1,294 research outputs found

    Cable-driven parallel mechanisms for minimally invasive robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionised surgery by providing faster recovery times, less post-operative complications, improved cosmesis and reduced pain for the patient. Surgical robotics are used to further decrease the invasiveness of procedures, by using yet smaller and fewer incisions or using natural orifices as entry point. However, many robotic systems still suffer from technical challenges such as sufficient instrument dexterity and payloads, leading to limited adoption in clinical practice. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have unique properties, which can be used to overcome existing challenges in surgical robotics. These beneficial properties include high end-effector payloads, efficient force transmission and a large configurable instrument workspace. However, the use of CDPMs in MIS is largely unexplored. This research presents the first structured exploration of CDPMs for MIS and demonstrates the potential of this type of mechanism through the development of multiple prototypes: the ESD CYCLOPS, CDAQS, SIMPLE, neuroCYCLOPS and microCYCLOPS. One key challenge for MIS is the access method used to introduce CDPMs into the body. Three different access methods are presented by the prototypes. By focusing on the minimally invasive access method in which CDPMs are introduced into the body, the thesis provides a framework, which can be used by researchers, engineers and clinicians to identify future opportunities of CDPMs in MIS. Additionally, through user studies and pre-clinical studies, these prototypes demonstrate that this type of mechanism has several key advantages for surgical applications in which haptic feedback, safe automation or a high payload are required. These advantages, combined with the different access methods, demonstrate that CDPMs can have a key role in the advancement of MIS technology.Open Acces

    Anthropomorphic surgical system for soft tissue robot-assisted surgery

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    Over the past century, abdominal surgery has seen a rapid transition from open procedures to less invasive methods such as laparoscopy and robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (R-A MIS). These procedures have significantly decreased blood loss, postoperative morbidity and length of hospital stay in comparison with open surgery. R-A MIS has offered refined accuracy and more ergonomic instruments for surgeons, further minimising trauma to the patient.This thesis aims to investigate, design and prototype a novel system for R-A MIS that will provide more natural and intuitive manipulation of soft tissues and, at the same time, increase the surgeon's dexterity. The thesis reviews related work on surgical systems and discusses the requirements for designing surgical instrumentation. From the background research conducted in this thesis, it is clear that training surgeons in MIS procedures is becoming increasingly long and arduous. Furthermore, most available systems adopt a design similar to conventional laparoscopic instruments or focus on different techniques with debatable benefits. The system proposed in this thesis not only aims to reduce the training time for surgeons but also to improve the ergonomics of the procedure.In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted among surgeons, regarding their opinions on surgical training, surgical systems, how satisfied they are with them and how easy they are to use. A concept for MIS robotic instrumentation was then developed and a series of focus group meetings with surgeons were run to discuss it. The proposed system, named microAngelo, is an anthropomorphic master-slave system that comprises a three-digit miniature hand that can be controlled using the master, a three-digit sensory exoskeleton. While multi-fingered robotic hands have been developed for decades, none have been used for surgical operations. As the system has a human centred design, its relation to the human hand is discussed. Prototypes of both the master and the slave have been developed and their design and mechanisms is demonstrated. The accuracy and repeatability of the master as well as the accuracy and force capabilities of the slave are tested and discussed

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    Robocatch: Design and Making of a Hand-Held Spillage-Free Specimen Retrieval Robot for Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Specimen retrieval is an important step in laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed to diagnose and treat a myriad of medical pathologies in fields ranging from gynecology to oncology. Specimen retrieval bags (SRBs) are used to facilitate this task, while minimizing contamination of neighboring tissues and port-sites in the abdominal cavity. This manual surgical procedure requires usage of multiple ports, creating a traffic of simultaneous operations of multiple instruments in a limited shared workspace. The skill-demanding nature of this procedure makes it time-consuming, leading to surgeons’ fatigue and operational inefficiency. This thesis presents the design and making of RoboCatch, a novel hand-held robot that aids a surgeon in performing spillage-free retrieval of operative specimens in laparoscopic surgery. The proposed design significantly modifies and extends conventional instruments that are currently used by surgeons for the retrieval task: The core instrumentation of RoboCatch comprises a webbed three-fingered grasper and atraumatic forceps that are concentrically situated in a folded configuration inside a trocar. The specimen retrieval task is achieved in six stages: 1) The trocar is introduced into the surgical site through an instrument port, 2) the three webbed fingers slide out of the tube and simultaneously unfold in an umbrella like-fashion, 3) the forceps slide toward, and grasp, the excised specimen, 4) the forceps retract the grasped specimen into the center of the surrounding grasper, 5) the grasper closes to achieve a secured containment of the specimen, and 6) the grasper, along with the contained specimen, is manually removed from the abdominal cavity. The resulting reduction in the number of active ports reduces obstruction of the port-site and increases the procedure’s efficiency. The design process was initiated by acquiring crucial parameters from surgeons and creating a design table, which informed the CAD modeling of the robot structure and selection of actuation units and fabrication material. The robot prototype was first examined in CAD simulation and then fabricated using an Objet30 Prime 3D printer. Physical validation experiments were conducted to verify the functionality of different mechanisms of the robot. Further, specimen retrieval experiments were conducted with porcine meat samples to test the feasibility of the proposed design. Experimental results revealed that the robot was capable of retrieving masses of specimen ranging from 1 gram to 50 grams. The making of RoboCatch represents a significant step toward advancing the frontiers of hand-held robots for performing specimen retrieval tasks in minimally invasive surgery
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