23 research outputs found

    Dialogue-Based Relation Extraction

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    We present the first human-annotated dialogue-based relation extraction (RE) dataset DialogRE, aiming to support the prediction of relation(s) between two arguments that appear in a dialogue. We further offer DialogRE as a platform for studying cross-sentence RE as most facts span multiple sentences. We argue that speaker-related information plays a critical role in the proposed task, based on an analysis of similarities and differences between dialogue-based and traditional RE tasks. Considering the timeliness of communication in a dialogue, we design a new metric to evaluate the performance of RE methods in a conversational setting and investigate the performance of several representative RE methods on DialogRE. Experimental results demonstrate that a speaker-aware extension on the best-performing model leads to gains in both the standard and conversational evaluation settings. DialogRE is available at https://dataset.org/dialogre/.Comment: To appear in ACL 202

    TREND: Trigger-Enhanced Relation-Extraction Network for Dialogues

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    The goal of dialogue relation extraction (DRE) is to identify the relation between two entities in a given dialogue. During conversations, speakers may expose their relations to certain entities by explicit or implicit clues, such evidences called "triggers". However, trigger annotations may not be always available for the target data, so it is challenging to leverage such information for enhancing the performance. Therefore, this paper proposes to learn how to identify triggers from the data with trigger annotations and then transfers the trigger-finding capability to other datasets for better performance. The experiments show that the proposed approach is capable of improving relation extraction performance of unseen relations and also demonstrate the transferability of our proposed trigger-finding model across different domains and datasets.Comment: Accepted to SIGDIAL 2022; The first two authors contributed to this work equall

    Disentangled Contrastive Learning for Learning Robust Textual Representations

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    Although the self-supervised pre-training of transformer models has resulted in the revolutionizing of natural language processing (NLP) applications and the achievement of state-of-the-art results with regard to various benchmarks, this process is still vulnerable to small and imperceptible permutations originating from legitimate inputs. Intuitively, the representations should be similar in the feature space with subtle input permutations, while large variations occur with different meanings. This motivates us to investigate the learning of robust textual representation in a contrastive manner. However, it is non-trivial to obtain opposing semantic instances for textual samples. In this study, we propose a disentangled contrastive learning method that separately optimizes the uniformity and alignment of representations without negative sampling. Specifically, we introduce the concept of momentum representation consistency to align features and leverage power normalization while conforming the uniformity. Our experimental results for the NLP benchmarks demonstrate that our approach can obtain better results compared with the baselines, as well as achieve promising improvements with invariance tests and adversarial attacks. The code is available in https://github.com/zjunlp/DCL.Comment: Work in progres

    DialogRE^C+: An Extension of DialogRE to Investigate How Much Coreference Helps Relation Extraction in Dialogs

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    Dialogue relation extraction (DRE) that identifies the relations between argument pairs in dialogue text, suffers much from the frequent occurrence of personal pronouns, or entity and speaker coreference. This work introduces a new benchmark dataset DialogRE^C+, introducing coreference resolution into the DRE scenario. With the aid of high-quality coreference knowledge, the reasoning of argument relations is expected to be enhanced. In DialogRE^C+ dataset, we manually annotate total 5,068 coreference chains over 36,369 argument mentions based on the existing DialogRE data, where four different coreference chain types namely speaker chain, person chain, location chain and organization chain are explicitly marked. We further develop 4 coreference-enhanced graph-based DRE models, which learn effective coreference representations for improving the DRE task. We also train a coreference resolution model based on our annotations and evaluate the effect of automatically extracted coreference chains demonstrating the practicality of our dataset and its potential to other domains and tasks.Comment: Accepted by NLPCC 202

    Report on the Workshop on Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKG 2021) at AKBC 2021

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    The term personal knowledge graph (PKG) has been broadly used to refer to structured representation of information about a given user, primarily in the form of entities that are personally related to the user. The potential of personal knowledge graphs as a means of managing and organizing personal data, as well as a source of background knowledge for personalizing downstream services, has recently gained increasing attention from researchers in multiple fields, including that of Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and the Semantic Web. The goal of the PKG’21 workshop was to create a forum for researchers and practitioners from diverse areas to present and discuss methods, tools, techniques, and experiences related to the construction and use of personal knowledge graphs, identify open questions, and create a shared research agenda. It successfully brought about a diverse workshop program, comprising an invited keynote, paper presentations, and breakout discussions, as a half-day event at the 3rd Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC’21) conference. The workshop demonstrated that while the concept and research field of personal knowledge graphs is still in its early stages, there are many promising avenues of future development and research that already, and independently, have attracted the interest of several different communities.publishedVersio

    ValueNet: A New Dataset for Human Value Driven Dialogue System

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    Building a socially intelligent agent involves many challenges, one of which is to teach the agent to speak guided by its value like a human. However, value-driven chatbots are still understudied in the area of dialogue systems. Most existing datasets focus on commonsense reasoning or social norm modeling. In this work, we present a new large-scale human value dataset called ValueNet, which contains human attitudes on 21,374 text scenarios. The dataset is organized in ten dimensions that conform to the basic human value theory in intercultural research. We further develop a Transformer-based value regression model on ValueNet to learn the utility distribution. Comprehensive empirical results show that the learned value model could benefit a wide range of dialogue tasks. For example, by teaching a generative agent with reinforcement learning and the rewards from the value model, our method attains state-of-the-art performance on the personalized dialog generation dataset: Persona-Chat. With values as additional features, existing emotion recognition models enable capturing rich human emotions in the context, which further improves the empathetic response generation performance in the EmpatheticDialogues dataset. To the best of our knowledge, ValueNet is the first large-scale text dataset for human value modeling, and we are the first one trying to incorporate a value model into emotionally intelligent dialogue systems. The dataset is available at https://liang-qiu.github.io/ValueNet/.Comment: Paper accepted by AAAI 202