1,794 research outputs found

    Survey and Systematization of Secure Device Pairing

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    Secure Device Pairing (SDP) schemes have been developed to facilitate secure communications among smart devices, both personal mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Comparison and assessment of SDP schemes is troublesome, because each scheme makes different assumptions about out-of-band channels and adversary models, and are driven by their particular use-cases. A conceptual model that facilitates meaningful comparison among SDP schemes is missing. We provide such a model. In this article, we survey and analyze a wide range of SDP schemes that are described in the literature, including a number that have been adopted as standards. A system model and consistent terminology for SDP schemes are built on the foundation of this survey, which are then used to classify existing SDP schemes into a taxonomy that, for the first time, enables their meaningful comparison and analysis.The existing SDP schemes are analyzed using this model, revealing common systemic security weaknesses among the surveyed SDP schemes that should become priority areas for future SDP research, such as improving the integration of privacy requirements into the design of SDP schemes. Our results allow SDP scheme designers to create schemes that are more easily comparable with one another, and to assist the prevention of persisting the weaknesses common to the current generation of SDP schemes.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted at IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2017 (Volume: PP, Issue: 99

    Low-Power Human-Machine Interfaces: Analysis And Design

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    Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) systems, once used for clinical applications, have recently reached a broader set of scenarios, such as industrial, gaming, learning, and health tracking thanks to advancements in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. A growing trend is to integrate computational capabilities into wearable devices to reduce power consumption associated with wireless data transfer while providing a natural and unobtrusive way of interaction. However, current platforms can barely cope with the computational complexity introduced by the required feature extraction and classification algorithms without compromising the battery life and the overall intrusiveness of the system. Thus, highly-wearable and real-time HMIs are yet to be introduced. Designing and implementing highly energy-efficient biosignal devices demands a fine-tuning to meet the constraints typically required in everyday scenarios. This thesis work tackles these challenges in specific case studies, devising solutions based on bioelectrical signals, namely EEG and EMG, for advanced hand gesture recognition. The implementation of these systems followed a complete analysis to reduce the overall intrusiveness of the system through sensor design and miniaturization of the hardware implementation. Several solutions have been studied to cope with the computational complexity of the DSP algorithms, including commercial single-core and open-source Parallel Ultra Low Power architectures, that have been selected accordingly also to reduce the overall system power consumption. By further adding energy harvesting techniques combined with the firmware and hardware optimization, the systems achieved self-sustainable operation or a significant boost in battery life. The HMI platforms presented are entirely programmable and provide computational power to satisfy the requirements of the studies applications while employing only a fraction of the CPU resources, giving the perspective of further application more advanced paradigms for the next generation of real-time embedded biosignal processing

    Advancing Gesture Recognition with Millimeter Wave Radar

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    Wireless sensing has attracted significant interest over the years, and with the dawn of emerging technologies, it has become more integrated into our daily lives. Among the various wireless communication platforms, WiFi has gained widespread deployment in indoor settings. Consequently, the utilization of ubiquitous WiFi signals for detecting indoor human activities has garnered considerable attention in the past decade. However, more recently, mmWave Radar-based sensing has emerged as a promising alternative, offering advantages such as enhanced sensitivity to motion and increased bandwidth. This thesis introduces innovative approaches to enhance contactless gesture recognition by leveraging emerging low-cost millimeter wave radar technology. It makes three key contributions. Firstly, a cross-modality training technique is proposed, using mmWave radar as a supplementary aid for training WiFi-based deep learning models. The proposed model enables precise gesture detection based solely on WiFi signals, significantly improving WiFi-based recognition. Secondly, a novel beamforming-based gesture detection system is presented, utilizing commodity mmWave radars for accurate detection in low signal-to-noise scenarios. By steering multiple beams around the gesture performer, independent views of the gesture are captured. A selfattention based deep neural network intelligently fuses information from these beams, surpassing single-beam accuracy. The model incorporates a unique data augmentation algorithm accounting for Doppler shift and multipath effects, enhancing generalization. Notably, the proposed method achieves superior gesture classification performance, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches by 31-43% with only two beams. Thirdly, the research explores receiver antenna diversity in mmWave radars to further improve gesture recognition accuracy by deep learning techniques to combine data from multiple receiver antennas, leveraging inherent diversity for enhanced detection. Extensive experimentation and evaluation demonstrate substantial advancements in contactless gesture recognition using low-cost mmWave radar technology

    From wearable towards epidermal computing : soft wearable devices for rich interaction on the skin

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    Human skin provides a large, always available, and easy to access real-estate for interaction. Recent advances in new materials, electronics, and human-computer interaction have led to the emergence of electronic devices that reside directly on the user's skin. These conformal devices, referred to as Epidermal Devices, have mechanical properties compatible with human skin: they are very thin, often thinner than human hair; they elastically deform when the body is moving, and stretch with the user's skin. Firstly, this thesis provides a conceptual understanding of Epidermal Devices in the HCI literature. We compare and contrast them with other technical approaches that enable novel on-skin interactions. Then, through a multi-disciplinary analysis of Epidermal Devices, we identify the design goals and challenges that need to be addressed for advancing this emerging research area in HCI. Following this, our fundamental empirical research investigated how epidermal devices of different rigidity levels affect passive and active tactile perception. Generally, a correlation was found between the device rigidity and tactile sensitivity thresholds as well as roughness discrimination ability. Based on these findings, we derive design recommendations for realizing epidermal devices. Secondly, this thesis contributes novel Epidermal Devices that enable rich on-body interaction. SkinMarks contributes to the fabrication and design of novel Epidermal Devices that are highly skin-conformal and enable touch, squeeze, and bend sensing with co-located visual output. These devices can be deployed on highly challenging body locations, enabling novel interaction techniques and expanding the design space of on-body interaction. Multi-Touch Skin enables high-resolution multi-touch input on the body. We present the first non-rectangular and high-resolution multi-touch sensor overlays for use on skin and introduce a design tool that generates such sensors in custom shapes and sizes. Empirical results from two technical evaluations confirm that the sensor achieves a high signal-to-noise ratio on the body under various grounding conditions and has a high spatial accuracy even when subjected to strong deformations. Thirdly, Epidermal Devices are in contact with the skin, they offer opportunities for sensing rich physiological signals from the body. To leverage this unique property, this thesis presents rapid fabrication and computational design techniques for realizing Multi-Modal Epidermal Devices that can measure multiple physiological signals from the human body. Devices fabricated through these techniques can measure ECG (Electrocardiogram), EMG (Electromyogram), and EDA (Electro-Dermal Activity). We also contribute a computational design and optimization method based on underlying human anatomical models to create optimized device designs that provide an optimal trade-off between physiological signal acquisition capability and device size. The graphical tool allows for easily specifying design preferences and to visually analyze the generated designs in real-time, enabling designer-in-the-loop optimization. Experimental results show high quantitative agreement between the prediction of the optimizer and experimentally collected physiological data. Finally, taking a multi-disciplinary perspective, we outline the roadmap for future research in this area by highlighting the next important steps, opportunities, and challenges. Taken together, this thesis contributes towards a holistic understanding of Epidermal Devices}: it provides an empirical and conceptual understanding as well as technical insights through contributions in DIY (Do-It-Yourself), rapid fabrication, and computational design techniques.Die menschliche Haut bietet eine große, stets verfügbare und leicht zugängliche Fläche für Interaktion. Jüngste Fortschritte in den Bereichen Materialwissenschaft, Elektronik und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Human-Computer-Interaction, HCI) [so that you can later use the Englisch abbreviation] haben zur Entwicklung elektronischer Geräte geführt, die sich direkt auf der Haut des Benutzers befinden. Diese sogenannten Epidermisgeräte haben mechanische Eigenschaften, die mit der menschlichen Haut kompatibel sind: Sie sind sehr dünn, oft dünner als ein menschliches Haar; sie verformen sich elastisch, wenn sich der Körper bewegt, und dehnen sich mit der Haut des Benutzers. Diese Thesis bietet, erstens, ein konzeptionelles Verständnis von Epidermisgeräten in der HCI-Literatur. Wir vergleichen sie mit anderen technischen Ansätzen, die neuartige Interaktionen auf der Haut ermöglichen. Dann identifizieren wir durch eine multidisziplinäre Analyse von Epidermisgeräten die Designziele und Herausforderungen, die angegangen werden müssen, um diesen aufstrebenden Forschungsbereich voranzubringen. Im Anschluss daran untersuchten wir in unserer empirischen Grundlagenforschung, wie epidermale Geräte unterschiedlicher Steifigkeit die passive und aktive taktile Wahrnehmung beeinflussen. Im Allgemeinen wurde eine Korrelation zwischen der Steifigkeit des Geräts und den taktilen Empfindlichkeitsschwellen sowie der Fähigkeit zur Rauheitsunterscheidung festgestellt. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen leiten wir Designempfehlungen für die Realisierung epidermaler Geräte ab. Zweitens trägt diese Thesis zu neuartigen Epidermisgeräten bei, die eine reichhaltige Interaktion am Körper ermöglichen. SkinMarks trägt zur Herstellung und zum Design neuartiger Epidermisgeräte bei, die hochgradig an die Haut angepasst sind und Berührungs-, Quetsch- und Biegesensoren mit gleichzeitiger visueller Ausgabe ermöglichen. Diese Geräte können an sehr schwierigen Körperstellen eingesetzt werden, ermöglichen neuartige Interaktionstechniken und erweitern den Designraum für die Interaktion am Körper. Multi-Touch Skin ermöglicht hochauflösende Multi-Touch-Eingaben am Körper. Wir präsentieren die ersten nicht-rechteckigen und hochauflösenden Multi-Touch-Sensor-Overlays zur Verwendung auf der Haut und stellen ein Design-Tool vor, das solche Sensoren in benutzerdefinierten Formen und Größen erzeugt. Empirische Ergebnisse aus zwei technischen Evaluierungen bestätigen, dass der Sensor auf dem Körper unter verschiedenen Bedingungen ein hohes Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis erreicht und eine hohe räumliche Auflösung aufweist, selbst wenn er starken Verformungen ausgesetzt ist. Drittens, da Epidermisgeräte in Kontakt mit der Haut stehen, bieten sie die Möglichkeit, reichhaltige physiologische Signale des Körpers zu erfassen. Um diese einzigartige Eigenschaft zu nutzen, werden in dieser Arbeit Techniken zur schnellen Herstellung und zum computergestützten Design von multimodalen Epidermisgeräten vorgestellt, die mehrere physiologische Signale des menschlichen Körpers messen können. Die mit diesen Techniken hergestellten Geräte können EKG (Elektrokardiogramm), EMG (Elektromyogramm) und EDA (elektrodermale Aktivität) messen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir eine computergestützte Design- und Optimierungsmethode vor, die auf den zugrunde liegenden anatomischen Modellen des Menschen basiert, um optimierte Gerätedesigns zu erstellen. Diese Designs bieten einen optimalen Kompromiss zwischen der Fähigkeit zur Erfassung physiologischer Signale und der Größe des Geräts. Das grafische Tool ermöglicht die einfache Festlegung von Designpräferenzen und die visuelle Analyse der generierten Designs in Echtzeit, was eine Optimierung durch den Designer im laufenden Betrieb ermöglicht. Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe quantitative Übereinstimmung zwischen den Vorhersagen des Optimierers und den experimentell erfassten physiologischen Daten. Schließlich skizzieren wir aus einer multidisziplinären Perspektive einen Fahrplan für zukünftige Forschung in diesem Bereich, indem wir die nächsten wichtigen Schritte, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen hervorheben. Insgesamt trägt diese Arbeit zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis von Epidermisgeräten bei: Sie liefert ein empirisches und konzeptionelles Verständnis sowie technische Einblicke durch Beiträge zu DIY (Do-It-Yourself), schneller Fertigung und computergestützten Entwurfstechniken

    Interaction Design for Digital Musical Instruments

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    The thesis aims to elucidate the process of designing interactive systems for musical performance that combine software and hardware in an intuitive and elegant fashion. The original contribution to knowledge consists of: (1) a critical assessment of recent trends in digital musical instrument design, (2) a descriptive model of interaction design for the digital musician and (3) a highly customisable multi-touch performance system that was designed in accordance with the model. Digital musical instruments are composed of a separate control interface and a sound generation system that exchange information. When designing the way in which a digital musical instrument responds to the actions of a performer, we are creating a layer of interactive behaviour that is abstracted from the physical controls. Often, the structure of this layer depends heavily upon: 1. The accepted design conventions of the hardware in use 2. Established musical systems, acoustic or digital 3. The physical configuration of the hardware devices and the grouping of controls that such configuration suggests This thesis proposes an alternate way to approach the design of digital musical instrument behaviour – examining the implicit characteristics of its composite devices. When we separate the conversational ability of a particular sensor type from its hardware body, we can look in a new way at the actual communication tools at the heart of the device. We can subsequently combine these separate pieces using a series of generic interaction strategies in order to create rich interactive experiences that are not immediately obvious or directly inspired by the physical properties of the hardware. This research ultimately aims to enhance and clarify the existing toolkit of interaction design for the digital musician