted in AAAI 2021. 9 pages, 4 figure

    Self-supervised learning for few-shot medical image segmentation

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    Fully-supervised deep learning segmentation models are inflexible when encountering new unseen semantic classes and their fine-tuning often requires significant amounts of annotated data. Few-shot semantic segmentation (FSS) aims to solve this inflexibility by learning to segment an arbitrary unseen semantically meaningful class by referring to only a few labeled examples, without involving fine-tuning. State-of-the-art FSS methods are typically designed for segmenting natural images and rely on abundant annotated data of training classes to learn image representations that generalize well to unseen testing classes. However, such a training mechanism is impractical in annotation-scarce medical imaging scenarios. To address this challenge, in this work, we propose a novel self-supervised FSS framework for medical images, named SSL-ALPNet, in order to bypass the requirement for annotations during training. The proposed method exploits superpixel-based pseudo-labels to provide supervision signals. In addition, we propose a simple yet effective adaptive local prototype pooling module which is plugged into the prototype networks to further boost segmentation accuracy. We demonstrate the general applicability of the proposed approach using three different tasks: organ segmentation of abdominal CT and MRI images respectively, and cardiac segmentation of MRI images. The proposed method yields higher Dice scores than conventional FSS methods which require manual annotations for training in our experiments