5 research outputs found

    Dichotomy Results for Fixed-Point Existence Problems for Boolean Dynamical Systems

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    A complete classification of the computational complexity of the fixed-point existence problem for boolean dynamical systems, i.e., finite discrete dynamical systems over the domain {0, 1}, is presented. For function classes F and graph classes G, an (F, G)-system is a boolean dynamical system such that all local transition functions lie in F and the underlying graph lies in G. Let F be a class of boolean functions which is closed under composition and let G be a class of graphs which is closed under taking minors. The following dichotomy theorems are shown: (1) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the planar graphs then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by truth-tables is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time. (2) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the graphs having vertex covers of size one then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by formulas or circuits is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time.Comment: 17 pages; this version corrects an error/typo in the 2008/01/24 versio

    Dichotomy Results for Fixed Point Counting in Boolean Dynamical Systems

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    We present dichotomy theorems regarding the computational complexity of counting fixed points in boolean (discrete) dynamical systems, i.e., finite discrete dynamical systems over the domain {0,1}. For a class F of boolean functions and a class G of graphs, an (F,G)-system is a boolean dynamical system with local transitions functions lying in F and graphs in G. We show that, if local transition functions are given by lookup tables, then the following complexity classification holds: Let F be a class of boolean functions closed under superposition and let G be a graph class closed under taking minors. If F contains all min-functions, all max-functions, or all self-dual and monotone functions, and G contains all planar graphs, then it is #P-complete to compute the number of fixed points in an (F,G)-system; otherwise it is computable in polynomial time. We also prove a dichotomy theorem for the case that local transition functions are given by formulas (over logical bases). This theorem has a significantly more complicated structure than the theorem for lookup tables. A corresponding theorem for boolean circuits coincides with the theorem for formulas.Comment: 16 pages, extended abstract presented at 10th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS'2007

    Convergence of Opinion Diffusion is PSPACE-complete

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    We analyse opinion diffusion in social networks, where a finite set of individuals is connected in a directed graph and each simultaneously changes their opinion to that of the majority of their influencers. We study the algorithmic properties of the fixed-point behaviour of such networks, showing that the problem of establishing whether individuals converge to stable opinions is PSPACE-complete

    Complexity of fixed point counting problems in Boolean Networks

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    A Boolean network (BN) with nn components is a discrete dynamical system described by the successive iterations of a function f:{0,1}n→{0,1}nf:\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}^n. This model finds applications in biology, where fixed points play a central role. For example, in genetic regulations, they correspond to cell phenotypes. In this context, experiments reveal the existence of positive or negative influences among components: component ii has a positive (resp. negative) influence on component jj meaning that jj tends to mimic (resp. negate) ii. The digraph of influences is called signed interaction digraph (SID), and one SID may correspond to a large number of BNs (which is, in average, doubly exponential according to nn). The present work opens a new perspective on the well-established study of fixed points in BNs. When biologists discover the SID of a BN they do not know, they may ask: given that SID, can it correspond to a BN having at least/at most kk fixed points? Depending on the input, we prove that these problems are in P\textrm{P} or complete for NP\textrm{NP}, NPNP\textrm{NP}^{\textrm{NP}}, \textrm{NP}^{\textrm{#P}} or NEXPTIME\textrm{NEXPTIME}. In particular, we prove that it is NP\textrm{NP}-complete (resp. NEXPTIME\textrm{NEXPTIME}-complete) to decide if a given SID can correspond to a BN having at least two fixed points (resp. no fixed point).Comment: 43 page

    Dichotomy Results for Fixed-Point Existence Problems for Boolean Dynamical Systems

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