2,092 research outputs found

    Magnetic Surgical Instruments for Robotic Abdominal Surgery.

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    This review looks at the implementation of magnetic-based approaches in surgical instruments for abdominal surgeries. As abdominal surgical techniques advance toward minimizing surgical trauma, surgical instruments are enhanced to support such an objective through the exploration of magnetic-based systems. With this design approach, surgical devices are given the capabilities to be fully inserted intraabdominally to achieve access to all abdominal quadrants, without the conventional rigid link connection with the external unit. The variety of intraabdominal surgical devices are anchored, guided, and actuated by external units, with power and torque transmitted across the abdominal wall through magnetic linkage. This addresses many constraints encountered by conventional laparoscopic tools, such as loss of triangulation, fulcrum effect, and loss/lack of dexterity for surgical tasks. Design requirements of clinical considerations to aid the successful development of magnetic surgical instruments, are also discussed

    Novel pneumatic circuit for the computational control of soft robots

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    Soft robots are of significant research interest in recent decades due to their adaptability to unstructured environments and safe interaction with humans. Soft pneumatic robots, one of the most dominant subsets of soft robots, utilize the interaction between soft elastomeric materials and pressurized air to achieve desired functions. However, the systems currently used for signal computation and pneumatic regulation often make use of rigid valves, pumps, syringe drivers, microcontrollers et al. These bulky and non-integrable devices limit the performance of pneumatically-driven soft robots, carrying challenges for the robot to be miniaturized, untethered, and agile. This DPhil aims to develop pneumatic circuits that can be integrated into the soft robot bodies while performing both onboard computation and control. This thesis presents our contributions towards the aforementioned objective step by step. Firstly, we designed a 3D-printable bistable valve with tunable behaviours for controlling soft pneumatic robots. As an integrable control device, the valve stores one bit of binary information without requiring a constant energy supply and correspondingly controls a pneumatic chamber. Secondly, in order to reduce the number of valves required to control multi-chamber soft robots, we introduced a modular approach to design multi-channel bistable valves based on the previous work. Thirdly, in order to achieve continuous pressure modulation with integrable devices, we designed a soft proportional valve, utilizing the continuous deformation of Magnetorheological Elastomer (MRE) under magnetic flux. Apart from the analogue activation manner, this design also ensures a fast response time, operating at a time scale of tens of milliseconds, much shorter than the mechanical response time of most soft pneumatic actuators. Fourthly, to achieve onboard proportional control of multi-chamber soft robots, we developed an MRE valve array with an embedded cooling chamber. Physical experiments showed that our MRE valve array ensured the independence and accuracy of each valve unit within it, with a significantly lowered temperature of 73.9 o^oC under 5 minutes of operation. Lastly, we developed an open-source software toolbox supporting the design of integrable pneumatic logic circuits to enhance their accessibility and performance. The toolbox comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) to take users' desired logic functions in the form of a truth table and a set of 2D space constraints related to the available space onboard the robot. It then schedules the pneumatic circuit which performs the desired computation within the space constraints and produces a 3D-printable CAD file that can be fabricated and used directly. The work presented in this thesis enables the community to simplify the process of integrating control devices into soft pneumatic robots, thereby paving the way for a new generation of fully untethered and autonomous soft robots

    Configuration Recognition, Communication Fault Tolerance and Self-reassembly for the CKBot

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    We present and experimentally verify novel methods for increasing the generality of control, autonomy and reliability for modular robotic systems. In particular, we demonstrate configuration recognition, distributed communication fault tolerance, and the organization and control of self-reassembly with the Connector Kinetic roBot (CKBot). The primary contribution of this work is the presentation and experimental verification of these innovative methods that are general and applicable to other modular robotic systems. We describe our CKBot system and compare it to other similar, state-of-the-art modular robotic systems. Our description and comparison highlights various design developments, features, and notable achievements of these systems. We present work on isomorphic configuration recognition with CKBot. Here, we utilize basic principles from graph theory to create and implement an algorithm on CKBot that automatically recognizes modular robot configurations. In particular, we describe how comparing graph spectra of configuration matrices can be used to find a permutation matrix that maps a given configuration to a known one. If a configuration is matched to one in a library of stored gaits, a permutation mapping is applied and the corresponding coordinated control for locomotion is executed. An implementation of the matching algorithm with small configurations of CKBot configurations that can be rearranged during runtime is presented. We also present work on a distributed fault-tolerance algorithm used to control CKBot configurations. Here, we use a triple modular redundancy approach for CKBot units to collectively vote on observations and execute commands in the presence of infrared (IR) communication failures. In our implementation, we broadcast infrared signals to modules which collaboratively vote on a majority course of action. Various gait selections for a seven module caterpillar and sixteen module quadruped with faulty subsets of IR receivers have been verified to demonstrate the algorithm\u27s robustness. Lastly, we present work on the communication hierarchy and control state machine for the Self-reassembly After Explosion (SAE) robot. Here, we discuss the interaction and integration of the various sensory inputs and control outputs implemented for camera-guided self-reassembly with CKBot. This section describes the overall communication system and reassembly sequence planning after a group of CKBot clusters is kicked apart


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    Limpet II: A Modular, Untethered Soft Robot

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    The ability to navigate complex unstructured environments and carry out inspection tasks requires robots to be capable of climbing inclined surfaces and to be equipped with a sensor payload. These features are desirable for robots that are used to inspect and monitor offshore energy platforms. Existing climbing robots mostly use rigid actuators, and robots that use soft actuators are not fully untethered yet. Another major problem with current climbing robots is that they are not built in a modular fashion, which makes it harder to adapt the system to new tasks, to repair the system, and to replace and reconfigure modules. This work presents a 450 g and a 250 × 250 × 140 mm modular, untethered hybrid hard/soft robot—Limpet II. The Limpet II uses a hybrid electromagnetic module as its core module to allow adhesion and locomotion capabilities. The adhesion capability is based on negative pressure adhesion utilizing suction cups. The locomotion capability is based on slip-stick locomotion. The Limpet II also has a sensor payload with nine different sensing modalities, which can be used to inspect and monitor offshore structures and the conditions surrounding them. Since the Limpet II is designed as a modular system, the modules can be reconfigured to achieve multiple tasks. To demonstrate its potential for inspection of offshore platforms, we show that the Limpet II is capable of responding to different sensory inputs, repositioning itself within its environment, adhering to structures made of different materials, and climbing inclined surfaces

    Soft Scalable Self-Reconfigurable Modular Cellbot

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    Hazardous environments such as disaster affected areas, outer space, and radiation affected areas are dangerous for humans. Autonomous systems which can navigate through these environments would reduce risk of life. The terrains in these applications are diverse and unknown, hence there is a requirement for a robot which can self-adapt its morphology and use suitable control to optimally move in the desired manner. Although there exist monolithic robots for some of these applications, such as the Curiosity rover for Mars exploration, a modular robot containing multiple simple units could increase the fault tolerance. A modular design also enables scaling up or down of the robot based on the current task, for example, scaling up by connecting multiple units to cover a wider area or scaling down to pass through a tight space.Taking bio-inspiration from cells, where – based on environmental conditions – cells come together to form different structures to carry out different tasks, a soft modular robot called Cellbot was developed which was composed of multiple units called ‘cells’. Tests were conducted to understand the cellbot movement over different frictional surfaces for different actuation functions, the number of cells connected in a line (1D), and the shapes formed by connecting cells in 2D. A simulation model was developed to test a large range of frictional values and actuation functions for different friction coefficients. Based on the obtained results, cells could be designed using a material with frictional properties lying in the optimal locomotion range. In other cases, where the application has diverse terrains, the number of connected units can be changed to optimise the robot locomotion. Initial tests were conducted using a ‘ball robot’, where the cellbot was designed using balls which touch ground to exploit friction and actuators to provide force to move the robot. The model was extended to develop, a ‘bellow robot’ which was fabricated using hyper-elastic bellows and employed pneumatic actuation. The amount of inflation of a cell and its neighbouring cells determined if the cell would touch the ground or be lifted up. This was used to change cell behaviour where a cell could be touching ground to provide anchoring friction, or lifted to push or pull the cells and thereby move the robot. The cells were connected by magnets which could be disconnected and reconnected by morphing the robot body. The cellbot can thus reconfigure by changing the number of connected units or its shape. The easy detachment can be used to remove and replace damaged cells. Complex cellbot movements can be achieved by either switching between different robot morphologies or by changing actuation control.Future cellbots will be controlled remotely to change their morphology, control, and number of connected cells, making them suitable for missions which require fault tolerance and autonomous shape adaptation. The proposed cellbot platform has the potential to reduce the energy, time and costs in comparison to traditional robots and has potential for applications such as exploration missions for outer space, search and rescue missions for disaster affected areas, internal medical procedures, and nuclear decommissioning.<br/

    Design, Actuation, and Functionalization of Untethered Soft Magnetic Robots with Life-Like Motions: A Review

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    Soft robots have demonstrated superior flexibility and functionality than conventional rigid robots. These versatile devices can respond to a wide range of external stimuli (including light, magnetic field, heat, electric field, etc.), and can perform sophisticated tasks. Notably, soft magnetic robots exhibit unparalleled advantages among numerous soft robots (such as untethered control, rapid response, and high safety), and have made remarkable progress in small-scale manipulation tasks and biomedical applications. Despite the promising potential, soft magnetic robots are still in their infancy and require significant advancements in terms of fabrication, design principles, and functional development to be viable for real-world applications. Recent progress shows that bionics can serve as an effective tool for developing soft robots. In light of this, the review is presented with two main goals: (i) exploring how innovative bioinspired strategies can revolutionize the design and actuation of soft magnetic robots to realize various life-like motions; (ii) examining how these bionic systems could benefit practical applications in small-scale solid/liquid manipulation and therapeutic/diagnostic-related biomedical fields