89 research outputs found

    Japanese bibliographic records and CJK cataloging in U.S. university libraries.

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    In the last two decades, American university libraries have developed Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) enhancements to their library automation systems and transitioned from conventional card catalogs to online public access catalogs (OPAC) by using CJK vernacular scripts, although non-Roman script search options of these systems are still limited

    Chinese character processing for computerized bibliographic information exchange : summary report of an international workshop held in Hong Kong, 17-20 Dec. 1984

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    Meeting: Workshop on Chinese Character Processing for Computerized Bibliographic Applications, 17-20 Dec. 1984, H

    Investigating Multilingual, Multi-script Support in Lucene/Solr Library Applications

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    Yale has developed over many years a highly-structured, high-quality multilingual catalog of bibliographic data. Almost 50% of the collection represents non-English materials in over 650 languages, and includes many different non-Roman scripts. Faculty, students, researchers, and staff would like to make full use of this original script content for resource discovery. While the underlying textual data are in place, effective indexing, retrieval and display functionality for the non-Roman script content is not available within our bibliographic discovery applications, Orbis and Yufind. Opportunities now exist in the Unicode, Lucene/Solr computing environment to bridge the functionality gap and achieve internationalization of the Yale Library catalog. While most parts of this study focus on the Yale environment, in the absence of other such studies it is hoped that the findings will be of interest to a much larger community.Arcadia Foundatio

    Interoperable standards on authority control. Trends for semantic digital libraries

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    [EN] Communities of practice proceeded from web and from cultural heritage institutions worked on parallel lines to achieve the same objective: to transfer the knowledge. The tools developed for libraries are now trying to merge with semantic web technology. Both need to express instances with different forms of names. Numerous schemes for different uses of the authorities add complexity to our study. This paper clarifies the situation by drawing up a table with the equivalences between nine standards. It facilitates the decision to choose one and the exportation to other schemes as well. Vestigium web project, a biographic dictionary, tested our results.Este trabajo, como parte de Vestigium, ha sido financiado por la UCV 2011-011-011, Generalitat Valenciana; Conselleria de Educación. Redes de excelencia Prometeo 2013/041; MICINN. Subprograma de Acciones Complementarias para los Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no Orientada. CSO2011-13730-E. Está basado en la tesis de una de las autorasGarzón Farinós, MF.; Peset Mancebo, MF. (2018). Normativas interoperables sobre control de autoridades para bibliotecas digitales semánticas. Investigación bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información. 32(76):167-188. https://doi.org/10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2018.76.58018S167188327

    The Use of Cyrillic Metadata for Enhancing Discovery of Russian Digital Collection Items: A Case Study of the Bowman Gray World War I Postcards Digital Collection

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    This paper examines the online discoverability of multilingual digital collections, focusing on the effectiveness of romanized and original script metadata for providing access to materials in non-roman script languages. Using the World War I Postcards from the Bowman Gray Collection digital collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a case study, the dynamics of Russian-language user access to postcards with and without Cyrillic description were compared with those of other major language user groups accessing the collection. While limited on a dependence on Google's system of determining user language, the results suggest that the nature of the Cyrillic metadata included in postcard records, limited to title, publisher, and other information transcribed from the resource in a bibliographic cataloging context, did not enhance the discoverability of the postcards. Moreover, every language group was at a distinct disadvantage compared to English-language users in terms of numbers of items discovered. In conclusion, I discuss various factors that may have affected these results, as well as implications for cultural heritage institutions with multilingual and multi-script collections.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Disambiguation of Korean Names in References

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    One of the characteristics of academic writing is the inclusion of citations and references. As the development of reference styles used for international scholarly communication has mostly been led by Western academic societies, the reference styles developed in Western nations do not reflect the characteristics of Korean names. As a result, it is hard to distinguish Korean authors through citations based on Western reference styles, which in turn decreases the retrieval efficiency of relevant authors and ultimately the efficiency of scholarly communication. This paper intends to analyze author name disambiguation of Korean authors indicated according to Western reference styles. It aims to suggest the necessity for enhancing name disambiguation of Korean authors and revision of reference styles. Its ultimate goal is to increase the efficiency of scholarly communication through the improvement of name disambiguation of Korean authors. For this purpose, this study collected and analyzed name data of Korean researchers and compared name disambiguation of authors by reference style. Based on research results, this study confirmed a necessity for revising reference styles to improve name disambiguation of authors and suggested a necessity for research into the improvement of plans for revision

    Volume 16, Number 4, December 1996 OLAC Newsletter

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    Digitized December 1996 issue of the OLAC Newsletter

    Development of Institutions on the Environmental and Technological Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Actors, Decisions and Path Dependence

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    This dissertation looks at Northeast Asia as a region composed of China, Japan and South Korea in order to understand the regional dimension of international cooperation. It takes the Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting and the China-Japan-Korea Meeting on Information and Telecommunication Standards cases for comparative analysis. Its aim is to examine cooperation and decision-making under uncertainty and to explore how they affect institutional development and enhanced regional cooperation. Analysis of current cooperation activities as well as development of chosen cases illustrates interactions between individuals, organizations and states. Risks associated with decision-making affect behaviors of actors and self-reinforcement mechanisms of institutions creating path dependence.This dissertation looks at Northeast Asia as a region composed of China, Japan and South Korea in order to understand the regional dimension of international cooperation. It takes the Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting and the China-Japan-Korea Meeting on Information and Telecommunication Standards cases for comparative analysis. Its aim is to examine cooperation and decision-making under uncertainty and to explore how they affect institutional development and enhanced regional cooperation. Analysis of current cooperation activities as well as development of chosen cases illustrates interactions between individuals, organizations and states. Risks associated with decision-making affect behaviors of actors and self-reinforcement mechanisms of institutions creating path dependence.LUISS PhD Thesi

    A plan for the establishment of a national bibliographic network for Kuwait in the light of international and local standards

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    This research was carried out in order to gather information on the current situation and practices of libraries in Kuwait so as to investigate the possibly of designing a model for establishment of a national bibliographic network in the State of Kuwait. As context for the research, background is provided on national bibliographic networks in developed countries and in the Arab World, together with consideration of the role of a national library in such a network. In order to gather data, three questionnaire surveys (for library administrators, cataloguers and automation specialists) were distributed to all types of libraries in Kuwait. Information was sought on the composition and training of staff, the nature and extent of library resources and databases, the degree of automation of systems and services, and the nature of co-operation and resource sharing. Opinions were also sought on the feasibility of establishing centralised cataloguing and the implementation of a national bibliographic network. Follow-up interviews were also carried out, and professionals in both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were consulted for advice on practical solutions and recommendations for an effective national bibliographic network. The findings of the questionnaire surveys indicated some deficiencies that Kuwait libraries face: the absence of a leadership role by the national library; lack of a deposit law for national publications that would ensure a collection that would provide central focal point for a national information infrastructure; coverage by the national bibliography is neither comprehensive nor adequate; there are no formal systems of co-operation for resource sharing; implementation of standards for bibliographic services has been ineffective; many libraries still lack automated systems; lack of professional staff was noted by all sectors. Nevertheless, respondents were positive in their concern for needing strong leadership, adequate financial support for the national library, and expressed a desire for co-operation, which was felt to be possible even under the current circumstances. Based on the findings of the survey and experience described in the literature, it is concluded that a national library is the most appropriate body to develop and maintain the bibliographic databases that would be the centre of national bibliographic network. A model for such a network is presented, discussing the links to different libraries in the country and the duties and responsibilities of the national and other libraries in attaining successful functioning of the network. Recommendations are made for the functioning of the proposed national bibliographic network

    Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project

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    Database Management; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems and Communication Servic