7 research outputs found

    Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

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    In the medical field, experts’ knowledge is based on experience, theoretical knowledge and rules. Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving paradigm which is based on past experiences. For this purpose, a large number of decision support applications based on CBR have been developed. Cases retrieval is often considered as the most important step of case-based reasoning. In this article, we integrate fuzzy logic and data mining to improve the response time and the accuracy of the retrieval of similar cases. The proposed Fuzzy CBR is composed of two complementary parts; the part of classification by fuzzy decision tree realized by Fispro and the part of case-based reasoning realized by the platform JColibri. The use of fuzzy logic aims to reduce the complexity of calculating the degree of similarity that can exist between diabetic patients who require different monitoring plans. The results of the proposed approach are compared with earlier methods using accuracy as metrics. The experimental results indicate that the fuzzy decision tree is very effective in improving the accuracy for diabetes classification and hence improving the retrieval step of CBR reasoning

    Examining child obesity risk level using fuzzy inference system

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    The doctor will determine the risk level of childhood obesity by using standard calculations, namely measuring the child's weight and height, and many other factors. Then the doctor will calculate the child's body mass index (BMI). The results of calculations made by the doctor will be compared with standard/normal values set by FAO/WHO, to obtain the level of risk of obesity in children. This study aims to analyze the risk level of obesity in children using the Sugeno method of Fuzzy Inference system, using the trapezoidal membership function and involving six input variables such as exercise habits, consumption of fast food, history of obesity of parents, and others. The application of the fuzzy inference system Sugeno method can help doctors to analyze the risk level of childhood obesity quickly and accurately with an accuracy rate of 85%. The results of the implementation of the Sugeno method of Fuzzy Inference system showed that out of 140 children who were the object of the study, 119 children received a diagnosis of the level of risk of obesity which was the same as the diagnosis made by a doctor

    Mamdani Fuzzy Expert System Based Directional Relaying Approach for Six-Phase Transmission Line

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    Traditional directional relaying methods for 6-phase transmission lines have complex effort, and so there is still a need for novel direction relaying estimation scheme. This study presents a Mamdani-fuzzy expert system (MFES) approach for discriminating faulty section/zone, classifying faults and locating faults in 6-phase transmission lines. The 6-phase fundamental component of currents, voltages and phase angles are captured at single bus and are used in the protection scheme. Simulation results substantiate that the protection scheme is very successful against many parameters such as different fault types, fault resistances, transmission line fault locations and inception angles. A large number of fault case studies have been carried out to evaluate reach setting and % error of proposed method. It provides primary protection to transmission line length and also offers backup protection for a reverse section of transmission line. The experimental results show that the scheme performs better than the other schemes

    Improving Retrieval Performance of Case Based Reasoning Systems by Fuzzy Clustering

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    Case-based reasoning (CBR), which is a classical reasoning methodology, has been put to use. Its application has allowed significant progress in resolving problems related to the diagnosis, therapy, and prediction of diseases. However, this methodology has shown some complicated problems that must be resolved, including determining a representation form for the case (complexity, uncertainty, and vagueness of medical information), preventing the case base from the infinite growth of generated medical information and selecting the best retrieval technique. These limitations have pushed researchers to think about other ways of solving problems, and we are recently witnessing the integration of CBR with other techniques such as data mining. In this article, we develop a new approach integrating clustering (Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and K-Means) in the CBR cycle. Clustering is one of the crucial challenges and has been successfully used in many areas to develop innate structures and hidden patterns for data grouping [1]. The objective of the proposed approach is to solve the limitations of CBR and improve it, particularly in the search for similar cases (retrieval step). The approach is tested with the publicly available immunotherapy dataset. The results of the experimentations show that the integration of the FCM algorithm in the retrieval step reduces the search space (the large volume of information), resolves the problem of the vagueness of medical information, speeds up the calculation and response time, and increases the search efficiency, which further improves the performance of the retrieval step and, consequently, the CBR system

    Promoting Social Media Dissemination of Digital Images Through CBR-Based Tag Recommendation

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    Multimedia content has become an essential tool to share knowledge, sell products or disseminate messages. Some social networks use multimedia content to promote information and create social communities. In order to increase the impact of the digital content, those images or videos are labeled with different words, denominated tags. In this paper, we propose a recommender system which analyzes multimedia content and suggests tags to maximize its influence in the social community. It implements a Case-Based Reasoning architecture (CBR), which allows to learn from previous tagged content. The system has been evaluated through cross fold validation with a training and validation sets carefully constructed and extracted from Instagram. The results demonstrate that the system can suggest good options to label our image and maximize the influence of the multimedia content

    Modelo de un sistema basado en casos orientados al diagnóstico médico de una enfermedad

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    objetivo establecer un modelo de un sistema basado en casos orientado al diagnóstico médico de una enfermedad, que para nuestro caso fue la diabetes mellitus. Metodología: Investigación de tipo tecnológica, con nivel descriptivo analítico, con enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, cuantificando el nivel de concordancia entre los resultados del modelo y el diagnóstico médico. Se tomó la base de casos de Pima Indians Database sobre la enfermedad diabetes que contiene 769 casos coleccionados de pacientes con las características de síntomas y afecciones. La técnica empleada estuvo referida a el razonamiento basado en casos (RBC), en sus diferentes fases. Resultados: El modelo construido contiene el ciclo RBC orientado al diagnóstico médico, desarrollándose un aplicativo mediante los softwares integrados en Plugin Protégé y myCBR, los cuales permiten hacer la consulta de un caso médico y el software reporta que casos son los mas similares al consultado Conclusión: Es perfectamente factible la construcción de este modelo, llegando a tener una concordancia bastante alta con el diagnóstico médico, medido a través del índice Kappa de Cohen con un p-valor = 0,000 < 0,01, elcual es altamente significativ

    Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

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