878 research outputs found

    Isomorphism test for digraphs with weighted edges

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    Colour refinement is at the heart of all the most efficient graph isomorphism software packages. In this paper we present a method for extending the applicability of refinement algorithms to directed graphs with weighted edges. We use Traces as a reference software, but the proposed solution is easily transferrable to any other refinement-based graph isomorphism tool in the literature. We substantiate the claim that the performances of the original algorithm remain substantially unchanged by showing experiments for some classes of benchmark graphs

    Eulerian digraphs and toric Calabi-Yau varieties

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    We investigate the structure of a simple class of affine toric Calabi-Yau varieties that are defined from quiver representations based on finite eulerian directed graphs (digraphs). The vanishing first Chern class of these varieties just follows from the characterisation of eulerian digraphs as being connected with all vertices balanced. Some structure theory is used to show how any eulerian digraph can be generated by iterating combinations of just a few canonical graph-theoretic moves. We describe the effect of each of these moves on the lattice polytopes which encode the toric Calabi-Yau varieties and illustrate the construction in several examples. We comment on physical applications of the construction in the context of moduli spaces for superconformal gauged linear sigma models.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Distance-two labelings of digraphs

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    For positive integers j≥kj\ge k, an L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling of a digraph DD is a function ff from V(D)V(D) into the set of nonnegative integers such that ∣f(x)−f(y)∣≥j|f(x)-f(y)|\ge j if xx is adjacent to yy in DD and ∣f(x)−f(y)∣≥k|f(x)-f(y)|\ge k if xx is of distant two to yy in DD. Elements of the image of ff are called labels. The L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling problem is to determine the λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-number λ⃗j,k(D)\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}(D) of a digraph DD, which is the minimum of the maximum label used in an L(j,k)L(j,k)-labeling of DD. This paper studies λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}- numbers of digraphs. In particular, we determine λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}- numbers of digraphs whose longest dipath is of length at most 2, and λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-numbers of ditrees having dipaths of length 4. We also give bounds for λ⃗j,k\vec{\lambda}_{j,k}-numbers of bipartite digraphs whose longest dipath is of length 3. Finally, we present a linear-time algorithm for determining λ⃗j,1\vec{\lambda}_{j,1}-numbers of ditrees whose longest dipath is of length 3.Comment: 12 pages; presented in SIAM Coference on Discrete Mathematics, June 13-16, 2004, Loews Vanderbilt Plaza Hotel, Nashville, TN, US

    The Interlace Polynomial

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    In this paper, we survey results regarding the interlace polynomial of a graph, connections to such graph polynomials as the Martin and Tutte polynomials, and generalizations to the realms of isotropic systems and delta-matroids.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear as a chapter in: Graph Polynomials, edited by M. Dehmer et al., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, LL
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