3,091 research outputs found

    Animal poisonings in Belgium: a review of the past decade

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    This review focuses on poisonings in companion animals, including horses, farm animals and wildlife, investigated and recorded during the past ten years at the Laboratory of Toxicology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Ghent University) and the National Poison Centre in Belgium. The causative agents of poisoning incidents vary among the different species. The Laboratory of Toxicology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine reports that the majority of poisoning incidents in companion animals, and especially in dogs and cats, are due to contact with insecticides and pesticides, whereas horses are more frequently poisoned by plant toxins. Farm animals, on the other hand, are mainly intoxicated by heavy metals, toxic plants and agrochemicals. The Belgian Poison Centre reports that intoxications in companion animals are mostly with agrochemicals, household products and drugs, whereas in farm animals intoxications with agrochemicals are a common problem. This review gives an overview of the most common causes of intoxication and their association with the different animal species. In addition, some rare or difficult to diagnose intoxications are described, which account for a small number of poisoning cases

    Therapeutic ultrasound as an aid in tibial fracture management in a dog

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    A six-year-old, male, neutered Bernese mountain dog was presented with acute left hind limb lameness. Based on the symptoms, orthopedic examination and radiographic evaluation, a cranial cruciate ligament rupture was diagnosed. Surgical treatment with TTA Rapid was performed with good result. At two weeks postoperatively, the dog developed a fracture of the proximal tibia, due to excessive activity. Conservative treatment consisting of a splint and rest was advised. Physiotherapeutic ultrasonography and exercises were started to stimulate bone healing. After eight sessions, the dog was clinically much better, and radiographs showed a good evolution with a clear callus. Follow-up controls confirmed the progressive evolution

    Analyse van de arbeidssituatie en perceptie van de kwaliteit van de opleiding van dierenartsen afgestudeerd aan de Faculteit Diergeneeskunde van de Universiteit Gent

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    By means of a survey, the authors attempted to determine the work situation of graduated veterinary students and the perception of the quality of education at the Ghent University. Three veterinarian cohorts were contacted who graduated at different time intervals: between 2002 and 2004, 2009 and 2011 and between 2014 and 2016. Out of 488 completed surveys (47% of the contacted respondents), it became apparent that veterinarians in Flanders work on average 47 hours per week and are relatively happy about their day-to-day tasks. Eighty percent (most recently graduated group) and 68% (longest graduated group) of the respondents work as a veterinary practitioner and 81% of these practitioners work in a group practice. Veterinarians with Belgian nationality are mostly self-employed, while most Dutch veterinarians work on the payroll of someone else. The results of the survey show that the respondents are happy with the theoretic part of the veterinary study, but believe that there is not enough focus on the practicing part, which is too limited. According to the respondents, veterinary training should be more focused on first-line veterinary medicine, on the developing of communication skills with clients and colleagues and on business management

    Profylactisch gebruik en misbruik van antibiotica bij de chirurgie van kleine huisdieren

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    Antibiotica als profylaxis of therapie worden vaak ongepast of onjuist gebruikt bij de chirurgie van gezelschapsdieren. Dierenartsen baseren zich voor de keuze van een antibioticum en de doseringsintervallen vaak louter op een traditie, een veronderstelling of een kostprijs. Clinici beseffen te weinig dat wanneer een patiënt antibiotica krijgt, dit niet alleen die patiënt beïnvloedt maar ook zijn omgeving en andere dieren of mensen die ermee in contact komen. De selectie van een antibioticum voor profylactisch of therapeutisch gebruik moet gebaseerd zijn op een kennis van de verwachte microbiota, de bacteriële resistentiepatronen en de mogelijkheid van het antibioticum om het weefsel te bereiken in de geschikte concentratie