5,280 research outputs found

    Fallstudie Stadt Lausanne : Prozessanalyse in Kombination mit Process Mining

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    Klassische Business Analyse und Process Mining zu kombinieren, erwies sich als zielfĂŒhrend und Ă€usserst effizient, als sich die Stadt Lausanne der Herausforderung stellte, einen komplexen Baubewilligungsprozess zu optimieren. Einerseits halfen subjektive Aussagen aus den Interviews der Business Analystin, Fragestellungen fĂŒr das Process Mining zu formulieren. Andererseits objektivierten die Resultate des Process Mining die Analyse der EngpĂ€sse und Faktoren, die die Durchlaufzeiten beeinflussen. Der grösste Nutzeneffekt der vorliegenden Fallstudie liegt eindeutig in der verbesserten Problemlösungs- und EntscheidungsfĂ€higkeit, die die Stadt Lausanne durch das Process Mining als Kompetenz nicht nur fĂŒr den untersuchten Prozess, sondern darĂŒber hinaus gewonnen hat

    Privatization in Austria: Some theoretical reasons and performance measures

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    The issues of privatization (and sometimes deregulation) have been reviewed in a large literature on the various aspects of privatization, that has emphasized the potential efficiency gains. Hence, we provide some theoretical reasoning why privatization is useful as well as profitable for an economy and empirically present the extent of privatization in Austria and other European Union countries. In order to assess the impact of privatization in Austria on economic performance, we observe cash flows, the employment performance, and the stock-exchange ratings of the privatized formerly state-owned enterprises.Austria; Performance Measures; Privatization; Profitability; State-owned Enterprises

    Zur Ökonomik der KontrollmaÃƾnahmen bei Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln

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    The objective of this article is to describe and to analyse the basic relationships between control frequency, amount of fines, other social sanctions, the producers‘ capability to influence certain attributes (including costs of quality assurance) and damage incidence in the field of food and feedstuffs safety. For this purpose an economic model is developed that minimizes monitoring costs including (a) the harm prevented and (b) the revenues from fines. First, monitoring measures are optimized by exclusively taking account of the interests of consumers and taxpayers. In a second step, the model is enlarged by adding constraints relative to the costs of quality assurance so that aspects of both producer welfare and total social costs are explicitly accounted for when simultaneously optimizing the probability of detection and the degree of punishment. The results derived from the model show among other things: - From an economic point of view legal regulation (i.e. the setting of performance standards) is advisable only in cases of comparatively high potential damages. - Even when the entire production is to be free from certain residues, it is often not necessary to check all units of the commodity considered. - In the presence of (a) poor possibilities to influence an attribute - or a wide range of quality assurance costs among producers - and (b) prospective damages which justify a control frequency of one hundred percent, no fines at all should be stipulated in order to avoid allocative distortions. - In the case of strong social sanctions (e.g. losses of reputation), all else being equal the control frequency may be lowered considerably. Against the background of these conclusions the application of uniform control frequencies is inappropriate. Instead, every food control authority should be free to choose the size of samples, taking into account not only the given structure of fines but also its knowledge concerning the market specific social sanctions, monitoring costs, the extent of potential damages from legal transgressions as well as the producers’ possibilities and costs of influencing the relevant food or feedstuffs attributes.food safety, opportunism, fines, deterrence, monitoring costs, economics of crime, law enforcement, economics of information, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    What determines informal hiring? Evidence from the Turkish textile sector

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    Most studies about the shadow economy focus on the estimation of the aggregate size. However, this study aims to address the sectoral or micro aspects of this phenomenon using the data from the textile sector in Turkey. It uses discriminant analysis and ordered and logistic regression models to unveil the determinants of the informal hiring in Turkey. It concludes that high competition, the skill structure of the employees, perceived penalty scheme, and the size of the firms in the sector are important factors of the textile firms hiring informally.informal hiring in Turkish textile sector; discriminant analysis; logistic regression model; ordered regression

    Leistungsmessung der Internen Revision

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    This paper explores approaches to measure the performance of the internal audit function. Based upon three proposed dimensions of formal internal audit performance - material performance, cost and risk - it uses competence research methodology to characterize and structure internal audit competence as the prerequisite for material performance that can be measured by instruments of service quality measurement. A second approach to measure formal internal audit performance is taken by linking the other two dimensions in the context of make or buy decisions, where activity-based costing can be used to analyze internal audit services and cluster this service portfolio according to transaction costs or risks associated with them. Whereas the first approach uses management's expectation as a benchmark for material performance and allows for deeper analysis of deviations between the expected and the actual performance, the second approach uses the comparison of actual costs with costs of outsourcing solutions adjusted for the specific risks incurred. Both approaches are subject to further inquiry as their validity for practical and theoretical problems has not yet been evaluated. --Internal audit,competence,performance,measurement,service management,GAP analysis,costs,make or buy,transaction costs,outsourcing

    Aufbau von Vertrauen in Dienstleistungsinteraktionen durch Instrumente der Kommunikationspolitik - dargestellt am Beispiel der Beratung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen -

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    VerĂ€nderte Marktbedingungen stellen hohe Anforderungen an das Marketing von Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Um langfristig am Markt bestehen zu können, ist es fĂŒr einen Dienstleistungsanbieter entscheidend, das Vertrauen seiner Kunden zu gewinnen. Aufbauend auf theoretischen Grundlagen werden am Beispiel der Beratung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen in der vorliegenden Arbeit Möglichkeiten zum Vertrauensaufbau anhand ausgewĂ€hlter Kommunikationsinstrumente aufgezeigt und Thesen abgeleitet. -- Facing an increasing competition, service providers are forced to develop trust and commitment in order to stabilize and extend their market position. Based upon a theoretical framework, the paper discusses strategies to provide trust applying appropriate communication instruments. The paper investigates consulting services for small and medium sized companies and, therefore, draws hypotheses how consulting companies are enabled to create and enhance trust using communication instruments.Dienstleistungsmarketing,Kommunikationspolitik,Unternehmensberatung,kleine und mittlere Unternehmen,Vertrauen,service marketing,promotion,consulting,small and medium sized enterprises,trust

    In Richtung eines prĂ€ventiven Gesundheitsmanagements fĂŒr heimische Zweinutzungsrinder in ökologischen Weideproduktionssystemen mittels neuartiger Zuchtstrategien auf Basis von innovativen Datenerfassungssystemen

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    Nachfolgende Zusammenfassung wurden dem „2-Org-Cows Final Report for the CORE Organic Plus funded project” entnommen. Es werden nur Aspekte dargestellt, an denen die Agrartechnik mittelbar oder unmittelbar beteiligt war: ‱ Successful implementation of SensOor technology in research/contract herds in all partner countries: This is the basis for an identical automatically recording technique of health and behaviour indicator traits across country borders. On the basis of SensOor¼ records from multiple dual-purpose cattle breeds across country borders, we identified genomic regions of interest and potential candidate genes for behaviour and welfare traits. ‱ The ‘trait atlas’ is a basis for harmonized phenotyping across country borders and production systems for further functional traits (conformation, health, behaviour, fertility). We showed that novel physiological traits (e.g., respiration rate, body temperature, surface temperature) have a moderate heritable component. ‱ Detailed characterization of grazing herd environments via the installation of data loggers to record temperature and humidity. Additionally, we used a rising platemeter (E10) to measure sword height and grass energy content, we did pasture classifications (e.g., percentage of herbs), and we determined fodder ingredients (protein content, energy content). This is the unique environmental data basis to estimate genetic values along environmental gradients. ‱ A data base system was developed by the agricultural engineering group, including a broad range of information about animal traits (including SensOor data), pedigrees, genotype data, farm characteristics, climate data, etc., with programming tools for on-farm analyses. ‱ SensOor¼-validations: The agricultural engineering group installed alternative cattle behaviour devices in participating research herds: Rumiwatch halters, pH-boluses and pedometers for SensOor¼-validation. Validations contributed to an optimized new version of SensOor¼-ear tags

    Akzeptanz von Self-Service Technologien - Status Quo oder Innovation?

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    DienstgĂŒtebehandlung im Dienstlebenszyklus

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    Description and survey of the possible, guaranteed or offered quality of a service (QoS) is one of the key features to establish a performance and quality oriented assesment or accounting of IT-services. This task is accomplished using various criteria - the so called QoS-characteristics - which, in most cases, are specific to a certain service. From the point of view of the service life cycle, characteristics of a service are evaluated with in the usage phase but are usually determined in the negotiation phase before a service is implemented. The realization of this specifications in the following phases of the service life cycle, service provisioning or implementation and service usage, has not been methodically supported until now and has to be done by hand . Thus, the impact of a specification made in the negotiation phase on the other life cycle phases can only be estimated with expert knowledge. An objective assessment of this impact is impossible. The work presented introduces a technique enabling the formal specification of QoScharacteristics, thus allowing an automatic realization of the specification in the provisioning and usage phase of a service. Until now, only isolated approaches on the specification of QoS-characteristics focusing on specific technologies have been made. In this thesis we present a completely technology independent approach distilled from the typical processes used for measuring QoS in different technologies. In order to implement this idea, a formal model of a common measurement process, based on the MNM service model, is introduced and the specification of a QoScharacteristic is formalized as a refinement of this model. A formal language, capable of facilitating the generation of these models has been developed for this purpose. Consequently, a compiler for this language has been developed to automatically generate a measurement system out of the specification of a QoS-characteristic. This enables the uniform and technology independent specification of QoS-characteristics. In conclusion, a concept for the computer aided specification of QoS-characteristics has been established which, as an audit included in this thesis demonstrates, can be applied to various scenarios in the area of service management. The concept introduced adds quality orientation to existing approaches like CSM (customer service management) and thus paves the way to quality oriented service management.Mit ein SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr die leistungs- und qualitĂ€tsorientierte Beurteilung oder Abrechnung von IT-Diensten ist die Beschreibung und Erfassung der möglichen, garantierten und erbrachten QualitĂ€t eines Dienstes. Dies geschieht an Hand unterschiedlichster Kriterien, so genannter DienstgĂŒtemerkmale, die meist spezifisch fĂŒr einen Dienst sind. Die Merkmale, an Hand derer ein Dienst in der Betriebsphase beurteilt wird, werden in der Verhandlungsphase, also vor der Implementierung des Dienstes festgelegt. Die Umsetzung dieser Festlegungen in den folgenden Phasen des Dienstlebenszyklus, der Dienstbereitstellung / -implementierung und der Dienstnutzung ist bisher methodisch nicht unterstĂŒtzt und muss von Hand vorgenommen werden. Somit kann die Auswirkung einer Festlegung in der Verhandlungsphase auf die folgenden Phasen nur durch Expertenwissen und nicht objektiv abgeschĂ€tzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren zur formalen Spezifikation von DienstgĂŒtemerkmalen eingefĂŒhrt, das es erlaubt, die getroffenen Festlegungen automatisch in der Bereitstellungs- und Nutzungsphase eines Dienstes umzusetzen. Bisher sind zur Spezifikation von DienstgĂŒtemerkmalen nur Insellösungen spezi- fisch fĂŒr eine Technologie entwickelt worden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein technologieunabhĂ€ngiger Ansatz aus dem typischen Vorgehen bei der Messung von DienstgĂŒtemerkmalen in unterschiedlichsten Technologien entwickelt. Dazu wird ein formales Modell eines allgemeinen Messprozesses fĂŒr DienstgĂŒtemerkmale auf Basis desMNM-Dienstmodells aufgebaut und die Spezifikation eines DienstgĂŒtemerkmals als Verfeinerung dieses Modells formalisiert. Zur Beschreibung dieser Formalisierung wird eine maschinenverarbeitbare Sprache entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe die entsprechenden Modelle spĂ€ter generiert werden können. FĂŒr diese Spezifikationssprache wird ein Übersetzer entwickelt, der aus der formalen Definition eines DienstgĂŒtemerkmals automatisch ein Messsystem erzeugen kann. Somit wird eine einheitliche und technologieunabhĂ€ngige Spezifikation von DienstgĂŒtemerkmalen möglich. Damit entsteht ein Konzept zur rechnergestĂŒtzten Spezifikation und Messung von DienstgĂŒtemerkmalen, das in den unterschiedlichsten Szenarien des Dienstmanagements eingesetzt werden kann, wie die TauglichkeitsprĂŒfung in dieser Arbeit zeigt. Dieses Konzept erweitert bereits bestehende AnsĂ€tze, wie etwa CSM (Customer Service Management), um den Aspekt der QualitĂ€tsorientierung und liefert somit die Basis fĂŒr den Aufbau eines qualitĂ€tsorientierten Dienstmanagements
