58 research outputs found

    Contributions to the three-dimensional virtual treatment planning of orthognathic surgery

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    Orientadores: José Mario De Martino, Luis Augusto PasseriTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A tecnologia mais recente à disposição da Cirurgia Ortognática possibilita que o diagnóstico e o planejamento do tratamento das deformidades dentofaciais sejam realizados sob uma representação virtual tridimensional (3D) da cabeça do paciente. Com o propósito de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento desta tecnologia, o trabalho apresentado nesta tese identificou e tratou quatro problemas. A primeira contribuição consistiu na verificação da validade da hipótese de que a mudança de definição do plano horizontal de Frankfort não produz diferenças de medição clinicamente relevantes quando sob indivíduos cujos crânios são consideravelmente simétricos. Os resultados da análise realizada no contexto deste tese indicam que, ao contrário do que se presumia, a hipótese é falsa. A segunda contribuição consistiu na extensão do método de análise cefalométrica de McNamara para que ele pudesse produzir valores 3D. Ao contrário de outros métodos de análise cefalométrica 3D, a extensão criada produz valores verdadeiramente 3D, não perde as informações do método original e preserva as definições geométricas originais das linhas e planos cefalométricos. A terceira contribuição consistiu a) no estabelecimento de normas cefalométricas para brasileiros adultos de ascendência europeia, a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico, que produz uma imagem craniofacial mais precisa e confiável do que a telerradiografia; e b) na avaliação de dimorfismo sexual, para a identificação de características anatômicas diferenciadas entre homens e mulheres desta população. A quarta e última contribuição consistiu na automatização da principal etapa da tecnologia em questão, na qual o cirurgião executa o reposicionamento dos segmentos ósseos maxilares no crânio. O método criado é capaz de corrigir automaticamente os problemas dentofaciais mais comuns tratados pela Cirurgia Ortognática, que envolvem maloclusão esquelética, assimetria facial e discrepância de maxilares. Todas as contribuições deste trabalho foram publicadas em periódicos internacionais do campo da Odontologia e afinsAbstract: The latest technology available for orthognathic surgery allows the diagnosis and treatment planning of dentofacial deformities based on a three-dimensional (3D) virtual representation of the patient's head. In order to contribute to the improvement of this technology, the work presented in this thesis identified and treated four problems. The first contribution consisted in testing the validity of the hypothesis that changing the definition of the Frankfort horizontal plane does not produce clinically relevant measurement differences for subjects whose skulls are considerably symmetrical. The results of the analysis performed in this thesis indicate that, contrary to what was presumed, the hypothesis is false. The second contribution is an extension of the McNamara's method of cephalometric analysis to produce 3D values. Unlike other methods of 3D cephalometric analysis, the extension produces true 3D values, does not lose information captured by the original method, and preserves the original geometric definitions of the cephalometric lines and planes. The third contribution consisted in a) establishing cephalometric norms for Brazilian adults of European descent, based on images from cone-beam computed tomography, which produce a more accurate and reliable craniofacial image than cephalometric radiography; and b) evaluating sexual dimorphism, for the identification of distinct anatomic features between males and females of this population. The fourth contribution consisted in automating the main stage of the technology in question, in which the surgeon performs the positioning of jaw bone segments in the skull. The created method is able to automatically correct the most common dentofacial problems treated by orthognathic surgery, which involves skeletal malocclusion, facial asymmetry, and jaw discrepancy. The contributions of this work were published in international journals of the field of Dentistry and relatedDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    Odontology & artificial intelligence

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    Neste trabalho avaliam-se os três fatores que fizeram da inteligência artificial uma tecnologia essencial hoje em dia, nomeadamente para a odontologia: o desempenho do computador, Big Data e avanços algorítmicos. Esta revisão da literatura avaliou todos os artigos publicados na PubMed até Abril de 2019 sobre inteligência artificial e odontologia. Ajudado com inteligência artificial, este artigo analisou 1511 artigos. Uma árvore de decisão (If/Then) foi executada para selecionar os artigos mais relevantes (217), e um algoritmo de cluster k-means para resumir e identificar oportunidades de inovação. O autor discute os artigos mais interessantes revistos e compara o que foi feito em inovação durante o International Dentistry Show, 2019 em Colónia. Concluiu, assim, de forma crítica que há uma lacuna entre tecnologia e aplicação clínica desta, sendo que a inteligência artificial fornecida pela indústria de hoje pode ser considerada um atraso para o clínico de amanhã, indicando-se um possível rumo para a aplicação clínica da inteligência artificial.There are three factors that have made artificial intelligence (AI) an essential technology today: the computer performance, Big Data and algorithmic advances. This study reviews the literature on AI and Odontology based on articles retrieved from PubMed. With the help of AI, this article analyses a large number of articles (a total of 1511). A decision tree (If/Then) was run to select the 217 most relevant articles-. Ak-means cluster algorithm was then used to summarize and identify innovation opportunities. The author discusses the most interesting articles on AI research and compares them to the innovation presented during the International Dentistry Show 2019 in Cologne. Three technologies available now are evaluated and three suggested options are been developed. The author concludes that AI provided by the industry today is a hold-up for the praticioner of tomorrow. The author gives his opinion on how to use AI for the profit of patients

    Development of a Novel Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation (CASS) System for Orthognathic Surgery

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    A successful craniomaxillofacial (CMF) surgery depends not only on surgical techniques, but also on an accurate surgical plan. However, the traditional planning methods have proven problematic. Towards this end, we have designed a clinical protocol of using 3D Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation (CASS) method as a new planning method. A computerized composite skull model of a patient is generated to accurately represent the skeleton, the dentition and facial soft tissues. In addition, patient’s neutral head posture (NHP) is recorded and the composite skull model is transferred into NHP coordinate system. Furthermore, the virtual osteotomies can be performed to simulate an orthognathic surgery. The surgical splints and templates are generated in the computer, fabricated by a rapid prototyping machine, and used during surgery to precisely position the bony segments. The ultimate goal of this project was to design, develop and implement a computer CASS software system that allows surgeons to plan an orthognathic surgery following our clinical protocol. The system includes six modules: Segmentation, Registration/NHP, Cephalometric Analysis, Virtual Osteotomy Surgical Simulation and Surgical Splint/Template. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, VTK and ITK were used to develop our CASS system

    Artificial intelligence and 3D printing technology in orthodontics: future and scope

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    New digital technologies, like in other fields, have revolutionized the health care field and orthodontic practice in the 21st century. They can assist the health care professionals in working more efficiently by saving time and improving patient care. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D printing technology are useful for improving diagnosis and treatment planning, creating algorithms and manufacturing customized orthodontic appliances. AI accomplishes the task of human beings with the help of machines and technology. In orthodontics, AI-based models have been used for diagnosis, treatment planning, clinical decision-making and prognosis prediction. It minimizes the required workforce and speeds up the diagnosis and treatment procedure. In addition, the 3D printing technology is used to fabricate study models, clear aligner models, surgical guides for inserting mini-implants, clear aligners, lingual appliances, wires components for removable appliances and occlusal splints. This paper is a review of the future and scope of AI and 3D printing technology in orthodontics

    3D statistical shape analysis of the face in Apert syndrome

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    Timely diagnosis of craniofacial syndromes as well as adequate timing and choice of surgical technique are essential for proper care management. Statistical shape models and machine learning approaches are playing an increasing role in Medicine and have proven its usefulness. Frameworks that automate processes have become more popular. The use of 2D photographs for automated syndromic identification has shown its potential with the Face2Gene application. Yet, using 3D shape information without texture has not been studied in such depth. Moreover, the use of these models to understand shape change during growth and its applicability for surgical outcome measurements have not been analysed at length. This thesis presents a framework using state-of-the-art machine learning and computer vision algorithms to explore possibilities for automated syndrome identification based on shape information only. The purpose of this was to enhance understanding of the natural development of the Apert syndromic face and its abnormality as compared to a normative group. An additional method was used to objectify changes as result of facial bipartition distraction, a common surgical correction technique, providing information on the successfulness and on inadequacies in terms of facial normalisation. Growth curves were constructed to further quantify facial abnormalities in Apert syndrome over time along with 3D shape models for intuitive visualisation of the shape variations. Post-operative models were built and compared with age-matched normative data to understand where normalisation is coming short. The findings in this thesis provide markers for future translational research and may accelerate the adoption of the next generation diagnostics and surgical planning tools to further supplement the clinical decision-making process and ultimately to improve patients’ quality of life
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