17,157 research outputs found

    A knowledge base architecture for distributed knowledge agents

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    A tuple space based object oriented model for knowledge base representation and interpretation is presented. An architecture for managing distributed knowledge agents is then implemented within the model. The general model is based upon a database implementation of a tuple space. Objects are then defined as an additional layer upon the database. The tuple space may or may not be distributed depending upon the database implementation. A language for representing knowledge and inference strategy is defined whose implementation takes advantage of the tuple space. The general model may then be instantiated in many different forms, each of which may be a distinct knowledge agent. Knowledge agents may communicate using tuple space mechanisms as in the LINDA model as well as using more well known message passing mechanisms. An implementation of the model is presented describing strategies used to keep inference tractable without giving up expressivity. An example applied to a power management and distribution network for Space Station Freedom is given

    Novel spectral kurtosis technology for adaptive vibration condition monitoring of multi-stage gearboxes

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    In this paper, the novel wavelet spectral kurtosis (WSK) technique is applied for the early diagnosis of gear tooth faults. Two variants of the wavelet spectral kurtosis technique, called variable resolution WSK and constant resolution WSK, are considered for the diagnosis of pitting gear faults. The gear residual signal, obtained by filtering the gear mesh frequencies, is used as the input to the SK algorithm. The advantages of using the wavelet-based SK techniques when compared to classical Fourier transform (FT)-based SK is confirmed by estimating the toothwise Fisher's criterion of diagnostic features. The final diagnosis decision is made by a three-stage decision-making technique based on the weighted majority rule. The probability of the correct diagnosis is estimated for each SK technique for comparison. An experimental study is presented in detail to test the performance of the wavelet spectral kurtosis techniques and the decision-making technique

    Fault tolerant architectures for integrated aircraft electronics systems, task 2

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    The architectural basis for an advanced fault tolerant on-board computer to succeed the current generation of fault tolerant computers is examined. The network error tolerant system architecture is studied with particular attention to intercluster configurations and communication protocols, and to refined reliability estimates. The diagnosis of faults, so that appropriate choices for reconfiguration can be made is discussed. The analysis relates particularly to the recognition of transient faults in a system with tasks at many levels of priority. The demand driven data-flow architecture, which appears to have possible application in fault tolerant systems is described and work investigating the feasibility of automatic generation of aircraft flight control programs from abstract specifications is reported

    Qualitative mechanism models and the rationalization of procedures

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    A qualitative, cluster-based approach to the representation of hydraulic systems is described and its potential for generating and explaining procedures is demonstrated. Many ideas are formalized and implemented as part of an interactive, computer-based system. The system allows for designing, displaying, and reasoning about hydraulic systems. The interactive system has an interface consisting of three windows: a design/control window, a cluster window, and a diagnosis/plan window. A qualitative mechanism model for the ORS (Orbital Refueling System) is presented to coordinate with ongoing research on this system being conducted at NASA Ames Research Center

    A two-level structure for advanced space power system automation

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    The tasks to be carried out during the three-year project period are: (1) performing extensive simulation using existing mathematical models to build a specific knowledge base of the operating characteristics of space power systems; (2) carrying out the necessary basic research on hierarchical control structures, real-time quantitative algorithms, and decision-theoretic procedures; (3) developing a two-level automation scheme for fault detection and diagnosis, maintenance and restoration scheduling, and load management; and (4) testing and demonstration. The outlines of the proposed system structure that served as a master plan for this project, work accomplished, concluding remarks, and ideas for future work are also addressed

    MISSED: an environment for mixed-signal microsystem testing and diagnosis

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    A tight link between design and test data is proposed for speeding up test-pattern generation and diagnosis during mixed-signal prototype verification. Test requirements are already incorporated at the behavioral level and specified with increased detail at lower hierarchical levels. A strict distinction between generic routines and implementation data makes reuse of software possible. A testability-analysis tool and test and DFT libraries support the designer to guarantee testability. Hierarchical backtrace procedures in combination with an expert system and fault libraries assist the designer during mixed-signal chip debuggin
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