1,134 research outputs found

    Investigation into Indexing XML Data Techniques

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    The rapid development of XML technology improves the WWW, since the XML data has many advantages and has become a common technology for transferring data cross the internet. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate and study the XML indexing techniques in terms of their structures. The main goal of this investigation is to identify the main limitations of these techniques and any other open issues. Furthermore, this research considers most common XML indexing techniques and performs a comparison between them. Subsequently, this work makes an argument to find out these limitations. To conclude, the main problem of all the XML indexing techniques is the trade-off between the size and the efficiency of the indexes. So, all the indexes become large in order to perform well, and none of them is suitable for all users’ requirements. However, each one of these techniques has some advantages in somehow

    Fast Routing Table Construction Using Small Messages

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    We describe a distributed randomized algorithm computing approximate distances and routes that approximate shortest paths. Let n denote the number of nodes in the graph, and let HD denote the hop diameter of the graph, i.e., the diameter of the graph when all edges are considered to have unit weight. Given 0 < eps <= 1/2, our algorithm runs in weak-O(n^(1/2 + eps) + HD) communication rounds using messages of O(log n) bits and guarantees a stretch of O(eps^(-1) log eps^(-1)) with high probability. This is the first distributed algorithm approximating weighted shortest paths that uses small messages and runs in weak-o(n) time (in graphs where HD in weak-o(n)). The time complexity nearly matches the lower bounds of weak-Omega(sqrt(n) + HD) in the small-messages model that hold for stateless routing (where routing decisions do not depend on the traversed path) as well as approximation of the weigthed diameter. Our scheme replaces the original identifiers of the nodes by labels of size O(log eps^(-1) log n). We show that no algorithm that keeps the original identifiers and runs for weak-o(n) rounds can achieve a polylogarithmic approximation ratio. Variations of our techniques yield a number of fast distributed approximation algorithms solving related problems using small messages. Specifically, we present algorithms that run in weak-O(n^(1/2 + eps) + HD) rounds for a given 0 < eps <= 1/2, and solve, with high probability, the following problems: - O(eps^(-1))-approximation for the Generalized Steiner Forest (the running time in this case has an additive weak-O(t^(1 + 2eps)) term, where t is the number of terminals); - O(eps^(-2))-approximation of weighted distances, using node labels of size O(eps^(-1) log n) and weak-O(n^(eps)) bits of memory per node; - O(eps^(-1))-approximation of the weighted diameter; - O(eps^(-3))-approximate shortest paths using the labels 1,...,n.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, extended abstract submitted to STOC'1

    Graph Transformation Model of a Triangulated Network of Mobile Units

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    A triangulated network of mobile units is modelled by means of a graph trans-formation system in which graph nodes are labelled with geometric coordinates and edges are labelled with distances. Nodes represent mobile units and edges represent wireless radio communication links between them. Under concurrency the model can describe interesting practical scenarios, for example swarms of taxis in an urban environment. The contribution features the enhancement of a graph transformation system by trigonometric calculations. By the way it is also shown that the classical negative edge condition has only limited applicability if a strict locality principle is assumed, and "vice versa" that there are reasonable modeling cases in which this locality principle itself fails to suffice

    Parallel Flow-Based Hypergraph Partitioning

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    We present a shared-memory parallelization of flow-based refinement, which is considered the most powerful iterative improvement technique for hypergraph partitioning at the moment. Flow-based refinement works on bipartitions, so current sequential partitioners schedule it on different block pairs to improve k-way partitions. We investigate two different sources of parallelism: a parallel scheduling scheme and a parallel maximum flow algorithm based on the well-known push-relabel algorithm. In addition to thoroughly engineered implementations, we propose several optimizations that substantially accelerate the algorithm in practice, enabling the use on extremely large hypergraphs (up to 1 billion pins). We integrate our approach in the state-of-the-art parallel multilevel framework Mt-KaHyPar and conduct extensive experiments on a benchmark set of more than 500 real-world hypergraphs, to show that the partition quality of our code is on par with the highest quality sequential code (KaHyPar), while being an order of magnitude faster with 10 threads

    Hierarchical Models for Independence Structures of Networks

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    We introduce a new family of network models, called hierarchical network models, that allow us to represent in an explicit manner the stochastic dependence among the dyads (random ties) of the network. In particular, each member of this family can be associated with a graphical model defining conditional independence clauses among the dyads of the network, called the dependency graph. Every network model with dyadic independence assumption can be generalized to construct members of this new family. Using this new framework, we generalize the Erd\"os-R\'enyi and beta-models to create hierarchical Erd\"os-R\'enyi and beta-models. We describe various methods for parameter estimation as well as simulation studies for models with sparse dependency graphs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
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