1,371 research outputs found

    Device-independent verifiable blind quantum computation

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    As progress on experimental quantum processors continues to advance, the problem of verifying the correct operation of such devices is becoming a pressing concern. The recent discovery of protocols for verifying computation performed by entangled but non-communicating quantum processors holds the promise of certifying the correctness of arbitrary quantum computations in a fully device-independent manner. Unfortunately, all known schemes have prohibitive overhead, with resources scaling as extremely high degree polynomials in the number of gates constituting the computation. Here we present a novel approach based on a combination of verified blind quantum computation and Bell state self-testing. This approach has dramatically reduced overhead, with resources scaling as only O(m4lnm) in the number of gates

    Parallel remote state preparation for fully device-independent verifiable blind quantum computation

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    We introduce a device-independent two-prover scheme in which a classical verifier is able to use a simple untrusted quantum measurement device (the client device) to securely delegate a quantum computation to an untrusted quantum server. To do this, we construct a parallel self-testing protocol to perform device-independent remote state preparation of nn qubits and compose this with the unconditionally secure universal verifiable blind quantum computation (VBQC) scheme of J. F. Fitzsimons and E. Kashefi [Phys. Rev. A 96, 012303 (2017)]. Our self-test achieves a multitude of desirable properties for the application we consider, giving rise to practical and fully device-independent VBQC. It certifies parallel measurements of all cardinal and intercardinal directions in the XYXY-plane as well as the computational basis, uses few input questions (of size logarithmic in nn for the client and a constant number communicated to the server), and requires only single-qubit measurements to be performed by the client device.Comment: 55 pages, 3 figure

    Flow Ambiguity: A Path Towards Classically Driven Blind Quantum Computation

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    Blind quantum computation protocols allow a user to delegate a computation to a remote quantum computer in such a way that the privacy of their computation is preserved, even from the device implementing the computation. To date, such protocols are only known for settings involving at least two quantum devices: either a user with some quantum capabilities and a remote quantum server or two or more entangled but noncommunicating servers. In this work, we take the first step towards the construction of a blind quantum computing protocol with a completely classical client and single quantum server. Specifically, we show how a classical client can exploit the ambiguity in the flow of information in measurement-based quantum computing to construct a protocol for hiding critical aspects of a computation delegated to a remote quantum computer. This ambiguity arises due to the fact that, for a fixed graph, there exist multiple choices of the input and output vertex sets that result in deterministic measurement patterns consistent with the same fixed total ordering of vertices. This allows a classical user, computing only measurement angles, to drive a measurement-based computation performed on a remote device while hiding critical aspects of the computation.Comment: (v3) 14 pages, 6 figures. expands introduction and definition of flow, corrects typos to increase readability; contains a new figure to illustrate example run of CDBQC protocol; minor changes to match the published version.(v2) 12 pages, 5 figures. Corrects motivation for quantities used in blindness analysi

    Unconditionally verifiable blind computation

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    Blind Quantum Computing (BQC) allows a client to have a server carry out a quantum computation for them such that the client's input, output and computation remain private. A desirable property for any BQC protocol is verification, whereby the client can verify with high probability whether the server has followed the instructions of the protocol, or if there has been some deviation resulting in a corrupted output state. A verifiable BQC protocol can be viewed as an interactive proof system leading to consequences for complexity theory. The authors, together with Broadbent, previously proposed a universal and unconditionally secure BQC scheme where the client only needs to be able to prepare single qubits in separable states randomly chosen from a finite set and send them to the server, who has the balance of the required quantum computational resources. In this paper we extend that protocol with new functionality allowing blind computational basis measurements, which we use to construct a new verifiable BQC protocol based on a new class of resource states. We rigorously prove that the probability of failing to detect an incorrect output is exponentially small in a security parameter, while resource overhead remains polynomial in this parameter. The new resource state allows entangling gates to be performed between arbitrary pairs of logical qubits with only constant overhead. This is a significant improvement on the original scheme, which required that all computations to be performed must first be put into a nearest neighbour form, incurring linear overhead in the number of qubits. Such an improvement has important consequences for efficiency and fault-tolerance thresholds.Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures. Additional protocol added which allows arbitrary circuits to be verified with polynomial securit