522 research outputs found

    AI for climate science

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    Using Machine Learning for Model Physics: an Overview

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    In the overview, a generic mathematical object (mapping) is introduced, and its relation to model physics parameterization is explained. Machine learning (ML) tools that can be used to emulate and/or approximate mappings are introduced. Applications of ML to emulate existing parameterizations, to develop new parameterizations, to ensure physical constraints, and control the accuracy of developed applications are described. Some ML approaches that allow developers to go beyond the standard parameterization paradigm are discussed.Comment: 50 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Next-Generation Earth System Models: Towards Reliable Hybrid Models for Weather and Climate Applications

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    We review how machine learning has transformed our ability to model the Earth system, and how we expect recent breakthroughs to benefit end-users in Switzerland in the near future. Drawing from our review, we identify three recommendations. Recommendation 1: Develop Hybrid AI-Physical Models: Emphasize the integration of AI and physical modeling for improved reliability, especially for longer prediction horizons, acknowledging the delicate balance between knowledge-based and data-driven components required for optimal performance. Recommendation 2: Emphasize Robustness in AI Downscaling Approaches, favoring techniques that respect physical laws, preserve inter-variable dependencies and spatial structures, and accurately represent extremes at the local scale. Recommendation 3: Promote Inclusive Model Development: Ensure Earth System Model development is open and accessible to diverse stakeholders, enabling forecasters, the public, and AI/statistics experts to use, develop, and engage with the model and its predictions/projections.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, submitted as part of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences' 2024 whitepaper on "Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation

    Statistical methods and machine learning in weather and climate modeling

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    Assessing the Potential of Deep Learning for Emulating Cloud Superparameterization in Climate Models with Real-Geography Boundary Conditions

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    We explore the potential of feed-forward deep neural networks (DNNs) for emulating cloud superparameterization in realistic geography, using offline fits to data from the Super Parameterized Community Atmospheric Model. To identify the network architecture of greatest skill, we formally optimize hyperparameters using ~250 trials. Our DNN explains over 70 percent of the temporal variance at the 15-minute sampling scale throughout the mid-to-upper troposphere. Autocorrelation timescale analysis compared against DNN skill suggests the less good fit in the tropical, marine boundary layer is driven by neural network difficulty emulating fast, stochastic signals in convection. However, spectral analysis in the temporal domain indicates skillful emulation of signals on diurnal to synoptic scales. A close look at the diurnal cycle reveals correct emulation of land-sea contrasts and vertical structure in the heating and moistening fields, but some distortion of precipitation. Sensitivity tests targeting precipitation skill reveal complementary effects of adding positive constraints vs. hyperparameter tuning, motivating the use of both in the future. A first attempt to force an offline land model with DNN emulated atmospheric fields produces reassuring results further supporting neural network emulation viability in real-geography settings. Overall, the fit skill is competitive with recent attempts by sophisticated Residual and Convolutional Neural Network architectures trained on added information, including memory of past states. Our results confirm the parameterizability of superparameterized convection with continents through machine learning and we highlight advantages of casting this problem locally in space and time for accurate emulation and hopefully quick implementation of hybrid climate models.Comment: 32 Pages, 13 Figures, Revised Version Submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems April 202

    Efficient Climate Simulation via Machine Learning Method

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    Hybrid modeling combining data-driven techniques and numerical methods is an emerging and promising research direction for efficient climate simulation. However, previous works lack practical platforms, making developing hybrid modeling a challenging programming problem. Furthermore, the lack of standard data sets and evaluation metrics may hamper researchers from comprehensively comparing various algorithms under a uniform condition. To address these problems, we propose a framework called NeuroClim for hybrid modeling under the real-world scenario, a basic setting to simulate the real climate that we live in. NeuroClim consists of three parts: (1) Platform. We develop a user-friendly platform NeuroGCM for efficiently developing hybrid modeling in climate simulation. (2) Dataset. We provide an open-source dataset for data-driven methods in hybrid modeling. We investigate the characteristics of the data, i.e., heterogeneity and stiffness, which reveals the difficulty of regressing climate simulation data; (3) Metrics. We propose a methodology for quantitatively evaluating hybrid modeling, including the approximation ability of machine learning models and the stability during simulation. We believe that NeuroClim allows researchers to work without high level of climate-related expertise and focus only on machine learning algorithm design, which will accelerate hybrid modeling research in the AI-Climate intersection. The codes and data are released at https://github.com/x-w19/NeuroClim.Comment: Work in progres