8 research outputs found

    Pillar 3 and Modelling of Stakeholders’ Behaviour at the Commercial Bank Website during the Recent Financial Crisis

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    AbstractThe paper analyses domestic and foreign market participants’ interests in mandatory Basel 2, Pillar 3 information disclosure of a commercial bank during the recent financial crisis. The authors try to ascertain whether the purposes of Basel 2 regulations under the Pillar 3 - Market discipline, publishing the financial and risk related information, have been fulfilled. Therefore, the paper focuses on modelling of visitors’ behaviour at the commercial bank website where information according to Basel 2 is available. The authors present a detailed analysis of the user log data stored by web servers. The analysis can help better understand the rate of use of the mandatory and optional Pillar 3 information disclosure web pages at the commercial bank website in the recent financial crisis in Slovakia. The authors used association rule analysis to identify the association among content categories of the website. The results show that there is in general a small interest of stakeholders in mandating the commercial bank's disclosure of financial information. Foreign website visitors were more concerned about information disclosure according to Pillar 3, Basel 2 regulation, and they have less interest in general information about the bank than domestic ones

    Correlation between Content and Traffic of the Universities’ Website

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the correlation between content and traffic of 21,485 academic websites (universities and research institutes). The achieved result is used as an indicator which shows the performance of the websites for attracting more visitors. This inspires a best practice for developing new websites or promoting the traffic of the existing websites. At the first step, content of the site is divided into three major items which are: Size, Papers and Rich Files. Then, the Spearman correlation between traffic of the websites and these items are calculated for each country and for the world, respectively. At the next step, countries are ranked based on their correlations, also a new indicator is proposed from combining these three correlations of the countries. Results show that in most countries, correlation between traffic of the websites and Papers is less than correlations between traffic of the websites and Rich Files and Size

    The structure and priorities of researchers’ scholarly profile maintenance activities: A case of institutional research information management system

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    Research information management systems (RIMS) have become critical components of information technology infrastructure on university campuses. They are used not just for sharing and promoting faculty research, but also for conducting faculty evaluation and development, facilitating research collaborations, identifying mentors for student projects, and expert consultants for local businesses. This study is one of the first empirical investigations of the structure of researchers' scholarly profile maintenance activities in a nonmandatory institutional RIMS. By analyzing the RIMS's log data, we identified 11 tasks researchers performed when updating their profiles. These tasks were further grouped into three activities: (a) adding publication, (b) enhancing researcher identity, and (c) improving research discoverability. In addition, we found that junior researchers and female researchers were more engaged in maintaining their RIMS profiles than senior researchers and male researchers. The results provide insights for designing profile maintenance action templates for institutional RIMS that are tailored to researchers' characteristics and help enhance researchers' engagement in the curation of their research information. This also suggests that female and junior researchers can serve as early adopters of institutional RIMS

    The benefits of search engine optimization in Google for businesses

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    Abstract. This study concentrates on search engine visibility and the benefits of search engine optimization (SEO) in Google for businesses. It seems that search engine visibility has undeniably an important role in business. Most of the people use internet, more than half of Internet traffic begins with search engines and majority of users search for information about goods and services on a regular basis. Google has the largest market share of all search engines. SEO has been studied since 1998 when Google was founded. In earlier studies the topics varied from the basics of SEO to the SEO process in practice and finally to the benefits of SEO. Only a limited number of information systems theory (IS) studies focus on the role of organic listing in search engine visibility. That is why some of the references in this literature review represent also general business research. The research question is “What are the benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Google for businesses?” and the sub questions are: “Why search engine visibility is important for businesses?”, “How can business achieve organic search engine visibility in Google?” and “What is the future of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?” This is a qualitative empirical study which utilizes eight semi-structured interviews on the matter. The goal of this study is to create a comprehensive understanding about SEO and the benefits businesses can get from it. Another ambitious attempt is to try to forecast the future role of search engines and SEO for business operations. The main benefits of SEO for businesses are better search engine visibility, more visitors and better-quality visitors on website and more conversions. It has been noted in many articles, that SEO alone will not provide us the desired return on investment (ROI). In the empirical results of this study, the interviewees also mentioned better understanding of search engine users, website programming and business as one of the benefits

    Propuesta de un modelo de análisis redinformétrico multinivel para el estudio sistémico de las universidades españolas (2010)

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    La universidad, en tanto que institución milenaria, tiene una influencia y peso en la sociedad actual incuestionable. Una influencia tanto activa (en su vertiente formadora de futuros profesionales y ciudadanos, y de generación de nuevo conocimiento e investigación) como pasiva (debido a sus enormes necesidades de financiación). Este peso e influencia de las universidades en la sociedad marcan la necesidad de establecer mecanismos y procedimientos para analizar su rendimiento, eficiencia y eficacia como institución, así como de instrumentos para visualizar adecuadamente este rendimiento, todo ello en el contexto de una sociedad marcada por la gestión y transferencia masiva de información a través de las redes de comunicación. Se vislumbran por tanto 3 líneas de investigación complementarias: el análisis de la universidad, su rendimiento (explicitado por el rastro digital que ésta genera y las técnicas existentes para cuantificarlo), y la visualización de este rendimiento, donde la técnica de ranking es la más extendida dado el impacto que su formato genera en los usuarios. Además, la naturaleza sistémica de la universidad determina, complica y acota cada una de estas áreas. La presente tesis doctoral pretende por tanto explorar las capacidades que la cibermetría (renombrada en este trabajo como redinformetría) proporciona para analizar, desde un punto de vista sistémico, las universidades del sistema español, con el propósito de obtener nuevo conocimiento acerca del rendimiento de éstas que permita la construcción futura de rankings sistémicos de universidades. Para ello, en primer lugar se ofrece un estado de la cuestión enfocado en las 3 principales líneas de trabajo (universidad, ranking y cibermetría), con el objetivo de ofrecer un marco de trabajo exhaustivo y crítico. Tras la parte introductoria, se propone un modelo de análisis redinformétrico multinivel de universidades que facilite la obtención de información estructurada, y que permita su posterior utilización en el diseño y elaboración de rankings web de universidades. Este modelo de análisis se basa en el establecimiento de 3 niveles (institucional, externo y satélite) y dos subniveles (contorno e interno). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el modelo de análisis propuesto, basado en niveles (institucional, externo y satélite) y subniveles (contorno y unidad) es sencillo, independiente de técnica y proporciona información estructurada que permite un análisis completo de cada institución.Orduña Malea, E. (2012). Propuesta de un modelo de análisis redinformétrico multinivel para el estudio sistémico de las universidades españolas (2010) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14420Palanci